Thanks everyone.
Ran my third session recently. I think the Summon Lesser Monster spell needs some clarification. Here's the spell:
Summon Lesser Monster
Level 3, Ongoing, Summoning
A monster appears and aids you as best it can. Choose the type of
monster by choosing 1d6 statements from the list below, the GM will
tell you the type of monster you get based on your choices:
•The monster is intelligent
•The monster is not reckless
•The monster is happy with you
•The monster follows one command
•The monster is a vicious combatant
•The monster is charismatic
•The monster has some useful adaptation
The creature remains on this plane until it dies or you dismiss it.
While the spell is ongoing, you take -1 to Cast a Spell.
The main question I have is how much control does the Wizard have over the monster? The spell just says it aids the Wizard as best it can. Can it aid the wizard if the wizard doesn't give it a command--choose that item from the list? I suppose it would since the spell says it does aid him, but it has to understand the situation well enough to aid him.
One of the items in the list is "The monster follows one command." Does that need to be in there if the creature will aid the wizard anyway? Can the Wizard take items that more than once? And what is one command? Can their one command be "Follow my next 100 commands?"--which is basically what The Wizard did. He said, "Do whatever I say from here on out."
I think changing the spell to something like this would be more fun as it leads to the potential of magic gone awry:
Summon Lesser Monster
Level 3, Ongoing, Summoning
A monster appears and has the potential of aiding you.
On a 10+ choose the type of monster by choosing 1d6 statements from the list below. On a 7-9 the GM chooses 1d6 choices from the list below. The GM then tells you the type of monster you get based on the choices:
•The monster is intelligent
•The monster is not reckless
•The monster is happy with you
•The monster follows only one two word command, like:
"Guard me!" or "Attack that!" or "Follow me!" (you can take this item multiple times)
•The monster is a vicious combatant
•The monster is charismatic
•The monster has some useful adaptation
*The monster is uncontrollable until subdued.
*The monster emits an unforseen magical side effect at some point.
*The monster lashes out at the caster and companions.
*The monster remains on this plane only if destroyed (despite the description of this spell.)
*The monster is playful and friendly with you and desperately wants to show it's amiability first and foremost.
*The monster will aid you, but only if you first ____________.
The creature remains on this plane until it dies or you dismiss it.
While the spell is ongoing, you take -1 to Cast a Spell.
Another question that arose from this situation is with regards to Monster vs Monster combat. For example, in our session, the wizard was engaged 1 on 1 with a Worg in a burned out shed following a goblin attack on a farmhouse. He cast this spell, succeded, and in a blinding flash of light, he rolled a 6 on the list, and I determined a Blink Dog came to his aid.
But then I wasn't sure how to proceed. How do I determine who would win the Monster on Monster combat? The Worg or the summoned Blink Dog? True, the Worg was wounded already after a couple of magic missles slammed into him and the Blink Dog gives much greater damage---but you never know. After all, the chars roll dice to determine randomness in how successful their moves are. Should the summoned monster do the same? Or is it just GMs call? I ultimately just said the Blink Dog won out, since he wasn't hurt yet and was a stronger creature, and in one bite took down the Worg.