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Messages - azrianni

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Dungeon World / Re: Crits and Fumbles
« on: November 14, 2012, 02:46:48 PM »
In Apocalypse World, at some point you can gain access to another level of success on a 12+, and that's certainly something that you could easily enough factor in to DW. It could be an advanced move option, or maybe just something you open up at a certainly level.

The GM has the full range of moves available on any 6-, though, so I don't see the point in hammering them harder just because of the dice on that.

Dungeon World / Re: Multiclass Dabbler
« on: October 30, 2012, 06:30:05 PM »
FWIW, I'm not concerned about system mastery, because I don't see DW as a game that's primarily about "balance." It's true that someone could make a less than optimal choice about character advancement compared to some ideal of getting the most power out of advancement.

But so what?

This isn't a game where you have to have the optimal build to survive, or thrive. You get XP for failing rolls. And if you're clever, you find a way to use your strongest stats and moves regardless of the situation. And most of all, you pay attention to the story and let the game ride along with you.

So if somebody takes a move called "multiclass dabbler" late in the game and then is disappointed by what it doesn't provide in terms of raw power, then I say maybe they should have thought that being a "dabbler" isn't the route to power.

I'm not much in favor of a change that means someone who's a level 8 thief can suddenly start throwing around heavy-duty spells out of nowhere. To me, that's a worse outcome than that someone with limited "system mastery" might make a sub-optimal choice based on placing a heavy value on being as powerful as possible.

Dungeon World / Re: I require your example fronts
« on: October 07, 2012, 11:09:51 AM »
Very helpful, (not that)--thanks!

Dungeon World / Re: I require your example fronts
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:16:30 AM »
Okay, I dug around and read as many examples as I could dig up. (Couldn't immediately find everything ME listed, but got several of those and some others.) And I'm no less confused:

More than once, people listed fronts with no dangers underneath them, so that fronts aren't collections of dangers, they're just dangers.

Some people listed fronts with their own impulse, impending doom, other people didn't.

WHAT IS A FRONT? I've got a group of intrepid adventurers in a dungeon, and they encountered goblin archers. Are "goblins" a front? A danger? If they're a danger, what's the front they might be in?

Of course I realize it's "do it how you want," but I'd like to understand the intent of the rules as stated for making fronts in a certain way, and to learn from people who've been doing this particular game longer than I have. And I think if I can get comfortable with the front rules, they can make my job easier and more fun.

Where do people start with creating a front? How do you decide X is a front but Z is just a danger within that front?

'cause I'm more confused than I was before.

Dungeon World / Re: What is the Druid?
« on: October 07, 2012, 09:58:32 AM »
The druid takes the role of person who surprises the GM by unexpectedly saying. "I turn into a vole" and leaves the GM thinking "What the hell are the moves for a vole? Is a vole even an animal, or is this a joke?"

I'm sort of kidding. But the druid is the one who keeps the surprises and the magical feel coming with that near-constant shapeshifting.

Dungeon World / Re: I require your example fronts
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:54:40 AM »
Thanks, noofy.

Generally this lack of replies (but high number of thread reads) makes me think I'm not the only one who feels less than confident about fronts. Sage and Adam, take note!

Dungeon World / I require your example fronts
« on: September 29, 2012, 03:34:46 PM »
I want to see more example fronts, especially adventure fronts, especially especially ones you actually used and can talk about what happened.

I think I often think of things that I think are fronts that are actually dangers, and with only one example in the book, I may be drawing some faulty conclusions. I want to see what other people have done.

Thanks in advance.

Dungeon World / Re: prerelease comments / observations
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:34:43 AM »
Cleric spell Detect Alignment lists only the alignments good, evil, and neutral. Is this deliberate or an oversight / holdover? 'Cause I'd think a lawful cleric would be able to detect law or chaos, too.

Dungeon World / Re: prerelease comments / observations
« on: August 12, 2012, 03:32:00 PM »
Unrelated: I'm on "Hack & Slash" in the basic moves chapter, pp 48+, and there sure are a lot of Stray Capital letters, sometimes in the midDle of words. Unless reStrained means something specific to this game.

Update: at least some of those appear to be the unintended side effects of find and replace work, like poINT, and probably Concentration. reStrained may be the same thing--that STR might have been caught in a sweep for strength abbreviations, or the word Strength.

Dungeon World / Re: prerelease comments / observations
« on: August 12, 2012, 03:28:03 PM »
Unrelated: I'm on "Hack & Slash" in the basic moves chapter, pp 48+, and there sure are a lot of Stray Capital letters, sometimes in the midDle of words. Unless reStrained means something specific to this game.

Dungeon World / Re: prerelease comments / observations
« on: August 12, 2012, 03:25:01 PM »
Would it be better to have basic mechanics, basic moves, basic character, character classes, gear/magic?

To me it would. Dracones might be right about the reasoning, but having a reason for an order doesn't make it automatically a good order for readers. To me, the current arrangement just means jumping back and forth between things. It's not like I'm going to remember the order of character creation after reading through it once. I want to read it and then immediately see what these choices are like, in the classes. Or to use it to create a character, which means not flipping past an unrelated chapter.

Dungeon World / Re: prerelease comments / observations
« on: August 12, 2012, 08:21:04 AM »
I may just be missing it, but on what page does it mention that your mark xp on a miss?

I think that rule went bye bye in the final version of the rules. You only mark XP when you resolve a bond, fulfill your alignment, and answer the questions in the end of session move.


Dungeon World / prerelease comments / observations
« on: August 11, 2012, 08:32:46 PM »
I guess no one's started this yet. So:

1) Yay! Thanks for the prerelease PDF!

B) In the first bit where the character classes are briefly introduced, there's no intro for the druid.

iii) It still seems odd to me to describe character creation, then put the basic moves. I expect the playbooks to come right after the character creation summary.

Dungeon World / Re: Question on rotes
« on: August 11, 2012, 08:31:05 PM »
Well, you have to roll to cast a rote or cantrip. (I asked about that before.) So you're taking the risks involved in rolling the dice.

Dungeon World / totally serious custom moves
« on: July 26, 2012, 12:00:05 PM »
When you assemble an IKEA desk, roll + STR. On 10+, all three. On 7-9, choose one:
  • No one is critical of the results
  • You don't hurt yourself
  • You don't have to ask for help

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