Playbook Idea: The Mother

  • 11 Replies
Playbook Idea: The Mother
« on: March 21, 2011, 09:21:44 AM »
Inspired by the pregnancy threads and my wife status I suggest this playbook idea.

I don't have the time and the chance to playtest it, nor the experience to say if it is good. But I offer this to you all, if you like the idea and want use it or work out something useful, or correct. In any case thanks ;)


The Mother

Choose one set:
• Cool=0 Hard+1 Hot-1 Sharp+1 Weird+2
• Cool=0 Hard-1 Hot+1 Sharp=0 Weird+2
• Cool+2 Hard=0 Hot=0 Sharp-1 Weird+2
• Cool-1 Hard=0 Hot+2 Sharp=0 Weird+2


You take Heart of a mother
Set how many children you have with you and how old they are..
0: you must take the move I can grow people but you can set where the clock is.
choose another two moves
you cannot take: Far from eyes, haec ornamenta mea
1-3: choose three moves
you cannot take: haec ornamenta mea
3+: you must take Worn Out
choose another three moves
If someone of your children is less than ten years you get Far from eyes

heart of a mother: at the beginning of each session roll+number of children (max+3). On a miss you hold 3, on 7-9 you hold 1, on 10+ you hold your breath. You can spend the holds at the beginning of the session or when the MC ask you to spend them.
all of your children are not in danger
all of your children did not do something awful
all of your children did not disappoint you
you know where is everyone of your children

Then is up to the MC what happen
it’s a piece of heart: Whenever you go aggro or seize something by force in defense of one of your child roll+weird instead of roll+hard
I can grow people: you get a pregnancy clock.
haec ornamenta mea: you got a small gang, your offspring and their friends (2-harm gang small savage 1-armor).
the mother stare: you always roll+weird instead of roll+hot in attempt to manipulate one of your child
Everybody’s mother: you can choose one NPC or one PC. You must pass some time together. With a NPC roll+Weird. 10+ you can consider that one as one of your children. The same on 7-9 but with string attached. On a miss he hates you. With a PC roll+Hx. On a miss he get +1 Hx, on success you can consider him as one of your children. On 10+ they mark experience, on 7-9 nothing.
Something to spare: every time your children are in need roll+weird. On 10+you got something valued 1-barter giving something important for you but without value (you can add other barter). On 7-9 you get something valued at most 2-barter, but you are in debt with someone you don’t like.
Far from eyes: if some of your children (under ten years) is not with you or with someone you can rely on when you come back to him roll heart of a mother, but roll+how many hours you stay away (max +3).
Dear mom: if some of your children come to you to ask advise, if they do what you said they get +1 roll.
Happy family: you have someone important you can rely on. It is a NPC, has his own life, but he can help you. Can be the father of your children, your sister, your mother or someone else.
Worn Out: you got -1 Hot (min -3) and +1 Weird (max +3)

Sex move
When you have sex with a male character and you do not have a pregnancy clock you get it, set at 0.
In any case your partner choose two:
your children like her/him
you mark experience
he get +1forward
you do not have the pregnancy clock (if you should itget as results of this move)

On your turn chose 1 or 2
someone was friend of one of your children. Tell them Hx+2
someone loved you. Tell them Hx-1

To all the other tell them Hx+1
On the other turn choose 1 or 2
someone remember you one of your children, or you would like to have him as children. Add 1 to his number
someone do domething bad to your children. Ignore his number and put Hx+1

Pregnancy Clock
From 0 to 9 is the month of pregnancy. Every three months of play you check one segment.
0-3: any harm over 9:00 cancel the pregnancy clock. (It is what it seems)
3-6: as above. Any harm is +1harm, but you can cancel the pregnancy clock in order to cancel any 1-harm
6-9: as above. You can keep a clock that you should cancel taking 1-harm
10+: as above. You got -1forward. Any miss in any move let you check another segment.
When you check 12 you start labor: roll+weird. On a miss you get 2-harm and you cancel the clock. On 7-9 choose one of the two. On 10+ everything is ok.
If after the roll you still have the pregnancy clock, congratulation, your children is born and you can safely cancel the clock.
Any action right after the birth is acting under fire. Then you get the move Far from eyes.
A pregnancy clock is a leverage for the community where the mother live and for anyone who care. More, the Mother get +1 on any manipulation that use the clock as leverage.
When you open your brain to the maelstrom roll+pregnancy segment in addition to your main roll. On 10+ the MC choose one baby conditions, on 7-9 the MC still choose one condition but he got to cancel another one, if there is. On a miss nothing. You can cancel one condition chosen by taking 1-harm in the same moment.

