The core mechanics are as follows, from Johnstone and I's design talks. These are still subject to change, critique and modification.
There are four basic stats, much to Johnstone's chargin I imagine, but in practice, it turns out to be more like eight or so.
In AW, you roll 2d6 and add you stat, the degrees of success are: 0-6/7-9/10-11(12)/(12+).
In Bulwark you have four stats. Two of them are roll 2d6, one of them is lucky roll 3d6 and keep the highest two and the other is unlucky, roll 3d6 and keep the lowest two. You add whatever modifiers you have, +1foward, +2 to dissect, whatever. The degree of success are 0-7/8-10/11-12/13+. That means you've got all the moves opened up by default.
The four stats are Fray, Vamp, Edge, and Moth.
Fray as in violence and trauma; doing it and recovering from it; psychical, social or psychic.
Vamp as in hot, charming and sexy but also as in mindfuckery, manipulation, psychic warfare, using someone else.
Edge as in a hard-edge or a keen-edge, but also having an edge or skirting edge. Resisting pressure, sneaking around, finding stuff, getting the jump on some one.
Moth as in moths to a flame, but also moth as in the dual mean of the Greek psyche and the Latin anima: both soul and moth. It's the weird stat and it's how to get to information, navigate the network but also the go to weird stat, just like in AW.