Rules question: Implant Syringe

  • 3 Replies
Rules question: Implant Syringe
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:38:46 PM »
How are people playing the implant syringe.
After you’ve tagged someone, if a brainer move allows you to inflict
harm on them, inflict +1harm.

If say I have 3 hold on in-brain puppet strings would the previous use of the implant syringe let me inflict 2-harm with each hold, or just the first one?

Re: Rules question: Implant Syringe
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2011, 07:57:10 PM »
2-harm with each hold.

Re: Rules question: Implant Syringe
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 08:08:56 PM »
I'd say if you want to spend all 3 hold at once to do 3-harm, you'd add bonuses once. So the implant syringe would make it 4-harm. And if you had Merciless (like my Brainer does), that would be 5-harm.

But if you wanted to spend each hold one at a time with mere seconds between them, add bonuses to each one. So, 2-harm for each hold with the implant syringe. And 3-harm for each hold if you also have Merciless.

And, you know, describe the difference in the fiction. Like: "I flood his system with everything, all at once." Or: "I hit him in the brain with my brain. Then I do it again. He dead? No? Fuck it, again in the brain. Howz 'e doin' now?"

Re: Rules question: Implant Syringe
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2011, 10:45:45 PM »
Sounds cool.  Thanks for the input!

"Pull the strings!"