You don't have to be "edition-pure" either. The almost all the playbooks of 2e are actually much simpler, the only thing that gets more complex is Battle moves. (which can be completely and utterly replaced with Seize by Force if you prefer). That said, I've run a Quartentine in both 1e and 2e, and the latter's version changes was a stark improvement to our team's gameplay. If you and he don't really like how awkward that double roll feels, glance at the 2e version and see if that move's replacement is cooler for your fiction. Seriously.
My biggest issue with that move was that often times you're already acting under fire to do another move, ex: You got hit on the head, but you're fighting back. Roll Hard. Also act under threat of woozy, Roll Cool. Oh right, also Maelstrom leaking in, Roll Weird. Not only is that a lot of potential hard moves coming at the player, that's covering a lot of ground XP wise too. I mean, it works as intended, but my point is don't be so quick to lump all 2e changes as "complications".