brainstorming & development / Re: Apocalypse West
« on: November 01, 2010, 11:10:38 PM »
The Saint
“His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.”
Revelations 1:14
The world might be dead, and God, or the gods, or the spirits, or what have you might have moved on. But the Saints haven't. The holy man who refuses to give up hope in the face of darkness, the tribal shaman, warring against strange creatures, or the retired schoolmarm, running the orphanage because someone has to look after those kids- these are the people that are looking out for you.
If you're going to pray, pray for a Saint.
Choose one:
Cool =0 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird +2
Cool +1 Hard +1 Hot -1 Sharp =0 Weird +2
Cool =0 Hard -2 Hot =0 Sharp +2 Weird +2
Cool +1 Hard =0 Hot -1 Sharp +1 Weird +2
Basic Moves
You get all the Basic Moves
Saint Moves
Pick two of the following:
Armor of Faith: Your faith counts as Armor 1. If you're wearing conventional armor instead, use that instead.
Consecrate: When you perform rites of your faith to consecrate an item for a certain task, roll + Weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. Anytime any character makes a roll while using the item for the named task, they may spend 1 hold to gain +1 forward for that roll.
If the consecrated item is a weapon, a character may spend a hold when inflicting harm with it to treat the weapon as whatever the target is vulnerable to, if it happens to have a specific vulnerability or weakness.
A character can only Consecrate one item at a time. On a miss, you may not Consecrate any more items this session.
Flock: You gain a small following or congregation, your flock. At the beginning of each session, roll + Sharp. On a 10+, your flock has surplus. On a 7-9, they have surplus, and choose 1 want. On a miss, they are in want. If their surplus lists barter, that's your share, padre.
Lay on Hands: When you put your hands skin-to-skin on a wounded person and open your soul to their injuries, roll + Weird. On a 10+, they heal 1 segment. On a 7-9, they heal 1 segment, and you are acting under fire from their injuries On a miss, you've opened up both your souls to the mystic wasteland. Treat it as though you've made that move and blown the roll.
Voice of God: When you speak with the voice of authority and faith, you may roll + Weird instead of + Hot to manipulate someone.
Watchful Healing: You know techniques for speeding the healing process. Characters healing under your care heal in twice the time.
If you have a Flock, by default it's about 10 followers, loyal to you but not fanatical. They have their own lives, and live in the community. They occasionally give you tithes and gifts. (Surplus: 1 Barter, Want: + Anxiety.)
Choose 2:
*Your flock is involved in a useful business or commerce. Surplus +1 Barter.
*Your flock is willing to fight at your call, and counts as a gang with harm and armor appropriate to the situation.
*Your flock contains some wise individuals who you can call upon for council. Surplus: + Insight.
*Your flock is willing to uproot and follow you if you demand it (and if they're in a good mood). Surplus: + Mobile
*Your flock is big, about 20 followers. Surplus +1 Barter, replace Want: Anxiety with Want: + Desertion.
And choose 1:
*Your flock is isolated from the community. They're really more like a cult. Want: + Outsiders.
*Your flock is tiny, like a half dozen people. Surplus -1 Barter.
*You aren't entirely in control of your flock. Want: Judgment.
*Your flock is held together only by your strong personality. If you are not physically with your flock at the start of the session, take -2 to your roll.
You get a practical weapon, fashion suitable to your look (but no armor), and 1 barter.
On your turn, if any character is a member of your flock, tell them +2. Otherwise, tell them =0. You're pretty strange.
On the others' turns, choose one or both of the following:
*You gave that person sanctuary once when they needed it. Whatever number they tell you, ignore it and write +3.
*You've seen the darkness that lurks in their heart. Whatever number they tell you, ignore it and write +3.
Everyone else, you're a darn good judge of character. Take the number they tell you, and add +1 to it.
Saint Special
Saints don't have sex. Carnal pleasure for it's own sake violates the temple of the body, and it would be a sin to bring a child into this broken world. A Saint who has sex with another character must immediately change playbooks.