The baby conditions
she is weird
she had some deformity
cancel the clock
she help you in the maelstrom, you get +1 forward
check one pregnancy clock segment
check one pregnancy clock segment



  • 330
Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 10:38:44 AM »
Ah yeah the babymoma!

Cool idea but there are too many moves. Play books tend to have around five or six including their kit. You have eleven.

Try to pare it down to just the essentials.



  • 259
Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 11:11:48 AM »
Interesting idea, but I guess I don't quite get the focus on "Weird" for the Mother, especially related to dealing with/defending her children.

To me, a "Mother" is more of a "Sharp" character-type... experiences gained, eyes-in-the-back-of-her-head (figuratively!), always on the lookout, knows a little bit of everything, gaining wisdom as she has more kids.

What are the thoughts behind making her "Weird"?
"If you get shot enough times, your body will actually build up immunity to bullets. The real trick lies in surviving the first dozen or so..."

Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 11:27:22 AM »
I was in doubt between Sharp and Weird, but I prefer the idea that maternity is something irrational and "magic" in the apocalyptic world.

Indeed Sharp could be more appropriate if the Mother has to be a more "mundane" characther.

I'll think also how to shorten the moves list, as first thing I tried to put all the typical situation of a "mom" type. Actually this playbook seems to let have very different type of "Mother". From the pregnant teen, to the single mother, to the old matron with a lot of sons and nephew.

Maybe I should narrow my target?

Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 12:23:21 PM »
I think the idea of pregnancy being "irrational and "magic" " is really particular to your game and your take on what the Apocalypse means. It's not at all how I've had pregnancy and parenthood show up in games so far, but if that's the sort of PC you want at the table, why not? I also kind of like the idea of there being a character class of Mother, independent of the sex of the PC. There are men I know who would make excellent Mothers using these moves.

I do think you could stand to  adjust the moves down. The moves I think have the best potential are these:

Piece of Mother's heart: Whenever you go aggro or seize something by force in defense of one of your children, roll+weird instead of roll+hard. I like this because it hits the whole idea of a fierce and fiercely protective mother so well.

haec ornamenta mea: you got a small gang, your offspring and their friends (2-harm gang small savage 1-armor). I like this because the idea of a mother with a small horde of kids of various ages, willing to mess things and people up on her word, is potentially really scary and excellent.

Mother stare: you always roll+weird instead of roll+hot in attempt to manipulate. I took off the last few words, to make it apply to anyone not just her children. Because that stare works on total strangers :)

Everybody’s Mother: you can choose one NPC or one PC. You must pass some time together. With a NPC roll+Weird. 10+ you can consider that one as one of your children. The same on 7-9 but with string attached. On a miss he hates you. With a PC roll+Hx. On a miss he get +1 Hx, on success you can consider him as one of your children. On 10+ they mark experience, on 7-9 nothing. I'd drop the NPC/PC differences, and just let the roll+Weird stand. And I'd clarify whether this was something you could do more once per session.

Something to spare: every time your children are in need roll+weird. On 10+you got something valued 1-barter giving something important for you but without value (you can add other barter). On 7-9 you get something valued at most 2-barter, but you are in debt with someone you don’t like. I like the idea behind this, that a Mother could find resources from somewhere to help her children, but I think the wording is a bit odd. Maybe try: 10+ gives you a 1-barter item you've been saving against a rainy day - lucky for your children, and they better be grateful;  on a 7-9, a 1-barter item you can use to buy off their need, but it has sentimental value to you; on a miss, you can get a 2-barter item, but it comes with strings attached to someone you dislike, and the MC will tell you what.

Dear Mom: if some of your children come to you to ask advise, if they do what you said they get +1 roll. I like this because it follows the Everybody's Mom roll so well.

Moves I'm not so into and why:

heart of a mother: at the beginning of each session roll+number of children (max+3). On a miss you hold 3, on 7-9 you hold 1, on 10+ you hold your breath. You can spend the holds at the beginning of the session or when the MC ask you to spend them . I get the point on this, to keep your kids safe and etc, but it seems like a move that really blocks some of the other moves, and it feels like it could put some of the prime motivations of the character off the table.

I can grow people: you get a pregnancy clock. This seems to be sort of the defining quality of the Mother - kind of odd to make that a move. Unless this is a particular +weird move for male Mothers ;)

Far from eyes: if some of your children (under ten years) is not with you or with someone you can rely on when you come back to him roll heart of a mother, but roll+how many hours you stay away (max +3). It might just be a language barrier, but I'm not understanding this one at all. Is it about keeping your young children safe, finding them, or how long you can leave them unattended?

