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Messages - Arvid

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Apocalypse World / Re: AP: The Factory
« on: August 13, 2010, 05:52:01 PM »
Oh man, my player also picked 60 hyenas and a savage and decadent hardhold. The hell? I guess they figure out the best picks quickly. :)

I absolutely agree, hardholders are awesome. I love it how your hardhold is a big old processing plant - Brilliant! I get vibes from the river levels of Half-Life 2, am I any close? :)

Apocalypse World / Re: AP: Welcome, New Jerk
« on: August 13, 2010, 05:48:21 PM »
I didn't really felt 100% finished with "first session" so the second session was kind of a 1.5st session. :)

We had a great flow all through the session, I even forgot to take breaks even though I had intended to. I felt confident that this would be a very good and accepting (in the improv sense) group with a very good and accepting game. 100% correct, at least so far.

In fact, I had probably a bit too high expectations, I wanted everything to be perfect from the start!

The players felt satuated in Apocalyptica, and I was asking questions like crazy. Huge success!

I was a little overwhelmed by trying to figure out exactly how harm and gangs work, I think the players got away a little bit cheaper than they otherwise would with taking a heavily fortified hardhold. Oh well, that one is on me!

Oh yeah, and we really went into adult territory with our game, and Dust Witch's two scenes. We've never really done that, but it worked exhiliratingly well. Awesome.

Apocalypse World / Re: AP: Welcome, New Jerk
« on: August 13, 2010, 05:42:43 PM »
The Hyenas, a 60-something pack of savage warriors loyal to Daimyo. Some of them, and some of the people living outside the fort, has started getting unhealthy fascinated by the Pit, going there and fighting and hunting with the wild dogs. Those who gets something bitten off are called blessed.
Land Eater. Check the second pic from the bottom, that's a bulldozer.
The Scarlands, a tectonic mess of broken land, high plateaus, deep chasms. Cliffs all around!
Rustbelt, a hardhold built on an plateau in the Scarlands, where the only travellable road goes. Very well fortified.
Dust Witch, a psycho warrior bitch with a habit of collecting (adopting) little kids. (What the hell? This surprised me to no end. In a good way! Yeah, it was supposed to be Dustwich. My players first misheard, and then demanded the name stays)
Scream, a warrior-guy who is good at screaming.
A grotesque dog-freak.
Fox, a woman working for Nero.
James, a man working for Nero.
Enough-to-eat, middle-aged woman who runs an eating place where the rule is, everybody eats.
III, some broad who wants to beat up Nero. He once did a job for her. (Yeah, a woman named III wants to beat you up, I took it straight outta the book. Brilliant.)

Second session
In the home base, Nero finds a blue metal flower as a gift from Fox. Why does Fox keep giving him gifts? Apparently because he saved her life once.

What does Daimyo do on his time off? Apparently gets massage and writes poetry. Dust Witch comes in (So, what's she like?) and starts fingering his books and stuff, asking if she can take some of the men out to the pits, she's heard there are good stuff to scavenge there. Daimyo says no. Dust Witch leaves satisfied with the answer, but she acts playful, like she's in charge.

Nero goes to wildest place in town to relax before tomorrows attack. He's hanging out with James, a real trustworthy guy from his crew, who can always get him calmer. On the way to the men's room, he is assaulted by III, who babbles profetic stuff and beats it when James tear her from Nero. Nero is confused.

Canaveral is hanging out at ol' Land Eater outside New Jerk, apparently she just likes it there. She spots Dust Witch riding out at night towards the pit, with a wagon full of her adopted kids. Cannie rides up to Dust Witch, asks her what she's doing, fails a read a person check. Dust Witch shines up like she just got a really great idea, like, they're going to be pals or something. (Dust Witch doesn't come off as very smart. Cunning and savage, yes. Smart, no.) She wants to show Canaveral something.

