Hey no problem Czevak and thanks for your comments. Was there anything else you found problematic or a point of interest (besides multiclassing that is)? With regards to your question on multiclassing, I am uneasy about prescribing rules to that effect within the document. That doesn't mean that it couldn't happen in the future but I can't think of a way to do it at the moment.
For me, the classes in [untitled] are deliberately discrete so that each user feels a distinct lack (or the opposite) of power. It's because of the failings and strengths of each class that everyone almost has to work together, whether they want to or not. That said, in practice, if someone wanted to be a hacker and a network say, I'd only personally allow that sort of thing to occur via natural character development throughout the sessions. In the [untitled] cyberpunk world, shit is rock hard so perhaps you could sub out a basic stat for another class's stat? That sounds like an interesting trade off to me.
I'll think more on this and perhaps include a more complete answer in the FAQ of the next version.