Happy family: you have someone important you can rely on. It is a NPC, has his own life, but he can help you. Can be the father of your children, your sister, your mother or someone else. I see the appeal of this move, but I'm not sure it's that easy. Maybe you could sneak this in as a 7th move option, but I'd rather see you working that stuff out in play. Maybe another PC is your reliable person, or maybe that's a big thing at issue for you that I as the MC get to poke at.

Worn Out: you got -1 Hot (min -3) and +1 Weird (max +3) Ok, this one is probably my most personal objection, as a hot Mom of three kids :) But seriously, I'm not following the Worn Out idea here or in the proposed Heart of the Mother. The PCs are the only people in Apocalypse World who are NOT Worn Out, and to give that to a PC seems just backwards.

I do think your pregnancy clock is pretty good.

Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 12:55:57 PM »
Thanks Margolotte, very good feedback.

I'll think about your suggestions, Worn Out above all (at least I should raise the number of children ;) )

The idea behind "Heart of a Mother" and "Far from Eyes" is that the children can/should be something you have to follow and care, otherwise somehing bad happen. And something bad could happen anyway. It should be like in the hardholder move "Wealth", but thinking about it maybe my moves are too harsh.

I'll take note of your feedback to adjust my target, thanks again.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 01:01:59 PM by fealoro »

Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2011, 01:15:31 PM »
Heart of a mother: at the beginning of each session roll+number of children (max+3). On a miss you hold 3, on 7-9 you hold 1, on 10+ you hold your breath. You can spend the holds at the beginning of the session or when the MC ask you to spend them . I get the point on this, to keep your kids safe and etc, but it seems like a move that really blocks some of the other moves, and it feels like it could put some of the prime motivations of the character off the table.
I´d make Heart of a mother a more positive move, perhaps.
"Spend your hold to (10+, hold 3, 7-9, hold 2):
-Have your children work a little for you, giving you 1-barter.
-Place one child in a good position, get him a job, a girlfriend, whatever.
-Keep your children out of trouble.
-Mantain your relationship with your children just fine.

But I´d really like you to keep that session-start move, I love it.

Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2011, 12:35:42 PM »
I like it too, but I have to made not too much harsh, but also something challenging

I'll try something along with your idea, tnx

EDIT: and I'll definitely go for Sharp instead of Weird
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 01:02:17 PM by fealoro »

Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2011, 04:19:45 PM »
I would use the Hocus playbook.

Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2011, 08:39:18 AM »
I tried to fix something

Thanks Simon C, I take some inspiration from Hocus
Thanks Margolotte, I use a lot of your suggestions

I reduced the number of moves, but I made a trick, because I used the Offspring charaterization as a moves...

And obviously my wording is not so good...

I'm thinking about:
the moves are too weak?
the edge is the offsprings and in case any PC. It's enough?
should I raise the Stats?

The Mother

You know what was the first word spoken right after what had happened. That word was spoken before and it is spoken now. And you know will be spoken as long as the humanity will be here.
That word was: “Mom?”

Choose one set:
• Cool=0 Hard+1 Hot-1 Sharp+2 Weird+1
• Cool=0 Hard-1 Hot+1 Sharp+2 Weird=0
• Cool+2 Hard=0 Hot=-1 Sharp+2 Weird=0
• Cool-1 Hard=0 Hot+2 Sharp+2 Weird=0

The Offsprings
You have between 1 and 5 children.
You always roll+sharp instead of roll+hot in attempt to manipulate one of your child.
You always have a leverage on your children and the children are always a leverage to you.
Whenever you go aggro or seize something by force in defense of one of your child roll+sharp instead of roll+hard
If some of your children is a PC and come to you to ask advise, if they do what you said they get +1forward.

Surplus: Barter

Choose 0,1,2 or 3. Each choose cost you a move choice.
You have at least one toddler. +1Offspring. You have to have the toddler with you or with someone she trust. If you left her unattended roll heart of a mother. Add Surplus: Augury but roll+Offspring.

You have at least one adult child. -1Offspring. Add Surplus: Insight. Add Want: Judgment

You have more than 6 children. +1Offspring You have a small gang of your offspring and their friends (2-harm gang small unruly 1-armor). Add Want: Disease.

You don’t have any child. You have a pregnancy clock, set where the clock is. You don’t have any Surplus nor Want. You still have heart of a mother and Offspring 0.


You take Heart of a mother
Heart of a mother: at the beginning of each session roll+Offspring. On a miss you have surplus, on 7-9 you have surplus and want. On a miss your offsprings are in want or the MC can choose to make a move concerning your children. If your offspring have more than one want or one surplus the MC choose which one apply.

