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Messages - J. Walton

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Apocalypse World / Re: AP: The Factory
« on: August 13, 2010, 04:04:42 PM »
Dammit, Wilson.  The Seattle crew was just talking about starting a new AW game set in a semi-flooded world.

Your game sounds way hot, tho.

Apocalypse World / Re: Maestro D's Gang
« on: August 12, 2010, 04:22:57 PM »
Bret, yeah definitely, if you haven't spent an advance on a move, you only have it as long as it makes sense fictionally.  If you lose your gang or stop being the alpha, obviously you can't still use Pack Alpha. But if you've bought it and lose your gang or whatever, it's pretty easy for you to use it and round up a new gang, because it's part of who you are.  So if we agree on that, then maybe we've just been talking past each other the whole time (both here and on SG).

Do you mean how you're normally limited to two out-of-playbook moves?  Because that seems pretty open-ended to me.  With two moves, you can buy the two core moves of another character type, yeah?  So I don't see that as particularly restricted.

Apocalypse World / Re: Maestro D's Gang
« on: August 12, 2010, 04:10:23 PM »
There's a selectiveness in deciding who gets access to what to prevent the characters from blurring into one another.
Definitely, but it's been interesting to note how the extensiveness of niche protection seems to be different between different campaigns.  In some games, players seem to shy away from taking moves that other PCs already have, even though it's definitely allowed by the rules ("take a move from another playbook").  Where, in other games, it seems very common for a bunch of PCs to have the same moves.

I can understand, if you're really worried about niche protection and blurring, Bret, why you would be worried about assigning playbook moves based on fictional developments, but it does work really well in other campaigns that aren't quite as worried about those things.  There's still enough differentiation between characters, in my opinion.

Take the situation where one PC switches character types to become the same type of character as another existing PC.  Now you definitely have two Choppers or two Gunluggers or whatever.  And that's definitely in the rules, yeah?

So I had a big, long, somewhat confused conversation about this with John Harper and Elizabeth and came to the following conclusions (which John and E may not agree with, I'm speaking for myself here):

There are no NPC versions of the character types.  PCs can be Angels, but non-PC medical types are called "medics" in the rules for a reason.  Some of the PC types don't really have default NPC names, for example: the Hardholder.  So sometimes we would refer to X NPC as the hardholder of Y location, but they were not actually a Hardholder and did not (obviously) have any Hardholder moves.

Because of character pluralism (each player can have multiple PCs) and the fact that any NPC may be taken as a PC (at least in our games), any NPC can potentially be a PC but that does not make them proto-PCs or anything.  NPCs don't need to fit into particular character types.  They play by their own rules.  When one becomes a PC, then, sometimes it takes a bit of work to figure out what PC character type to build them as.  This is okay and actually awesome.

The PCs are unique in the world for their sexiness and badassitude.  It actually says this in the game.  Nobody is necessarily expecting their powers and abilities, but NPCs are not always fools either.  They know dangerous people when they see them.

The PC types do not necessarily exist in the fiction.  You can call the Brainer a "brainer" in the fiction if you want, but you can also just call her "mindfuck girl" or whatever.

Apocalypse World / Re: Playbook: Valkyrie
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:28:17 PM »
Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on that.  Right now, if I revise it based on the suggestions here, the only thing it requires is for violent deaths to leave brief echoes in the Psychic Maelstrom, which doesn't seem too restricting on individual groups.  Or am I missing the wider implications?

Apocalypse World / Re: Playbook: Valkyrie
« on: August 11, 2010, 03:00:00 PM »
Bret, yeah, definitely.  Like that.  Basically, they would collect echoes and imprint them on themselves as kinda minor psychoses or extra personalities.

Joe, I definitely like that suggestion, moving the various things you could do with a collection of echoes to a set of optional moves.  That way one could be a "make them fight for you as a gang" and one could be a "they give you Insight" and one could be a "inflict them on other people" and one could be "they let you use Weird for Hard."

Nemo, I've read the first volume of Northlanders but stopped because I didn't like its lame depictions of women (can't even make their own bows, etc.).  The original post-apoc valkyrie game was inspired by seeing Die Walkure earlier last year.

