There was a thread here tin which means of awarding XP was discussed but I can no longer find it. At any rate, we played with XP awards:
- For making checks
- For activating bonds
- For killing monsters
I started off in the first game marking XP for bonds and monsters:
Marking XP for bonds was definitely cool. It really brought bonds into play in a big way. It was harder for some classes though (I'm thinking of the Wizard, who has three bonds which are all somewhat adventure specific), so they might need to be re-jigged in some cases.
Marking XP for monsters (according to level as discussed in that thread) definitely had a D&D vibe for me as GM,. "How much XP do we get for the lizard men?" Awesome. But it diverted attention from the moves to the outcome, I think to the detriment of the moves.
Mike marked XP for checks and bonds, and this is what I switched to halfway through the second game I ran. I really like the move focus that marking for checks gives and definitely don't see it as a jarring vestige of Apocalypse World as John Harper said (from memory, apologies if I have the facts wrong).