After pouring through forum and reddit posts and watching/listening to others' podcasts for a few weeks, some friends and I finally got to start our first game of Apocalypse World. The character creation was really neat and we all got a kick out of the wold and situation that the four of us were able to come up with. It was my first time to try a pen and paper game, much less act as the MC, so I was a little worried my lack of exposure/experience would cause it to crash and burn. Surprisingly though, it all came together very naturally. Taking an interest in who everyone was and what they did quickly opened a whole wealth of "I wonder..." questions and responses to jot down. So from four grown adults, we can't wait to ditch our wives/children for an evening to dig into the "official" first and second sessions, to really see what this wonderful game has in store for us :)
One clarification: On the Savvyhead's gear, if the player opts for three of normal gear or weaponry, does that mean he can also choose "armor worth 2-armor" as one of his three picks? (reading from the Weapons and Armor section)
"You have oddments worth 3-barter, and any personal piece
three of normal gear or weaponry"