My first Monster of the Week game

  • 2 Replies
My first Monster of the Week game
« on: October 19, 2020, 11:18:21 AM »
Hey first of all thank you for making this game,
I came across it thanks to the McElroy's Adventure Zone and then again thanks to the good people at the 3W6 Podcast out of Vienna. I got the book a couple of years ago and always thought of running this as a second game, or short campaign but unfortunately The Dark Eye is too good and 3 years in my players want more. Anyway, I thought I could reconnect with some college mates and run a text only Discord based Monster of the Week game and we are in the process of setting that up. Our stick is going to be to be that my PCs were the Buffy Gang 10 years ago at high school, but their Buffy-esque character sacrificed herself and didn't get better. The group drifted apart, everyone dealt with the trauma in their own way, and now presto bad things start happening again bringing the old crew back together. They have grown a little, become more rounded people but also have more to lose now.

My first scenario is actually relatively close to one from the Tome of Mysteries (Big Haunt on Campus) only it is a form of the spirit of Medusa which attempts to deal with her Posidon (first death) and then later the lady who conjured her and then maybe her version of Perseus (i.e. the hunters, or friends of the first victim who try to take things into their own hands). We will see what happens.

anyway, I mostly posted to say thank you for creating this rad game, and maybe if anyone has any tips for me, I am definitely all ears.

All the best,


Re: My first Monster of the Week game
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2020, 01:41:49 AM »
It's great to hear you've dived into MOTW, I love the game and recommend it as great start to RPGs.

Having a theme/hook for the characters is great. In the past i've done these
- 1890 Victorian England, PCs all went to the same bookshop and the bookseller went missing
- NSA agents, keeping the U.S.A safe from supernaturals and covering up to avoid panic (X-Files meets MIB)
- MOTW using the Dresden Files universe, with 6- results for magic being electrical malfunctions.

As for tips
- sprinkle in the sense of touch or smell in your descriptions, don't just use sight and sound.
- don't be afraid to have minions/monsters leave and come back, they don't all want to die in the first encounter.
- include some hollywood tropes like a rooftop chase or car chase, it's action genre-have fun with it!

Re: My first Monster of the Week game
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2020, 09:18:50 AM »
First of all thank you for taking the time to write a reply to my post. :)

Secondly I love what I have seen of the game and of course sitting around a table would be better, but this game suits itself to be played over the internets in writing. I feel very 90ies at the moment. My characters are running around town, gathering clues and making crazy assumptions.

I would love more stuff for this game, nicely produced playbooks for around the table, reference cards with the core moves on them, etc. It is a shame I missed the crowfunding for this. Who knows maybe someone can persuade Michael Sands to write something else/more for it.