A Move for predicting weather

  • 6 Replies
A Move for predicting weather
« on: August 10, 2014, 06:50:46 PM »
Im making a move for a custom playbook that is about predicting the weather. The idea is that the whole class revolves around sismology and meteorology. How would you go to reflect this in a move?

I picture 3 options:

a) Me as a GM deciding at whim (or rolling in a table) the weather, and if the character rolls +wis and hits, i answer him truthfully and he takes +1 forward when acting to it.

b) Quoting the full move: Whenever you foresee the weather, roll+wis
on a 10, you choose the weather you like, it will come to pass.
on 7-9, the weather brings also a twist you couldnt foresee.

c) Whenever the weather or natural stability changes, the character rolls+wis. On a hit, he already expected it and takes +1 forward or other boon.

What would you choose? How would you do it beside this three options?


As If

  • 142
Re: A Move for predicting weather
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2014, 06:53:56 PM »
Cool idea.  I vote B.

Re: A Move for predicting weather
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2014, 07:34:02 PM »
i also like it, but you know how players are. They would choose Earthquake all days, all cities. Thats why i'd like to put some boundaries to the wording or something



  • 417
Re: A Move for predicting weather
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2014, 12:53:31 AM »
Yeah, but if they choose earthquake all the time, maybe the game is about figuring out why the gods are tearing the world apart.  ;)  I say let them choose earthquakes if they want to.  But actions have consequences, right?  Put your bloody fingerprints on everything.


As If

  • 142
Re: A Move for predicting weather
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2014, 05:01:23 AM »
I like it because it gives the player the same subjective feeling that the character has: a feeling of absolute certainty about it.

Re: A Move for predicting weather
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2014, 11:42:59 PM »
For my nautical RPG Salty Dogs I have:

When you try to predict the weather by feeling the sea wind in your bones, tell the GM what you hope the weather will be and roll +salt.
On a 10+, you're right.
On a 7-9, it's not what you wanted, but might be close enough for your current purposes.
On a miss, the GM will decide the weather, and won't tell you what's coming until it's upon you.

So that's pretty similar to your move. Great minds think alike.

As for earthquakes, I think they and other natural disasters or catastrophes should have their own specific move. This separates the players who want to cause havoc and mass destruction from those who simply want to be in control of the scenery and/or give some peasants their much-needed rain. I think that's one of the keys to when to split moves: what are players trying to do with this? If there are two different purposes, maybe it can be split up. Try this:

When you call forth the destructive wrath of earth and sky, say what disaster you're calling forth and what you want it to effect, then roll +wis.
On a 10+, you destroy what you intended and nothing further.
On a 7-9, you destroy much more or much less than you intended.
On a miss, either the disaster affects your allies, or you reabsorb the spell's energies, taking 2 harm.

Re: A Move for predicting weather
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2014, 10:44:29 AM »
Making two different moves may be the correct answer. The idea is that this world is a very unstable land filled with volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, comet landings and such; and there is a whole PC class destined to detect this disasters using their machinery and prevent the affected cities with time enough to take measures.

Maybe doing the original move to predict soft weather, and reversing the predicting disasters move this way: if you hit, you know the weather, dont choose it:

"When you take time taking measures and using your tools to detect extreme weather changes, roll +WIS.
On a hit, your GM will tell you honestly if a disaster is gonna happen in the next 4 weeks in the zone you're traveling next
On a 7-9, the test will only cover a major disasters; and you're still vulnerable to unexpected mild quakes, winds, sandstorms, avalanches, floods, fires or tornados.
On a miss, the GM is free to play a major disaster on you, and i'll have the drop on your party"

how does it sound?