So, MCing the 1st session Saturday evening (so quick replies are greatly appreciated).
I know that before the first session I'm supposed to "daydream some apocalyptic imagery, but DO NOT commit yourself to any storyline or particular characters." How far should I take that, exactly? There is no explicit default setting or regional power structure in Apocalypse World. The Psychic Maelstrom is entirely undefined. The apocalypse event itself is undefined.
I know I'm supposed to get the players to answer a lot of these questions by asking them during the first session. "So, who's in charge around here? What settlements do your holding trade with? How do you feel when you open your brain to the Psychic Maelstrom? Your character is really old - what does she remember about the fall of civilization back in her childhood?" That's all well and good, but I expect that will generate the kind of setting I'm envisioning from the book's examples: a barren wasteland with isolated villages and strongholds struggling against each other and the elements. That leaves out a whole slew of other post-apocalyptic setting possibilities: like, the one with a strong authority with access to hi-tech ruling the wasteland from the crumbling towers of an old megacity, or the one where pockets of reality have been torn asunder and everyone have birth defects of varying intensity, or the one where large numbers of NPCs inhabit manufactured cities of lies and the adjoining wasteland is inhabited by diseased alien angels and evil sorcerous humans feeding off suicidal despair (that last one, a bit out there, was BWHQ's Under a Serpent Sun).
Now, I recognize that of the many possible settings, there may only be a handful of options that actually fit with the player characters picked and the standard moves in play. So I'm wondering, what have others done for pre-session-1 prep, and to what degree should the MC have a few setting ideas prepped ahead of time (even if they're modified later, in play)?