Apocalypse World / Re: Playbook: Valkyrie
« on: August 10, 2010, 06:06:48 PM »
Yeah, I'm leaning towards making it more ambiguous whether the Valkyrie actually collects ghosts or whether she's just crazy and siphoning echoes of dead people off the Maelstrom.  In the end, she shouldn't be any more supernatural than the Brainer, I think.

The slaver parallel you mention is interesting, Joe.  I really like the sex move where you swap / inflict spirits on someone, though, which wouldn't be possible with a slaver.  Maybe that should be a class move and not a sex move?  Not sure.

I think a lot of things will get clearer when I come up with better stats for the Ghost Army, including the different options you can select from at start.  There's probably one where the Valkyrie is basically a serial killer and collects souls of a particular type.

Apocalypse World / Re: Tell me about your experiences with Ally:
« on: August 10, 2010, 02:43:31 PM »
When I did it, I turned an attaching squad of high-tech post-Aztec jaguar warriors into my gang.  It was pretty useful.

Apocalypse World / Playbook: Valkyrie
« on: August 10, 2010, 02:31:58 PM »
Here's a new character type I've been thinking about, based loosely on the "Broken Rainbow" post-apocalyptic valkyries-on-hovercycles game I ran this past year using Mouse Guard.  We probably should have used Apocalypse World, but I wasn't aware of it then.  This is me making up for it.  Right now it's a hack of a bunch of different existing character types, but it may move in a more independent direction.

Suggestions and feedback are most welcome, of course.


They're either the bastard daughters of some long forgotten god or a coven of death cult witches.  All I know is that they call the Maelstrom "daddy" and cackle to themselves like fucking hyenas. Do not enter.




Pick from the Hocus sets, for now. Probably eventually create a new set that leans towards Hard and Weird.


You get these 2:

Soul Ripper: (variation on Seize By Force, for now) when you have time and physical intimacy with a recently deceased body, you can stick your fingers in its flesh and assert your mastery over their lingering psychic essence. Roll + Weird.  On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 1:
* You take definite hold of their soul, drafting it into your ghost army (see below)
* You can force the deceased spirit to truthfully answer 1 question.
* You suffer little harm.
* You impress, dismay, or frighten the soul.

Ghost Wrangler: (Pack Alpha / Leadership / Frenzy hybrid, for now) when you try to impose your will on your ghost army (see below), roll + Weird.  On a 10+, all 3. On a 7-9, choose 1:
* They do what you want
* They don't fight back over it
* They unite and fight for you (2-harm gang small invisible invulnerable)
* You don't have to make an example of one of them

On a miss the ghosts turn on you or make you vulnerable to your enemies.

Might be other optional moves, to choose between.  Specifically I'm thinking of one with some real fictional positioning, like "Dark Wings: when you attack from a higher position, take +1 forward."


Identical to Chopper, for now.


By default your army consists of about 15 fucking poltergeists that you ripped untimely from the violent womb of the Psychic Maelstrom. Likely, you murdered at least half these fuckers personally, with your bare hands, and for half the rest you were watching appreciatively as the killing was done.  They don't rightly believe your promises about riding out to glory in the end times, seeing as how the end times have come and gone without no glory to be had a'tall.  And the best part is: no one can see these fuckers but you, the occasional dog, horse, or child, and madmen who ain't full right in the head.


You get 1 custom hand weapon, as per Battlebabe.  Valkyries generally like to do their murdering up front and personal, where they can enjoy the wetness of blood between their fingers.


If you and another character have sex, you make them vulnerable to your ghost army. Roll + Weird. On a 10+, you decide which ghosts leave your army and begin haunting the other character. On a 7-9, as above, but the GM can make one change to your muster order, shifting one additional ghost or preventing one from leaving your service. On a failure, the GM decides who the ghosts leave with.


I really like the way that Wants and Obligations work and am still thinking about how they might work with this character type.  Does the Valkyrie owe her ghost army anything to keep them relatively satisfied?  Or does she just exert her will on them?  Is she driven by a drive to prepare for the end times, when she will lead the army to glory in the final battles?  Is she trying to collect as many souls into her army as possible?  Not sure yet.  Maybe some of these are decided in play, by individual players, and don't need mechanical backing.

