Well, it's clear to see the source of your inspiration!
But I wonder if there are many ways for this character to play out? Enough different angles to take on the character? I also worry that, really, the rest of the party are going to have glum time trying to hack out a little bit of sanctuary in the waste of apocalype world if they have a Freaker along. How do you see the rest of the party getting on with the Freaker?
Oh, and some of the stat lines add up a bit strange. Is that deliberate?
How many angles does the joker have? From the Clown Prince of crime, mischievous and naive, to the psycho, cold-minded killer from The Dark Knight, there are endless ways to play the Freaker. He can be like a mischievous fairy, doing random things, maybe playing pranks on people. Or he can be a sociopath. How many ways can you play a Malkavian?
Also, how do I see the part getting with the Freaker: He is a valuable resource. He can find things that would be impossible to find otherwise, he can make enemies pay for their attacks even if they just think on getting their hands on the Freaker. He is a secret weapon that can backfire.
In somesort, he reminds me of the Psykers in Warhammer: Very powerfull and very dangerous to have. They can change the tides of battle and make amazing things. They can also have their heads raped by Enslavers and destroy a whole planet.
The Freaker is a very interesting concept. He can work the same way as 'why would you have a spooky, creepy untrustworthy Brainer in our group'? The same way a Brainer can be helpfull, a Freaker can. The problem is that the Freaker normally gets better results, at a higher cost. It's also interesting how rarely you win with a freaker. It feels like EVERYONE loses something. If a freaker goes all out with "Watch the world burn", it's a pretty cinematic and amazing scene to watch.
Also, 3 new moves for the Freaker:
0 You remind me of my father: When one PC use moves on you or Hx to disagree with you or fuck with you, hold 1. You may spend your hold at any time to:
. Make him fail strangely and foolishly in the front of everyone he likes
. While in combat the enemies to focus on him
. Make them lose 1 barter in strange circumstances, while you gain one barter.
0 How loyal a hungry dog is...: When confronted with authority, rules or other source of hierarchy, you can express yourself to a mob and make the society crash. On a 10+, hold 3. On a miss, the law turns on you - whatever the law is.
. You can plant a seed of chaos that, although not affecting the city where you are, will spread to other cities. Chaos and uprising might befall the countryside.
. You can challenge the leadership, and now people are searching for other person to obbey.
. You can shake loyal bonds, making people distrust one another
. You can indulge the mob to a riot against the 'law', destroying and pillaging all around.
. You can make one person fanatical towards you, believing all your crazy non-sense
0 I'll make this pencil desapear: Whenever in a tough situation, you can make others suffer so you can escape laughing. People close to you, like other PC's, will suffer for your actions. On 10+, hold 2. On 7-9, hold 1. On a miss, you're acting under fire.
. You escape withouth harm
. Your actions won't bring problems to your party
. Your escapade is done at the cost of your enemy