Here's the thing about the names.
They signify a complete break in cultural continuity. All these things are names of things and the people of Apocalypse World know it but they don't know what they used to be the names of. It says it in the book because I said it to V: They're cultural references that have lost their referents.
It's telling you that the apocalypse wasn't just material - it was psychological.
If your AW isn't like that, well, change it.
I grok it completely!
What I was asking was, will the psychological apocalypse feel convincing without the environmental apocalypse? As nature-loving scandinavians, this environment was a lot more familiar and closer to reality than in our last game, set in a blasted and surreal desert landscape. Thus, the people might feel closer to us and our lives as well.
In the end, we did add some surreal quality to the physical world. The maelstrom is there, of course. If you stay out in the woods for too long, it'll get to you. The animals are acting weird, and the seasons are irregular.
We just used the names straight off the lists.
The weirdness and the realness mingled real nicely. This feels like a world where people are cold and hungry rather than hot and crazy. People like us. Of course, they are still lost - They do fucked up things, they're missing basic know-how. The savvyhead might be the guy who figures out how to make brick buildings again, rather than the guy who rebuilds a plasma cannon. There is a brainer, posing as a doctor to avoid trouble, but she also has some high tech-gear, of course.
The first scene was Barnum the hardholder waking up in the hold/workshop. Everybody in his gang huddles together for warmth when they sleep, but the morning cold has still eaten into his bones. He pushes himself out of bed, into the cold air. The firewood hasn't been chopped up properly, so he starts chopping it, cussing loudly so his gang wakes up and starts working the fire and breakfast. Outside, it's the first morning frost of the year. This, I know exactly how it feels.
The last scene was the three characters finding Twice who went missing yesterday, fighting off an unnaturally large bear on the way. Twice is naked, dead, stabbed a dozen times and hir genitals have been cut off. This is a weird experience from a world strange to me.