They ride into The Pit. It's hot here, even at night, dogs are eyeing them. Suddenly some motherfucker clad in dog skins and with dog ears stapled to where his own should be turns up, he and Dust Witch captures Cannie with a net and bring her to a den. They're dancing and howling all night, Dust Witch is totally doin' it with one of the dogs, and dog-freak is cracking one of the puppies right open, smearing himself and Cannie with it's blood, declaring her to be one of them. And no telling!

They let her go at dawn, she heads back. Everybody's been waiting for like two hours, ready to go raid Rustbelt. She doesn't feel like talking about it right now, but she promises to tell later. Dust Witch is eyeballing her.

At Rustbelt, Cannie and Nero and his team are sneaking through the cliffs to infiltrate the place, while Daimyo and his hyenas are drawing the attention to the front gates. Daimyo's player rolls to retro-actively buy a megaphone, and misses. Turns out he's spent a barter for crap, and he adds the merchant to his list.

Nero and Cannie have no problem with killing a little girl to sneak in, and starts to spread panic and confusion inside the walls. Fox takes a bullet in her leg, and Nero digs in to protect her. (That's two times now, Fox!) Eventually the towns defense line breaks, the hyenas swarm them with minimal losses and the leader of the hold is stringed up, Daimyos warriors doesn't kill/rape too many of Rustbelts people. Some kid gets curb stomped, that's when Daimyo break up the party. Daimyo makes it clear that if Rustbelt doesn't start trading in New Jerk, next time there won't be anything left.

When making camp for the night, Canaveral tells Daimyo what happened out in The Pit. Daimyo sure as hell doesn't need any dog worshippers in his pack, so he orders one of his warriors loyal to Dust Witch's to strip her down, and shoots him when he doesn't dare. Daimyo strips Dust Witch, takes away her weapons and orders her on all four, barking. She howls instead, to the full moon.

This all happens in the quiet of the night, with only the campfire lighting the scene. The scene wasn't that long really, but to me as a GM, it felt like every moment of tension and humiliation was drawn out into infinity. Good, good stuff.

Apocalypse World / Re: AP: Welcome, New Jerk
« on: August 13, 2010, 04:50:58 PM »
Two Moons, the leader of a cult of peace and water, opposed to the decadence of New Jerk and the violent rule of Daimyo.
Barker, beardy asocial techhead on the outskirts of town. Usually double bent over a pile of technical components. Has a kid assistant by the name Balls.
Kettle, a skinny pissed-off guy.
Daff, a scavenger with keyring piercings in his face. Always grand plans, but with a poor attention span.
Matilda, mayor of Bricktown. Supplies New Jerk with clay.
The Pit. A breeding pit of evolution gone wrong. A huge maze of wild dogs, eating, fighting and fucking.

First session
We kicked of with a meeting, Daimyo, Matilda, Daff. Daimyo needs clay for his hardhold, to repair a brewery some teenagers smashed last night. (want: savagery) Daff has already bought everything from Matilda for "a new genious plan". I just described how Daff looked and asked why Daimyo hates him, and went from there, establishing everyday routine and that Daff is stupid.

Nero has apprehended the rapscallions, so they're thrown in the fighting pit for the peoples amusement. As his reward, Daimyo secretely plans to have the winner executed to send the message across. The winner climbs up to Daimyo and starts demanding his reward. Before things get messy, he is shot in back by Canaveral. Two Moons and her cultists turn up and starts yapping and stirring up the populace on how they're savage and violent, led by a prophet of violence. Canaveral and Daimyo has her back off.

Canaveral goes to visit Barker for armor maintance. Kettle turns up with two goons, pissed as hell since a clock he got from Barker blew up (Man, I don't know) in his sisters face. Cannie stares him down and sends him off.

The party prepares for a raid on an outskirt hardhold called Rustbelt. They have a new leader, religious woman, and are refusing to trade/pay tribute with New Jerk.