Apocalypse World / Re: An Arresting Skinner
« on: August 10, 2010, 01:42:07 AM »
Depends on the situation, but I might rule that doing anything else besides staring at the Skinner is Acting Under Fire for PCs.  For NPCs, you're totally right, fuck 'em.  For PCs too, doing anything that's not outright murdering them is probably A-OK too (no roll allowed), since the move doesn't really offer them an out.  AW isn't fair.

Also, when somebody is totally paralyzed like that, I'm not sure why you'd even bother thinking in "rounds" or whatever.  You probably wouldn't deal normal damage or whatever.  You'd just slit somebody's throat or gut them like a fish.  Dead.  Forget about Harm. D-E-D, dead.

Fingers on the Firmament / Art & Design for Firmament
« on: July 22, 2010, 04:03:31 PM »
A mock-up of a 11x11" booklet cover spread.

An example of what a starting map might look like, generated by the players before play begins in earnest.  The faded lines are pathways that are known or marked but not actively practiced and familiar to the group. I'm sure we'll come up with a much better map in playtest.

Fingers on the Firmament / Re: Basic Concepts
« on: July 13, 2010, 02:03:39 AM »
Just saw the movie version of The Road last night and my first thought was, damn, that's very similar in tone to what I'm trying to do with Firmament.  It's interesting that I didn't have that reaction when reading the book.  But check this out:

-- very small # of humans left
-- story focuses on even smaller group trying to survive
-- a lot of the other humans out there are wacko crazies
-- you cherish the rare moments you have with other sane human beings
-- you wander through a bleak but darkly beautiful landscape
-- the environment is mostly empty, but occasionally dotted with treasures
-- most of the story consists of wandering and looking
-- once, just once, they stumble upon a trove of treasures all in one place
-- a lot of wondering and soul searching, looking for meaning
-- very lonesome and sad, but with a glimmer of hope remaining

Yeah, I want all of that.

the preapocalypse / Re: Help me pitch sales?
« on: July 11, 2010, 02:17:47 PM »
Forgot one more aspect of transparency:

  • the way the MC is actively encouraged -- and more importantly, shown how -- to create custom moves; AW really embraces the GM's role in engaging with the mechanics as a designer as well as an interpreter.

That's pretty significant, I think.

the preapocalypse / Re: Help me pitch sales?
« on: July 11, 2010, 02:05:10 PM »
Hans, it's probably too early to really talk with any authority about the significance of AW, and I don't want to just sound like I'm inflating Vx's ego, but I would point at things like:

  • the explicit way that AW tells players when to engage the mechanics (the "When X happens" part of how moves are structured, which derives from the players making assessments about the shared fiction),
  • the explicit way that AW tells the MC when and how to assert narrative authority, though MC moves, and also attempts to explicitly transmit attitudes and approaches through describing basic principles ("barf forth apocalyptica," etc.),
  • the "object oriented" nature of how moves are designed, which makes them super robust for hacking,
  • the way the basic structure of most die-rolling moves (10+, 7-9, 6 or less) builds on Otherkind Dice,
  • the awesomeness of the various moves that don't require rolls, bits of structured freeform for the players (along with the MC's principles and MC moves, which are totally structured freeform; indeed, you could make a freeform version of AW pretty easily), and
  • overall, the way in which the explicitness of the various components of AW (player moves, MC moves, core principles, etc.) provide a language for talking about how to play and GM games, a pretty robust language that we can share.  For example, if I'm writing a AW hack and change some of the core principles, I can make it explicit how I want people to approach the game, instead of trying to imply it through paragraphs of GM advice.  I still need to explain my new principles in detail, of course, but the fact that I have to boil them down to pithy phrases means I have to be very explicit about them.

If I had to boil this down to a core principle, I would say that AW really embraces transparency in game design.  Which is really cool and important.

No, you're totally right, Daniel. Part of what will make the hack feel super lonely is having Fronts and core issues that have nothing to do with other people and in fact pull you away from them.  Ruins are part of that, definitely, but they're still man-made.

But there should still be ways to model, say, a Cartographer's impulse to map the unknown heavens.  Last night I played a Hocus for the first time and really liked how Fortunes is a more complex version of the gig rules.  Something that like, which a Cartographer could invoke multiple times a session rather than just at the beginning... that could be really cool.

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