Choose three moves less how many choices you made on the Offsprings.
Everybody’s mother: If you pass some time with another character you can roll+sharp. 10+ you can consider that one as one of your offspring as long as you wish. The same on 7-9 but she can choose when cut the umbilical cord. On a miss she hates you. If she is a PC both of you mark experience. You can try this move only once with the same character.
Something to spare: 10+ gives you a 1-barter item you've been saving against a rainy day - lucky for your children, and they better be grateful;  on a 7-9, a 1-barter item you can use to buy off their need, but it has sentimental value to you; on a miss, you can get a 2-barter item, but it comes with strings attached to someone you dislike, and the MC will tell you what.
Happy family: you have someone important you can rely on. It is a NPC, has his own life, but he can help you. Can be the father of your children, your sister, your mother or someone else.
The mother stare: you always roll+sharp instead of roll+hot in attempt to manipulate someone
Dear mom: if someone come to you to ask advise, if they do what you said they get +1forward. If he is one of your offspring he get +2forward.

Sex move
When you have sex with a male character and you do not have a pregnancy clock you get it, set at 0.
In any case your partner choose two:
your children like her/him
you mark experience
he get +1forward
you do not have the pregnancy clock (if you should get as results of this move)

On your turn chose 1 or 2
someone was friend of one of your children. Tell them Hx+2
someone loved you. Tell them Hx-1

To all the other tell them Hx+1

On the other turn choose 1 or 2
someone remember you one of your children, or you would like to have him as children. Add 1 to his number
someone do domething bad to your children. Ignore his number and put Hx+1

Pregnancy Clock
From 0 to 9 is the month of pregnancy. Every three months of play you check one segment.
0-3: any harm over 9:00 cancel the pregnancy clock. (It is what it seems)
3-6: as above. Any harm is +1harm, but you can cancel the pregnancy clock to cancel any 1-harm
6-9: as above. You can keep a clock that you should cancel taking +1harm
10+: as above. You got -1forward. Any miss in any move let you cancel another segment.
When you cancel 12 you start labor: roll+weird. On a miss you get 2-harm and you cancel the clock. On 7-9 one of the two. On 10+ everything is ok.
If after the roll you still have the pregnancy clock, congratulation, your children is born and you can safely cancel the clock.
Any action right after the birth is acting under fire. Then you get the move Far from eyes.
A pregnancy clock is a leverage for the community where the mother live and for anyone who care. More, the Mother get +1 on any manipulation that use the clock as leverage.

When you open your brain to the maelstrom roll+pregnancy segment in addition to your main roll. On 10+ the MC choose one baby conditions, on 7-9 the MC still choose one condition but he got to cancel another one, if there is. On a miss nothing. You can cancel one condition chosen by taking 1-harm in the same moment.
The baby conditions
she is weird
she had some deformity
cancel the clock
she help you in the maelstrom, you get +1 forward
check one pregnancy clock segment
check one pregnancy clock segment
« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 08:44:59 AM by fealoro »

Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2011, 09:02:42 AM »
This is better. I think the biggest thing I would add or change is with the sex move:
When you have sex with a male character and you do not have a pregnancy clock you get it, set at 0.
In any case your partner choose two:
your children like her/him
you mark experience
he get +1forward
you do not have the pregnancy clock (if you should get as results of this move)

If you make it "when you have sex with a biologically compatible character, the woman in the encounter gets a pregnancy clock at 0". That supports the gender possibilities in "your children like her/him", and allows for a male Mother, which I very much approve of.

Re: Playbook Idea: The Mother
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2011, 05:16:51 PM »
Something to spare: 10+ gives you a 1-barter item you've been saving against a rainy day - lucky for your children, and they better be grateful;  on a 7-9, a 1-barter item you can use to buy off their need, but it has sentimental value to you; on a miss, you can get a 2-barter item, but it comes with strings attached to someone you dislike, and the MC will tell you what.
I´m not entirely sure about the "but it has sentimental value to you" clause. I mean, it is a great thing for just a move to say about your character, this should be a thing the players themselves decide. And also, how to spark consequences from giving away a sentimentally valuable object. To me, the 7-9 result lacks complication, doesn´t feel like a half success...

These are some fixes I´m thinking about:
-On a 7-9, 1-barter item you can use, but it´s somehow important to one of your children (I think it´s better when you make it about somebody else, not just an inner struggle).
-On a 7-9, 1-barter item you can use, but you borrowed it from a friend choosed by the MC. Better figure how to give it back to him later.
-On a 7-9, 1-barter item you can use, but you had to tighten up your belt and sacrifice stuff valuable to you. You have -1forward (maybe it should be worse, I don´t know).