The Basic Moves

  • 2 Replies
The Basic Moves
« on: September 06, 2012, 07:21:13 PM »
For Endurance:

When enduring hardship or duress, roll +Endurance. On 10+, choose 3; on 7-9, choose 2.
You are not flagging.
You are neither discomfited nor taxed nor pressed nor battered because of the hardship or duress.
If you know of a way through the hardship or duress, you take it.
You may ask one question from the move 'reading a charged situation'; take +1 to act on the answer.

For Fortune:

When trusting to your luck, roll +Fortune. On 10+, hold 3; on 7-9, hold 1; when the scene changes, lose all hold. Use hold 1 for 1 to do any of the following this scene.
You gain a short break or a respite in the middle of a larger struggle, contest, or crisis.
You take +1 forward for rolling any one of +Endurance, +Psyche, +Strength, or +Warfare.
You find a way in or out or past or through; exploiting it is up to you.
You ask any one question from 'reading a charged situation' or 'reading a person'.
You introduce a new object gained just now, appropriate to the scent, with 1 advantageous feature.

For Psyche:

When engaging in a psychic struggle, roll +Psyche. On 10+, choose 3; on 7-9, if supernally favored choose 2, otherwise choose 1.
You are not discomfited.
Someone or something of your choice in the struggle is discomfited.
You choose whether the struggle is broken off.
You learn a pertinent secret from an adversary, or that there are no more such secrets to be learned.

When reading a person, roll +Psyche. On 10+, hold 3; on 7-9, hold 1. Use hold, 1 for 1, to ask any of the following questions; any answers must be truthful.
Is your character telling the truth?
What is your character really feeling?
What does your character intend to do?
What does your character wish I would do?
How could I get your character to do what I wish?

When seducing or otherwise manipulating someone, roll +Psyche. Against an NPC, offer sufficient inducement to the NPC. On 10+, the NPC will do what you wish if you promise to deliver on the inducement; on a 7-9, the NPC will do it if you promise and if you give the NPC concrete reassurance that you will deliver the inducement. Against a PC, on 10+, choose both; on 7-9, choose 1.
If the PC does what you wish, the player may mark experience.
If the PC does not do what you wish, the PC is discomfited.

For Strength:

When engaging in a physical struggle, roll +Strength. On 10+, choose 3; on 7-9, if supernally favored choose 2, otherwise choose 1.
You are not taxed.
Someone or something of your choice in the struggle is taxed.
All non-supernals within your reach who have no pertinent harm levels unchecked are taken out.
You choose whether the struggle is broken off.
You take definite hold of something reasonably within your reach.

When seizing something by force or by forceful display, roll +Strength. On 10+, choose 3; on 7-9, if supernally favored choose 2, otherwise choose 1.
You are not taxed.
You have the initiative.
You take definite hold of something within your reach.
You impress, frighten, or dismay others.

For Warfare:

When taking direct action in a conflict of war or strategy, roll +Warfare. On 10+, choose 3; on 7-9, if supernally favored choose 2, otherwise choose 1.
You are not pressed.
Someone or something of your choice in the conflict is pressed.
All non-supernals within your reach who have no pertinent harm levels unchecked are taken out.
You have the initiative.
You may ask one question about an adversary from the move 'reading a person'.

When maneuvering for advantage in a struggle or in a conflict of war or strategy, roll +Warfare. On 10+, choose 3; on 7-9, choose 1.
You take +1 forward for rolling any one of +Endurance, +Psyche, +Strength, or +Warfare.
You gain a short respite for yourself and your compatriots within the scope of the current struggle or conflict.
You negate one advantage held by adversaries within the scope of the current struggle or conflict.
You cancel all of someone's hold of a type of your choice within the scope of the current struggle or conflict.
You have the initiative.

When reading a charged situation, roll +Warfare. On 10+, ask 3 questions; on 7-9, ask 1 question; any answers must be truthful. Whenever acting on the answer to such a question, take +1.
What is my best way in or out or past?
Which enemy is most vulnerable to me?
Which enemy is the biggest threat?
What should I be wary of?
What is my enemy's true position?
Who is in control here?

