In the real world, not the Apocalypse World, the players were at a birthday party before the game. The gals, in particular, were tipsy. We started the game with Brandy asking if her character could procure toothless prostitutes, a boy and a girl. Apparently, KK and Brandy had been talking and drinking and smokin' and they decided that Saffron should have a toothless boy and girl.
"Well...uh, Saffron does have that move for procuring stuff right. She could ask around for a toothless guy and gal."
*Brandy rolls, get's it*
"Um, okay, you put word out that you want that and a squid-eater comes to your joint with his teenage boy and girl. They lost their teeth to the scurvy and he sells them to you for market-place vouchers so he can get enough good lumber to re-make his boat that he lost to squid before the river froze up."
Rubbin came to Bullet and started asking him all kinds of sex questions about why a toothless prostitute would be preferable. Barry got flustered; it was wonderful.
It occurred to me that prostitution in the real world is illegal so that parents don't have to talk about sex to their kids. It also occurs to me that this group is becoming horrifically jaded.
Marsh sees Baby's lovers fight
Newton is one of Saffron's working girls and when Baby visited Saff's joint back in the day, she always went to Newton. She was Baby's favorite girl and Newton was smitten, asking Baby to take her away from the joint and let her be her biker-wife. Baby was leery of any kind of commitment.
I have been wanting to have Newton show up at Baby's place in Kip-town and proclaim her love.
Marsh is sitting in the bar under Baby's place and there's Newton, talking to Baby's current boy-toy, the Green Mountain Boy, Izzie. He hears Newton scream at him, "She don't love you! She loves me!" and with that she slices Izzie's face with a straight-razor and he pulls a gun, blood pouring out from above his eye socket.
Marsh steps in, Violation Glove on, touches Izzie's arm and says, "Drop the gun." He does, cussing. "Fucking Brainer bullshit! Fuck!" She slices his arm and he over-wraps her knife arm and starts beating on her. She falls to the ground. Marsh and Izzie start arguing a bit.
When she get's up, she has Izzie's gun. Marsh makes eye-contact with Shit-head, who is now pretty much Baby's number 2 guy. Shit-head shrugs and without words says, "Crazy shit, huh?"
She is holding the gun on Izzie and Marsh is trying to talk her down. Izzie is bleeding and irate. "You don't have the fucking balls to fucking pull the trigger, you squid-eating bitch!"
Marsh steps in and takes a bullet but get's the gun away from her. Izzie steps in, hits hear a shot and bounces her head off the bar. She passes out. Izzie walks out with some of his boys. Marsh sends Shit-head to get Baby.
Dent shows up, having driven his Deuce-and-a-half up the road to Kip-town. He sees Baby talk to Newton.
"I cut him because he was telling lies about you, Baby."
Baby starts yelling at her, "He wasn't telling lies. He is my boy. Shit, I'm thinking about fucking marrying him. His family has a big compound out in the Green Mountains. His gang is tight. And you are here fucking cutting on him...stupid fucking bitch."
I'm trying to keep a cool MC-face on but inside I'm all, she's thinking of fucking marrying him?!? Ward is the Green Mountain Boys' current leader, an older guy played by (as Barry suggested) Chris Christoferson. Ward wants some things.
First, he wants the engagement to be made official and they'll take her to the Green Mountain Compound in the spring to meet the Father.
She's cool with that.
Second, he wants the Green Mountain Boys to kill her and he wants them to do it in a way so that it seems like they didn't get Baby's permission, wants a public dispute about it. "We've had a few of our boys get jumped, a few get mugged and I'm done with that. I want to put a message out and we'll put it out with this girl's death."
Baby's fine with that, so some Green Mountain Boys will kill Newton while she's at the nurse's joint during the engagement festivities that night.
But Dent doesn't like that. He doesn't like that Saffron's property is being bargained with when Saffron isn't even fucking there. If you squint your eyes, you can almost make sense of the Dent Logic. Almost He knocks out the Green Mountain Boys' spy and takes Newton in his truck.
They follow in his snow-plow wake on bikes with chains on the tires but don't catch up with him until they get to West Point, where they decide what to do with Newton's life.