Okay, so having thought about it, since this game is meant to expand as we go (to encompass more and different character types) I think a slightly modular approach to design will lend coherence and make it easier to add stuff on.
So here's how I'm thinking the moves/qualities thing will work. The basic moves will be, well, fairly basic. Not quite so simple as Knife and Candle's "when you act dangerously, roll+dangerous" (which is basically a traditional RPG stat by another name), but also not quite so distinct as AW's where the basic move is *the* thing that everybody can do with that stat.
Erm, so, this is getting a bit confusing. Let me clarify. Qualities are what make the big difference. I'm going to intentionally design basic moves that everybody uses, but everybody uses *differently*. I got the idea thinking about Bret's "Students of Luo Chen" hack and how kung fu would work over there.
So, for now, let's say there's a 'fighty' move. Maybe there will be more than one (hell, maybe they'll look a lot like 'go aggro' and 'seize by force') and lets say the stat associated with it is 'fighty'. The base move would look like this:
When you fight, roll+fighty
On a 10+ choose 2, on a 7-9 choose 1, on a miss, MC makes a move
* Trade harm for harm as established
* Take -1 harm
* Your opponent takes -1 forward
Qualities expand the move in various ways, rather than having a whole new fighty move for a 'class'. So, if you're a knight, you might have the quality "Knight" which might say
On a fighty roll, choose 3 for a 10+
Add the following options:
* Inflict terrible harm (+1 harm)
* Take -1 harm (doubles with the other one)
A sneaky thiefy guy might have the following instead
On a fighty roll, still choose 1 on a miss (MC still makes a move)
Add the following options:
* Your harm is AP
* You aren't hard pressed
(see, not every option would have to be a 'bonus', it might make that move more challenging. That's a terrible example, though)
How does this sound?