For the record, from a realism perspective, women are actually a lot more screwed in an apocalypse without guns, which makes calling one with guns a 'masculine power fantasy' a bit odd to me. Men are physically stronger and the return to muscle-powered weaponry (even crossbows need muscle power to load) gives them a much larger advantage over women than they enjoy in a gun-using apocalypse. It's certainly not an insurmountable advantage, but a bigger one than men usually have in Apocalypse World.
That's all from a pure realism perspective, of course, and of minimal relevance in some versions of Apocalypse World. I just felt the need to note it.
Now, on to the question:
Have you read Dies The Fire and the subsequent novels of 'The Change' by SM Stirling? It's an excellent novel (and extensive series) about a world where all modern technology ceases to function...which quite naturally causes an apocalypse, and the series as a whole goes through three generations. It'd be easily run in Apocalypse World, actually (or the medieval hack mentioned previously). Great inspiration for this sort of thing.
As noted, dropping playbooks doesn't seem necessary. Even Driver could be modified to have a wagon or the like if you wanted (though dropping Driver is also a solid option). Nothing else really needs to drop, and personally I think the aesthetics change but not the core themes of Apocalypse World (which are admittedly a bit variable depending on how you define the world).
That said, to do away with guns you really do need some sort of change in the laws of reality. Guns are actually super easy to make with even the barest knowledge of what you're doing, and bullets even easier. Going downhill technologically from automatic weapons is certainly possible, but not all the way to guns not being a thing. Cars are a little more complex, and you can certainly run out of gas in 50 years, though. So a car-less apocalypse is a lot easier and more likely than a gun-less one, again if you care about realism.