Apocalypse World / Re: Last Child playbook (again)
« on: July 23, 2012, 11:46:14 AM »The range is already there: "your victim has to be able to see you." I would define it further based solely on the fiction. Like, maybe it works if they see you on a tv monitor, or in psychic maelstrom visions, or through a telescope, but mostly I'd rather leave that up to the judgement of each individual group and game.Hm, okay. Your answer is interesting to me because it means this fear effect is unlike other weapons/harm-establishers in the game, even direct-brain whisper projection (which also says the victim must see you, but also has a range in addition to that).
One thing that occurs to me to ask is, how close to the TV would you have to be? Or, would it work if you saw the last child on the horizon, off in the distance? I can imagine movie-like scenes that work like this move, but most of them would involve close range -- if not close to the last child, at least close to the TV, kn'a'm sa'in'?
Would the move become too powerful (or too bulky, or too colourless) if you said, close range, but also explicitly said it can be transferred through images and electronic devices (as long as the target is within close range of the receiving device)? That would kind of like be turning a TV or a phone into a brain relay.
I figure s-harm is already ap? You just have to act under fire to do anything, so I wouldn't figure that armour stops that. Shutting down this move just because somebody has armour is kind of a dick move, though, so I admit it might be best to clarify that yes, fear is ap.s-harm isn't ap by default. Note that tasers and such also inflict s-harm, but they're not ap, because armour can prevent that effect. Mental effects are generally ap, explicitly marked.
Other than that, I expect actual secret knowledge to be revealed (because secrets are meant to be revealed, right?), but how a group determines that is up to them. If your group is cool with an ad-lib, great! And hopefully your MC will ask questions about how you know what you know, etc etc. If your group wants you to discover something first, great! I recommend a high sharp and reading people a lot.One thing that occurs to me is, here's a cool direction you might take this in. You could turn "secret knowledge" into a resource for the last child if you added a move like the savvyhead's bonefeel (be there "with or without explanation", hidden or in plain sight as fiction suggests), or maybe some kind of scrying move (at the beginning of a session, roll or just hold 1, spend hold to be viewing something from afar with or without explanation). Then you have something on the playbook that suggests how you're going to acquire "secret knowledge".