(The Saint is in some ways a cross between an Angel and a Hocus (duh), but I think in practice the special move will make it very different.)
“His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.”
Revelations 1:14
The world might be dead, and God, or the gods, or the spirits, or what have you might have moved on. But the Saints haven't. The holy man who refuses to give up hope in the face of darkness, the tribal shaman, warring against strange creatures, or the retired schoolmarm, running the orphanage because someone has to look after those kids- these are the people that are looking out for you.
If you're going to pray, pray for a Saint.
Choose one:
Cool =0 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird +2
Cool +1 Hard +1 Hot -1 Sharp =0 Weird +2
Cool =0 Hard -2 Hot =0 Sharp +2 Weird +2
Cool +1 Hard =0 Hot -1 Sharp +1 Weird +2
Basic Moves
You get all the Basic Moves
Saint Moves
Pick two of the following:
Armor of Faith: Your faith counts as Armor 1. If you're wearing conventional armor instead, use that instead.
Consecrate: When you perform rites of your faith to consecrate an item for a certain task, roll + Weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. Anytime any character makes a roll while using the item for the named task, they may spend 1 hold to gain +1 forward for that roll.
If the consecrated item is a weapon, a character may spend a hold when inflicting harm with it to treat the weapon as whatever the target is vulnerable to, if it happens to have a specific vulnerability or weakness.
A character can only Consecrate one item at a time. On a miss, you may not Consecrate any more items this session.
Flock: You gain a small following or congregation, your flock. At the beginning of each session, roll + Sharp. On a 10+, your flock has surplus. On a 7-9, they have surplus, and choose 1 want. On a miss, they are in want. If their surplus lists barter, that's your share, padre.
Lay on Hands: When you put your hands skin-to-skin on a wounded person and open your soul to their injuries, roll + Weird. On a 10+, they heal 1 segment. On a 7-9, they heal 1 segment, and you are acting under fire from their injuries On a miss, you've opened up both your souls to the mystic wasteland. Treat it as though you've made that move and blown the roll.
Voice of God: When you speak with the voice of authority and faith, you may roll + Weird instead of + Hot to manipulate someone.
Watchful Healing: You know techniques for speeding the healing process. Characters healing under your care heal in twice the time.
If you have a Flock, by default it's about 10 followers, loyal to you but not fanatical. They have their own lives, and live in the community. They occasionally give you tithes and gifts. (Surplus: 1 Barter, Want: + Anxiety.)
Choose 2:
*Your flock is involved in a useful business or commerce. Surplus +1 Barter.
*Your flock is willing to fight at your call, and counts as a gang with harm and armor appropriate to the situation.
*Your flock contains some wise individuals who you can call upon for council. Surplus: + Insight.
*Your flock is willing to uproot and follow you if you demand it (and if they're in a good mood). Surplus: + Mobile
*Your flock is big, about 20 followers. Surplus +1 Barter, replace Want: Anxiety with Want: + Desertion.
And choose 1:
*Your flock is isolated from the community. They're really more like a cult. Want: + Outsiders.
*Your flock is tiny, like a half dozen people. Surplus -1 Barter.
*You aren't entirely in control of your flock. Want: Judgment.
*Your flock is held together only by your strong personality. If you are not physically with your flock at the start of the session, take -2 to your roll.
You get a practical weapon, fashion suitable to your look (but no armor), and 1 barter.
On your turn, if any character is a member of your flock, tell them +2. Otherwise, tell them =0. You're pretty strange.
On the others' turns, choose one or both of the following:
*You gave that person sanctuary once when they needed it. Whatever number they tell you, ignore it and write +3.
*You've seen the darkness that lurks in their heart. Whatever number they tell you, ignore it and write +3.
Everyone else, you're a darn good judge of character. Take the number they tell you, and add +1 to it.
Saint Special
Saints don't have sex. Carnal pleasure for it's own sake violates the temple of the body, and it would be a sin to bring a child into this broken world. A Saint who has sex with another character must immediately change playbooks.
(The Saint is in some ways a cross between an Angel and a Hocus (duh), but I think in practice the special move will make it very different.)