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Messages - Joe Beason

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Apocalypse World / Re: Antagonic PCs in the first session?
« on: June 01, 2012, 12:26:30 PM »
I would ask him why he wants to play the character as an inhuman monster out to get the other PCs from the get-go.  What does he hope to get out of that approach?

If the other players were really mean, they'd use the first session to establish themselves as loyal followers of the Hocus.

other lumpley games / Re: [IAWA] Multi-PC conflict question
« on: February 21, 2012, 04:03:15 PM »
Shoot, I knew the answer was most likely in that example, but I was focused on the end.  Thank you!

other lumpley games / [IAWA] Multi-PC conflict question
« on: February 21, 2012, 12:57:58 AM »
Played IAWA tonight for the first time in awhile.  Lots of multi-sided conflicts, leading to my question: 

Say A and B and C are in a conflict together.  A defeats B.  C can still challenge in this conflict.  Can C challenge B?  Seems harsh that B might get defeated twice in one conflict, but it is a wicked age...

Apocalypse World / Re: Names and their power
« on: February 12, 2012, 08:51:26 PM »
Everybody in all the games I've been in have chosen from the lists.  I get a kick out of the names echoing across different games and AP reports.  There have been three Choppers in the games I played, all named Goldie.  Two of them have weirdly similar concepts: one's a teen-aged girl who lives on a zeppelin and leads a pack of kids who fly gliders, and the other is a Fagin-type who lives in a treehouse and builds Rube Goldberg flying devices piloted by kids.

Apocalypse World / Re: Wacky fun vs gritty realism
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:34:40 PM »
We have a new player in our group who's a bit more gonzo/camp/silly in some of his ideas than I'm used to.   I was a little worried, but I figure it's his game, too, so let him bring it.  I can still play it straight, and put my fingerprints on it.  In some ways, a silly concept can be more disturbing than a serious one when the horror train gets rolling.

I did draw the line at having an NPC gang member worship Voltron, though by the end of the session I was starting to regret it.  I could have some good bloody fun with that...

Apocalypse World / Re: Re-highlighting mechanics
« on: December 16, 2011, 11:25:33 PM »
Don't forget you can instead choose someone who knows you worse, and give them a -1.

Apocalypse World / Re: Re-highlighting mechanics
« on: December 15, 2011, 09:01:44 PM »
I perceive highlighting as OOC cues as to what other players would like my character to do, so the idea of redo-ing the highlighting due to IC actions seems off to me.

How about a short-lived "instead of rolling X, roll Y when you <move>" effect?

Apocalypse World / Re: Needlessly complicated flowchart for violence in AW
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:31:30 AM »
My two cents, it's great as is.  Input from the other PCs may take you out of the chart, but that input's so variable and situation-dependent that it boils down to an asterisk on every entry with a footnote that says "* Unless another PC derails this". 

Apocalypse World / Re: ...was 50 years ago.
« on: November 14, 2011, 11:22:29 AM »
I like the idea of a 40s apocalypse.  What if the first atomic bomb blast really *did* turn into a run-away chain reaction, igniting the atmosphere?

Apocalypse World / Re: How to make the Maestro D' life interesting?
« on: November 03, 2011, 03:18:41 PM »
You could also ask the player what they were thinking when they picked the Maestro'D.  What trouble were they hoping for?  Did they see the character as fending off disasters, expanding their web of power, making sure they remained well fed when the food starts running out?  When I pick a character, I'm thinking about all the horrible ways I want them to get in trouble.  I'll gleefully help the MC fuck up my own status quo.

In my last game, our Maestro'D lost his establishment by the fourth session or so, tried and failed to re-establish himself in a couple different contexts, then gave up and became an Operator.  The character seethed with frustration, but the player had a lot of fun.

Apocalypse World / Re: Character Evolutions
« on: July 12, 2011, 04:33:30 PM »
The only take-a-new-playbook advance I've seen is a Maestro'D becoming an Operator.  As a Maetsro'D he was running around trying to keep all the plates spinning.  When he lost his place of business, and found his attempts to start a new one or regain the old one stymied, it made sense for him to become a plate-spinning "free agent".  It felt very organic.

Apocalypse World / Re: Images [visual] of Apocalypse World
« on: July 12, 2011, 09:14:42 AM »
Since the cruel gods did not see fit to let me be Tilda Swinton in this life, I guess I'll just have to play her in AW one day.  I keep trying to decide which playbook she is here, and keep coming up with "all of them".

Apocalypse World / Re: Intermittent players
« on: June 23, 2011, 12:29:08 PM »
It helps if your sessions end with the current action wrapped up rather than in the middle of things.  One of us couldn't make it to our last session, and it was really helpful that it made sense for time to have passed and the missing PC to be somewhere else.  Most of our sessions have not been so conveniently structured, so we would wind up pulling out Fiasco or some other one shot when a player couldn't come.

Apocalypse World / Re: Most and least popular playbooks?
« on: June 23, 2011, 12:22:44 PM »
No hard, no weird, how did that play out? Strikes me as a group of Apocalypse World's nice guys, but hey - They could be total assholes for all I know. :)

IIRC, we didn't do anything with the Maelstrom.  There were various NPCs that fit the Hard and Weird archetypes who provided the adversity as we tried to collectively survive our first day.  Lots of uncomfortable conversations with pushy powerful people, and a climactic car chase/gun battle.  There's an alternate universe where a group of players chose Brainer, Hardholder, Chopper and Gunlugger, and fell afoul of the Sharp, Cool and Hot machinations of the local whore and medic, and the travelling pimp and his chaffeur.

Apocalypse World / Re: Most and least popular playbooks?
« on: June 23, 2011, 11:34:01 AM »
My first experience with the game was a one-shot at last year's GenCon GoD.  I grabbed the Angel because I'm a sucker for clerics.  The other PCs were a Driver, Operator and Skinner.

The game I ran last year included a Hocus, Gunlugger and Chopper.  There was also a Skinner, but the player was in only one session.  The guy who played the Hocus likes spooky/crazy characters.

I'm playing a Skinner in my current game, and the other players are a Savvyhead and Maestro'D.  I was tempted to play an Operator, since I like having "anchor" characters to whom it's easy to connect the other PCs as followers, gang members, etc., but the Maestro'D took care of that.  If we had gotten our hands on the Hoarder earlier, the Savvyhead player would probably have grabbed that.  This is the same guy who played the Hocus.  Weird is his thing.  The Maestro'D's recently turned into an Operator, since his establishment has slipped through his fingers.

My Skinner's will probably have enough advances to consider a playbook change soon.  Not many other playbooks focus on Hot (I think just the Maestro'D?).  The character could go a few different ways based on the current fiction: Hardholder, Maestro'D (there's an opening now!), Battlebabe.  Kind of depends on what kind of trouble he gets into for killing the NPC holder at the end of yesterday's session.  Storm really needs to work on impulse control.

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