When your plan or stratagem meets an actual or metaphorical enemy, roll +Warfare. On 10+, choose 3. On 7-9, choose 2.
You can make moves with +Fortune this scene using as a proxy whoever or whatever is following your plan or stratagem, even if you are away and out of touch.
You can make moves with +Presence this scene using as a proxy whoever or whatever is following your plan or stratagem, even if you are away and out of touch.
You can make moves with +Psyche this scene using as a proxy whoever or whatever is following your plan or stratagem, even if you are away and out of touch.
You can make moves with +Warfare this scene using as a proxy whoever or whatever is following your plan or stratagem, even if you are away and out of touch.
The plan or stratagem does not fall apart after the scene ends.
You need not have prepared the plan or stratagem in advance.

For Presence:

When being charismatic or inspiring or alluring to those subject to your charisma or inspiration or allure, roll +Presence. On 10+, hold 3; on 7-9, hold 1. When the scene changes, lose all hold. Use hold 1 for 1 to assert any of the following.
This person wants to please or impress me; you need not promise anything when seducing or otherwise manipulating this person, and you may roll +Presence instead of +Psyche to do so.
This person is inspired by me; someone gains +1 forward when acting in accord with this inspiration.
This person reveals something; ask 1 question from the move 'reading a person'.
This person gives me a gift; gain 1 object, appropriate to the scene, and if the object has just been introduced, it has 1 advantageous feature appropriate to the scene.
This object just introduced has 1 extra advantageous feature, appropriate to the scene.

When sending or leaving an obedient object to do your bidding, roll +Presence. On 10+, hold 3; on 7-9, hold 2. When the scene changes, lose all hold. Use hold 1 for 1 to assert any of the following.
You make an eligible basic move with the object as a proxy, rolling +Presence for it.
You may make eligible basic moves this scene that roll +Fortune, +Psyche, or +Warfare, with the object as a proxy.
Your obedient object opens up a way in or else a way past or through something or someone.
You may make this move again at a later time for the object to continue to do your established bidding, even if the object is away from you or a representative, or otherwise out of touch.

For Stamina:

When exerting yourself in the face of fatigue, roll +Stamina. On 10+, choose 3; on 7-9, choose 2.
You are not flagging.
You need not choose between being discomfited or being taxed.
You do not waver.
You take +1 forward to roll +Endurance, +Psyche, +Strength, or +Warfare.

When attempting to outperform others physically, roll +Stamina. On 10+, choose 3; on 7-9, choose 1.
You are not flagging.
Whoever is trying to outperform you is flagging.
You are the one who is about to outperform the others.
You have the initiative.

Re: The Basic Moves
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2012, 07:23:01 PM »
For helping and interfering:

When attempting to inspire or demoralize a PC, roll +Presence. On 7+, adjust the appropriate roll made by that PC by +1 or -2, as you desire. On 7-9, expose yourself to risk, cost, or retribution if not already exposed thusly.

When working with or against a PC's efforts by using your power, roll +Power. On 7+, adjust the appropriate roll made by the PC by +1 or -2, as you desire. On 7-9, expose yourself to risk, cost, or retribution if not already exposed thusly.

When helping or opposing a PC psychically, roll +Psyche. On 7+, adjust the appropriate roll made by that PC by +1 or -2, as you desire. On 7-9, expose yourself to risk, cost, or retribution if not already exposed thusly.

When opposing a PC's attempt to outperform you physically, roll +Stamina. On 7+, adjust the appropriate roll made by that PC by -2. On 7-9, expose yourself to risk, cost, or retribution if not already exposed thusly.

When lending a hand to or getting in the way of a PC, roll +Strength. On 7+, adjust the appropriate roll made by that PC by +1 or -2, as you desire. On 7-9, expose yourself to risk, cost, or retribution if not already exposed thusly.

When helping or interfering with a PC's plan or stratagem, roll +Warfare. On 7+, adjust the appropriate roll made by that PC by +1 or -2, as you desire. On 7-9, expose yourself to risk, cost, or retribution if not already exposed thusly.

Re: The Basic Moves
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2012, 07:26:21 PM »
For being sexual:

When having sex with someone, roll +Power. On 10+, hold 2; on 7-9, hold 1 and the other holds 1; on 6-, the other holds 2. Use hold 1 for 1 to assert any of the following.
The chooser of this option takes +1 forward.
The chooser of this option inflicts -1 forward on the other.
The chooser of this option gains a sense of where and how the other currently is.
If fertile with each other, the female conceives by the male.

When having sex at someone, roll +Power. On 7+, hold 1. Use hold 1 for 1 to assert any option from the move having sex with someone.