Well, I'll start with my initial impressions of the Dungeon World Red Book Rules. It is as close to what I have wanted in a rpg system as I think I can get. I enjoy how it is rule light, and lets you do what you want to do, and find a rule to fit your action.
I am currently playing in a Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign, and I get the feeling from that like I am basing all of my actions on my skills etc, and leaving the role-playing at home. I think the Dungeon World would be a fantastic system to learn how to role-play and that it could only make your experience with other systems better.
With that being said, I am very new to playing rpgs, and have have only GM'd once years ago when D&D 3.0 came out. So I would like to have a lot more examples in the Dungeon World's rule book to help out those of us who are new to role-playing.
Some things don't quite make since. The thing that I am still a little confusing are how to create a fighters weapon and how a GM should play with the NPC's. For example with the fighters weapon...as it seems to me now, I could create a spear that hits in hand range. That just doesn't seem right. And as far as the GM playing the NPC's...I think I will just have to work that one out.
I'm going to play it for the first time with my kids this weekend. I want to get all of the bugs worked out of it before I pitch it to my regular group. I would hate to sour a system to them because I don't know what I'm doing. My kids, who are all fairly young, but I think will do fine with this system, are very excited about role-playing. I am planning on having them create the world that they play in during the initial questioning of them and go smash some goblins from there. My 9 year old daughter is planning on playing a Wizard, my 7 year old son wants to be a fighter, and my 5 year old son wants to be a super sneaky thief. I will take it easy on them and not play to many hard moves, but will throw lots of action their way.
So anyway, does anybody have any pointers to a first time Dungeon World GM? Anything will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.