Some questions that have been on my brain lately...

  • 2 Replies
Some questions that have been on my brain lately...
« on: March 14, 2012, 01:36:28 PM »
Hey all! I've had a few questions on the brain as the title implies and thought I'd bring them up to the group here for some answers/clarifications.

Question 1: For the weapon the MG (machine gun) the stats in the rulebook give two separate stats. In the gunlugger entry and playbook it indicates it is mg (3-harm close/far *area* messy) but in the character's crap section it lists it as mg (3-harm close/far *autofire* messy). Which is the correct entry? I think it makes a big difference in particular circumstances, for example when accuracy is a concern.

Question 2: For operator's gigs, some of the gigs seem kind of ambiguous to me. For example what would Enforcement and Campanionship include? I see enforcement like racketeering and companionship as being a mooch off of someone with barter to spare and wants someone pretty to hang off their arm. But do you see these as having more applications? I'd like to spice them up a little in my games if possible.

Thanks as always!



  • 259
Re: Some questions that have been on my brain lately...
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2012, 02:14:32 PM »
Question 2: For operator's gigs, some of the gigs seem kind of ambiguous to me. For example what would Enforcement and Campanionship include? I see enforcement like racketeering and companionship as being a mooch off of someone with barter to spare and wants someone pretty to hang off their arm. But do you see these as having more applications? I'd like to spice them up a little in my games if possible.

Generally, I see gigs as doing something for/with someone else, or between other parties; they're jobs that, usually, someone is paying you to do.

So, "enforcement" could be going around to various satellite communities and making sure they're paying their tribute to the local warlord, or acting as an inquisitor for a cult leader ensuring the "purity" of their followers, or being the eyes-and-ears off a gang leader making sure the rest of the gang are "following the rules"... heck, the Operator and their crew might be local "law enforcement"...

And companionship could be the literate Operation reading Golden Age stories to the scary, blind Hardholder once a week, or acting as a nursing crew for a local healer, or riding along with the caravans making sure the drovers don't get to squirrelly out in the wastelands... and, certainly, it can be "arm candy" as well... an Operator with a crew of "lookers" whose presence livens up any gathering.

Lots of possibilities!
"If you get shot enough times, your body will actually build up immunity to bullets. The real trick lies in surviving the first dozen or so..."

Re: Some questions that have been on my brain lately...
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 07:37:51 PM »
Question 1: For the weapon the MG (machine gun) the stats in the rulebook give two separate stats. In the gunlugger entry and playbook it indicates it is mg (3-harm close/far *area* messy) but in the character's crap section it lists it as mg (3-harm close/far *autofire* messy). Which is the correct entry? I think it makes a big difference in particular circumstances, for example when accuracy is a concern.
My ruling has been that belt fed MGs crewed by 2 people are area while those with drum magazine or a single user is autofire. The gunluggers are naturally good with MGs and reload them fast no matter what. Remember this eats up a fuckload of ammo!