Where should I look for PbF?

  • 1 Replies
Where should I look for PbF?
« on: January 31, 2014, 03:25:24 PM »
Is there anywhere online where a lot of Apocalypse World Play by Forum is going on? What would be my best bet if I want to find a game to get in on as a player? If this isn't the place to post this, by the way, let me know and I'll move along.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 05:12:13 PM by nremesis »

Re: Where should I look for PbF?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2014, 03:41:15 AM »
Hey there's some places to go:

Snail's pace is a good start, there's a few PBF games going on and with a little poking you could probably get a new AW game going.

Another site called Yay-An-RPG is similar, but updated. You need to send an email to the admin for an invite. There's some monsterhearts going on there now, some poison'd. Probably a good place to get involved in apocalypse engine gaming.
Application email: yayanrpg@gmail.com

There's certainly more out there, but nearly all gaming at these sites has been AW engine.

I think the general rule is that if you show up and express interest then gaming will happen, can take a little time for a dedicated gm to get things started though, so a little patient prodding can be helpful.