Apocalypse World / AP: Welcome, New Jerk
« on: August 13, 2010, 04:37:33 PM »
A blasted postapocalyptic California wasteland, with it's biggest hardhold New Jerk in it's center. New Jerk is a an old military fortress, surrounded by the settlements of 300-something souls. Roads are crap, gas is extremely rare, everybody rides horses. "Welcome, New Jerk" is what the welcome sign says.

Daimyo, a 20-something hardholder, who rules the unruly pack of savage warriors inside the fortress with an iron hand. Seem to have some fascination for militaria and culture. Always wears a gas mask out in the hardhold to protect himself from the filthy citizens. Hates and fears the maelstrom.

Nero, a 20-something operator working security and raiding for Daimyo. A rather kind man in a jacket suit (probably the only guy wearing a jacket post apoc.) who seeks to learn what the maelstrom is all about.

Canaveral, battlebabe in her early 20:s. Rode into town and hung around. Got a reputation for being the knight of New Jerk. Carries an ornate gun and spear. She and Daimyo have heard each others names in their dreams, so they've decided to hang around and find out what that is about.

Apocalypse World / Facebook pages
« on: August 13, 2010, 04:04:42 AM »
Hey Vincent, you don't mind that I set up a page for Apocalypse World, using one of your artworks, do you?
It's here.

There's nothing there really, not yet at least, it's just so I can put it in the list of things I like. I put up the page for Dogs in the Vineyard as well. If you wanna put up an AW page and make it official, that'd be even cooler. :)

Apocalypse World / Re: Thoughts after play
« on: August 12, 2010, 06:57:20 PM »
I also had some problems with The Driver- he was cool and powerful and all- but it was hard to get him "hooked" to the world. He just drives around- I can´t really mess with his car, and his true element is on the road, so it´s hard to invent old lovers, friends associates and stuff. Well, maybe it actually isn´t... hmmm..

Anyway, I did feel that it was harder to get the driver into the drama... Any thoughts on that?

Just drives around, doing what? I have some thoughts on the driver, but it would help to know what he's actually doing in play. :)

Apocalypse World / Re: Battle rolls - Am I doing it right?
« on: August 09, 2010, 01:56:36 PM »
Taking cover behind a wall and laying down supressive fire, is that Sieze by force (Siezing and holding a safe spot) or Acting under fire? (Acting to keep foes away)

That sounds like two actions: taking cover and laying down suppressive fire. Taking cover is probably acting under fire, while laying down suppressive fire could be any of: going aggro (if you come out of there you get shot), seizing by force (seizing their attention, therefore preventing them from doing anything else for the moment), supporting another PC's move (if you are suppressing them while another PC does something), interfering with another PC's move (if you are suppressing a PC with your fire.)

Of course if the suppressive fire part is not actually doing anything important, it could just be part of the description of how they effectively take cover -- in which case it would just be acting under fire. But if the goal is to do two important, separate things -- both prevent yourself from being fired upon and then suppress the enemy position -- that should require two actions and two rolls.

That makes sense, thanks!

I'm not so sure about opening up the door on rolling for both acting under fire and sieze by force at the same time - One could argue that siezing by force is always acting under fire as well, and thus get a "free saving throw" to avoid getting harmed. Sure, you might fail the Acting under fire roll, which is bad, but rolls tend to succeed. What do you think?

Apocalypse World / Re: Combat & Combat Types: Help, I don't get it!
« on: August 09, 2010, 01:50:07 PM »
Getting violent against someone who defends himself is Seize by Force... BBabes are not great at that... Getting violent against someone who is not (yet) defending is Going Aggro. Combined with Ice Cold the BBabe is quite a nasty killer either when surprising someone or after maneuvering the victim to a helpless position.
In contrast to the Gunlugger, the BBabe can do other stuff during combat as well.

I like to think of the Battlebabe as an untouchable, both socially and in combat. Look at the +3 Cool, the moves and the sex move.

