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Messages - MOONhowler

Pages: 1 [2]
roleplaying theory, hardcore / Re: References for Beginners
« on: May 17, 2013, 09:16:52 AM »
Thanks. That's all great stuff. I knew there had to be stuff about actual game design out there, as opposed to all those things about programming video games. I just had to ask.
I really like that post on how RPG rules work. The arrows between the fictional concepts, the player interactions, and the cues remind me of the basics of modular program design. I love things that have a logical outline to their structure. I think most things do; it's just that you have to figure out how everything goes together.

roleplaying theory, hardcore / References for Beginners
« on: May 16, 2013, 07:00:56 PM »
I'm still trying to understand roleplaying theory and what makes for good game mechanics. I figure a good starting point is AW's Ludography. Any other suggestions?

Apocalypse World / Re: Real Bone Dice for the Apocalypse & tremulus
« on: May 06, 2013, 10:09:50 AM »
Updating with a reply since I can't find an edit link. Seems legit. Decent SSL cert for a small business and the checkout uses HTTPS. Good to have friends who are savvier than me.
I'm gonna get the non-stained ones because they look like better dice and stain them myself. These seem like the best instructions to me. I think you want pure carnauba wax and that the Enkaustikos flakes sold by Dick Blick fit the bill. I've been to Dick Blick, ordered from them online, and have complete trust in them. Pure carnauba is hard, hard as concrete; buy a double boiler exclusively for its use. I mean, sure it's non-toxic, but why gunk up your prized double boiler? The flakes should melt best; it takes a lot of heat to melt carnauba. Its melting point is 187°–190° F (86°–88° C). It just occurred to me how many hoops I'm willing to jump through for bone dice... Geez- I'm kind of a freak.

Apocalypse World / Real Bone Dice for the Apocalypse & tremulus
« on: May 05, 2013, 05:53:22 PM »
Long story short, Black Bear Haversack Trading Post, based in Granite City, Illinois, seems to be the best option. They seem popular among Civil War reenactors and at Ren Fairs. They seem legit. They sell dice like the ones I saw on eBay and stained ones with blue and red pips. Ten of the first link, as in five pairs, (as that's what they're sold by,) cost $9.45 before shipping and tax, around what the eBay set of ten cost.
So I'm thinking about going with Black Bear Haversack, but then I get paranoid. Caveat emptor, and all. I'd feel a little better if I could pay with PayPal instead of giving them my credit card info diectly. I'm used to PayPal. Then I decided to ask you guys. What do you think? Any Illinois natives or customers of this company who can vouch for them? If they seem OK, which dice do you guys think look best? If anyone here frequents Reality Blurs, you'll see I'm asking there too.

Apocalypse World / Re: Extended Mediography
« on: April 17, 2013, 06:55:54 PM »
An addendum to the Akira OST recommendation: this Witch House tribute album might have some good shit. I'm at the end of track 2: Bosozoku Highway, and while the first track wasn't my cup of tea, I like this one. Just got to track 3: KNDA (jjuukkee mix). Sweet Kaneda remix. Just went dubstep. I'm not a big dubstep guy, but OK. Or is it brostep? I can never get these things straight.

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