Can we brainstorm this? Because I've wanted to find a satisfying system to run a Stormbringer game for decades now, and the more I think about it, the more Apocalypse World might be it.
I've been re-reading the novels and short stories, to see how conflicts are resolved. So far I've found some common trends that I think are moves (see below) but I'd love it if people could either suggest some crunch or details for these moves, or suggest other moves I've missed. Here's what I've got:
... when you battle something mortal: roll+steel
... when you battle an eldritch thing: roll+steel
I'm pretty interested in John Harper's '
when you engage in violence' move; I'm seeing a real role for having a basic fighting move with a bit of detail in it.
There also seems to be a difference between fighting mortals and fighting demons (which are definitely tougher and less vulnerable).
... when you call on the demons for aid: roll+doom
... when you call on the elementals for aid: roll+secrets
I'm not sure if two separate moves are called for, but they have pretty different effects when you look at stories like
The Dreaming City and
The Stealer of Souls.
I think, however, when you call on the demons for aid you need leverage on them; you need to know what the demons want. The obvious example: blood and souls for Arioch. So to find out what they want you need a move like ...
... when you draw forth secrets: roll+secrets
This is about finding out the history and dark secrets about locations, people and things. I see it as a broader version of Reading a Sitch, coupled with the Quarantine's 'Past' move. I don't think there's a place for the by-the-book versions of Reading a Sitch or Reading a Person in the source material - but I might be wrong.
... when you use sorcerous knowledge: roll+secrets
Every once in a while the stories throw up an impassable doors, a minor illusion, or a creature that needs to be commanded with a specific word. Maybe this isn't a separate move; maybe it should get rolled into Draw forth secrets. Or maybe 'Sorcery' is a playbook-specific move, fuelled by the secrets that you've drawn forth.
... when you commit treachery: roll+doom
Seriously, there are a whole bunch of conflicts that are resolved or initiated via this move. And really interesting consequences always spin off from them. It feels like it should be a move.
... when you seek to escape a deadly situation: roll+doom
Elric consistently gets faced with death traps and inescapable situations that he escapes at great cost. On the one hand, this may not actually be a separate move: he's usually using sorcerous knowledge, battling something mortal or calling on the demons for aid to get out of things. On the other hand, it seriously happens all the time, and the situation usually gets altered in interesting ways as a result.
... when you lead soldiers into battle: roll+command
This may not be a basic move, but it shows up all the time. It's inspired by Simon's '... when you lead your armies into battle' move from his World of Conan hack. On the other hand, maybe this hack just needs a simplied version of the optional battle rules in Apocalypse World. Or maybe it's just about applying the rules for gangs. I dunno.
... when you debate a course of action: roll+command
In the stories there's a lot of plotting attacks and battle strategies, and a few Burning Wheel-esque duels of wits to convince your audience that you're in the right. Something like Vincent's 'sit in council' custom move from page 278 of the rulebook, giving these conversations a mechanical effect, might be nice.
... when you seduce or manipulate: roll+ ... I'm not sure yet
Yeah. This happens.
So that's what I have so far, when it comes to the basics. Anyone got any ideas about how to flesh out these moves?