Apocalypse World / Re: Battle rolls - Am I doing it right?
« on: August 09, 2010, 10:27:02 AM »
Ben, Matt - Yeah, good stuff.

As a side note, I think my main problem in last session was feeling overwhelmed by the situation, so I didn't describe the situation thoroughly and let the events of Apocalypse World call for rolls, ("You're spotted and they're firing your way") but rather the characters intentions. ("You want to sneak through the besieged hardhold, roll Acting under fire... Oops, looks like you caught some incidental fire...")

I'm still a little confused about where Acting under fire ends and Sieze by force begins. I haven't started using the optional battle rules, so...

Taking cover behind a wall and laying down supressive fire, is that Sieze by force (Siezing and holding a safe spot) or Acting under fire? (Acting to keep foes away)

Get to an exit, is that Sieze by force (Siezing an exit, an example in the game text) or Acting under fire? (Acting to get out of there)

Or can they be both?

Apocalypse World / Re: Battle rolls - Am I doing it right?
« on: August 07, 2010, 08:19:14 AM »
oops, double post

I mainly want to say that I love your setup, Nathanael!

Hans' advice is sound. What else to say? These are things that have really helped me figure out front:

1) I suppose it makes more sense to group fronts according to fundamental scarcity and agenda, rather than according to geographics and organisations. (Quote from another thread on this forum)

2) Every NPC doesn't have to be a threat, but it can really help to organize them according to which fundamental scarcity they express in your world, as the books uggests. It gives them a position in the world. Make sure you list their resources as well, it's wicked useful.

Apocalypse World / Re: Fronts - Am I doing it right?
« on: August 07, 2010, 07:13:00 AM »
I know you're backgrounding the famine right now, but it resonated with me as a policy wonk...

When thinking of the Famine as a threat (or component threats, or whatever), it might be interesting to keep in mind that, in the real world, famines simply *aren't* the result of brute food scarcity, they're results of problems in food *distribution* (see, e.g., Amartya Sen's work on why democracies don't have famines).  You might have a sci-fi situation where you've literally ended up with a population too large to support on any use of the land available, but I think that's the most boring scenario (for all the reasons you implied).  A famine that's the result of not being able to get food from point A to point B, or people not feeling secure enough to farm their land, or a leader forcing folks to devote resources elsewhere, or people selfishly hoarding - it's a lot more nuanced, and gives more leverage for meaningful PC agency.

- Daniel


I agree completely.

Apocalypse World / Re: Combat & Combat Types: Help, I don't get it!
« on: August 07, 2010, 07:08:13 AM »
Last night, the operator and the battlebabe infiltrated the fort of a rival hardhold, which was under siege by the hardholder character's gang. Rolling more or less only for Acting under fire, they unleashed confusion and demoralisation, the defense line crumbled, and then the hardholder attacked and claimed the fortress with no losses. (1-harm to his gang) That was no mean task.

If the gunlugger is a samurai, the battlebabe is a ninja.

Apocalypse World / Battle rolls - Am I doing it right?
« on: August 07, 2010, 07:02:42 AM »
Second session in, and the players have razed a rival hardhold. Felt a little uncertain as I barfed forth apocalyptic battlefield violence upon them and called for rolls. If anyone would like to clear these situations up with me, it would be appreciated. Here's how I interpreted the rules in the end:

- Sneaking into the hardhold, you roll Acting under fire. (Getting spotted is the fire)
- If someone spots you and fires upon you with a 2-harm weapon, they inflict 2-harm on you by default, automatically.
-- Fighting them, you roll Sieze by force (And can then choose to suffer little harm, 1-harm instead of 2-harm)
-- Taking cover or running away, do you roll Acting under fire or Sieze by force (Siezing a cover or an escape)? And, if successful, do you avoid harm entirely or what?
- To stat up gangs, I basically give them a harm rating and an armor rating based on their equipment, just as I would with an individual, plus assigning gang size... Right?


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