So, last night we started a new game. The new sheets are awesome! I liked the landscape format, but this ones are way more cool and functional!
For the first time I used a dungeon starter, the Sky Chain which I loved since the first time I landed my eyes on it; the players also were fascinated with the whole concept and they started to create informations and legends about the chain even before I asked the key questions. The result is a complex but very cool cosmogony that maybe someday I will post just to annoy you even more.
The main difficulty to me was that the characters' bonds and goals were actually centering around the ground below (there was a lot about politics and religions, the empire annihilated the only one honest religious order that standed its ground against the horde and so on), since they did the bonds before knowing what was the adventure about, but in the end I managed to wrap things up and I think I have enough interesting things to write a front that will make them happy to ascend the chain.
Maybe I'm a little bit late about this, but in the pre-release pdf there are no two-handed swords and axes?! We noticed this when the fighter wanted a two-handed sword, and I said that actually the signature weapon doesn't care about how many hands you must have; however I went on to the updated equipment list and saw this. I believe you made it on purpose, but what purpose does it follow? (is it something about Burning Wheel and its historical accuracy?)
And, is the blood & guts chapter gone?
Last but not least: will you make public a blank .indd file of the new character sheet so I can translate and print them?