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Messages - Nifelhein

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Dungeon World / Re: You know what are some great moves?
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:09:56 PM »
Gnome7 has a set of alternate playbooks that try to embrace that idea further, in the thread here: he offers a preview of the mage, seems like something you would enjoy.

Dungeon World / Re: Skies Over Danbury Adventures
« on: December 10, 2012, 05:48:02 AM »
Just a heads up, the Kickstartre now has a pledge that offers a physical copy of both the adventure and the Dungeon World book.


Dungeon World / Re: First Trip to the Dungeon (World)
« on: December 10, 2012, 05:41:46 AM »
Looks like a nice game to me, and a fun one!

Dungeon World / Re: Carouse failure and XP mark
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:57:13 AM »
I would probably propose either whoever rolled (because we have a player who is known to roll high, seriously) or the xp would go to whoever had the least xp or lowest level.

Dungeon World / Re: Alternative Playbooks
« on: December 08, 2012, 10:56:48 PM »
Pays me well to sleep badly and read stuff online. I think your price is good for 2 + 2 revised playbooks, and I agree they look very good, though I haven't seen the other playbooks on sale yet. I also have read the mage playbook and it looks very very interesting, reminds me a lot of presto from D&D cartoon, lots of 7-9 rolls there.

Dungeon World / Re: Alternative Playbooks
« on: December 08, 2012, 08:52:02 AM »
I think the price is a bit high, considering that  you are actually paying for just 1 different class, since both the mage and the artificer are freely available. Even more when you consider that it is 40% of the actual DW book.

 I agree, the ritual was actually the choice I like the most, but since there is no stated way, it means you can also apply any of the magical options available instead of worrying about a lot of metagame information, because it is the fiction that defines the choice, not the mechanics.

The guide was well worth the read so I just felt I should contribute to make it more precise. ;)

The guide also helped a lot in fleshing out the compendium class ideas, this baby helps a lot.

First time around, probably far from the last. Having purchased Dungeon World recently I fell in love with it, the kind of game it focuses on is the exact kind of game I want to play and have been trying to play with other systems for a long time.

That all said, this particular Guide is immensely helpful, it is like having a directed talk with a more experienced person and it has helped me immensely in grasping better how to change from my "how to do it in the system" mentality into the "Fiction First" mentality of DW.

While reading through the guide I noted down some things:

Angered diety, NPC, or monster
page 7 - Nothing like an angered low-calories opponent!

it's the your turn to react again. So the you respond by
page 12 - leftovers

First of all, when a PC takes damage from multiple enemies at once, you take the largest damage die from all of them, and roll dice equal to the number of enemies. So if there are two goblins (d6 dmg) and a gnoll (d8 dmg) all stabbing an unlucky PC, you roll 3d8 and take the highest result. ?is doesn't mean only one enemy hit them, it's just a way of ensuring high but not-overwhelming damage.
Page 20 - The current rules are roll the highest dice and add the number of additional creatures attacking. The example has the same iteration of the rules.

(roll one damage die for each attacker and use the highest result).
Pages 25/26 - same as above

Now that it is out of the way, more to the discussion at hand. I always hated when after describing an action the Gm would ask me to roll a thousand tests to do something cool, also always hated when your perfectly cool and simple action was called impossible because that is not how the rules work, in one of the last games I played the entire final battle in the campaign happened after I noticed a smile on the corner of the mouth of an "ally" when we met with our seemingly nemesis.

It was a vampire the masquerade game, I instantly used celerity to attack said vampire with a stake that already was in my hand. Oddly enough we all had to roll initiative, since my action triggered combat mode. I was last to act in the *entire* round. It was extremely disappointing.

I was a player then but I have GMed a lot, and it has always been D&D, from AD&D 2nd edition to D&D 4th edition, and the things that turned me away from it were the same of that example.

The real problem is: when a system puts you into the rules first mindset and you have been using that for a while, it is hard to break up the old habits. Players have less tendency to try different and cool stuff, the GM has problems grasping how things can be done when there are are no rules guiding him. I will elaborate with a simple and small thing that popped up in my mind when I was reading the Dungeon World book from cover to cover.

In the Cockatrice description one of its abilities is "Start a slow transformation to stone", the Medusa has a similar ability though "Turn a body part to stone with a look". After reading through them both I realized:

There is no "Stone to Flesh" spell anywhere in the book.

That was a bit shocking for someone GMing and playing D&D for 20 years like myself, isn't it? Yeah, quite a bit. Then I closed the book and let that rest a bit, it was a little while before I finally found the answer: Fiction Dictates.

The Medusa is a mythological creature, in quite a few retelling of the tale her victims were turned back into flesh after she was killed. That would be one way to go about it right there, simple, quick and solved alongside the conflict.

You could also say that a stone to flesh spell does exist but, given how rare it is used, it is not part of a spellcaster's usual repertoire but it is not hard to find or cast, a trip to a city with a little research and it is covered.

And at last you could say it is hard to undo such an unnatural power, it is a ritual requiring hard to find and rare ingredients, making the gathering and casting of it an adventure by itself.

What would the right answer be? That is where I go back to the most common advice here: whatever the fiction states.

The group is in the middle of something more important and the enemy's ability to turn into stone was an afterthought, then killing the beast should suffice

You want them to fear the enemy but not halt the game's current direction or force the player to play a new character right now? Then make it a simple spell but one that they do not have yet, a simple trip back and you are done.

You want the game to get a new front that gives them something they want (to turn the character back into flesh) with a cost (to let whatever was happening behind and having to deal with the consequences) then it can be an entire ritual, maybe one that hasn't even been done yet. This choice seems the most interesting for a well placed opponent and even uses one of the GM moves (present an opportunity at a cost).

In the end I was very happy to have been able to break the rules mentality, I finally understood what fiction first meant and am ready to try and enforce that mindset in a live game. :)

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