« on: March 03, 2014, 03:32:37 PM »
Basic rules awesome. I love the 7 experience concept. It encourages characters to be well rounded and try everything. Love the basic movies. Some critiques of classes. You have a lot of sort of priests.
Wicker-Wise (unless they are more wizard?)
Dragon Herald (Cast out priest)
and Soon Bloodless priest (uknown)
3 priests could be very cool, but it leads to games with a lot of politics based on priests and various religions fighting each other. Is there any area for politics between nations and vassals? That might be more in the: To-Do crowned. I was just curious.
Most playbooks I really like except the dragon herald.
It says the dragon herald summons the dragons in the MC sheet, but not on the character sheet. It wants to be Kaleesi, but the character sheet itself should incentive it a little more. A suggestion could be taking something from the Savvy Head Playbook. Think of ways to send the dragon herald on quests to awaken the dragon. Requirements for it. That way the character has some guidance towards this goal. I think ti could be like the savy head though where the MC gets to choose what these requirements are, but they always lead a person down a dark path. There should be some incentive on the Dragon Herald to try and bring forth dragons.
The other issue is with the troll killer. Having a troll killer is cool someone who can defeat monsters is awesome, but they primarily focus on cool not hard. I see that they want to be more like the battlebabe in that way, but they have no way to really improve hard. If they go up against monsters it seems like they would die. The Troll Killer definitely seems plotty which is cool, but that's one type of troll Killer. I'd create a stat block for it with Hard+2 instead of Cool so you could also be the Conan Barbarian type of killer if you wanted to. This could be a champion of sword, but I think the class can go both ways so much, that they should not be tied down with one primary stat. Instead they should have the option for how they want to defeat monsters. Cool= Aragorn/Legolas stalwart in the face of danger Hard= Conan overcomes fear through brute strength and will.
Other then that I can't wait to try, and see the new characters.