« on: April 10, 2011, 08:20:05 PM »
So I was all stoked about this a couple of months ago when someone pointed out that there were already two playbooks like it out there. Here is my take on Spooky Kids in the Apocalypse.
I'm interested in critique and play testing.
xo ross
The Lost Boy??
No one talks about what happens to the children, the lucky ones died in childbirth, others taken by wolves, orphaned by rival gangs, starve, or just get turned them loose with a can opener and a jar of muddy water while their mother's cry and the other's hang their heads. And the ones that do survive, against all odds. Well, no one talks about them either.??
Creating a Lost Boy
?Donnie, Optimus, Rex, Bean, Kazu, Dwarf, Dog, Simon, Bird, Kid, Boy, Schwin, K-Mar, Razz, Link, Pony, Muffin, Chainsaw, Dakota, Spoon, Gunner, Who-Man, Bear, Stupid, Ray, Char, Leaf, Sam, Frankie, Lucy, Charles,??Look?child, young kid, older kid
male, female, transgressing
skinny body, little body, awkward body, disfigured body, lean body, long body?
dirty face, scarred face, young face, tattood face, burned face, round face
wild hair, tangled hair, patchy hair, burned hair
grey eyes, feral eyes, dead eyes, wolf eyes, one white eye, sunken eyes, sparkling eyes?
scar on one cheek, thin face, missing ear, gap-toothed, filed teeth,
Stats?Choose one set?
Cool +2 Hard -2 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird +1?
Cool 0 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird +2?
Cool 0 Hard -2 Hot 0 Sharp +2 Weird +2
?Cool +1 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird +1?
Scrounge Wear or Skins worth 1 armor
Oddments worth 1 Barter
Choose Two Makeshift Weapons
Oven Cleaner, 1 harm (ap), blind
Sling 1 harm, close, far
Lawnmower Blade 1 harm, close
Padlock and Chain 2 harm, close, messy
Scissors 1 harm, close, concealed
Maltov Coctails, 1 harm, area, fire, reload
Roofing Nails 1 harm (ap), maim
Barbed Wire Garrote, 1 harm, entangle
Chose One Serious Weapon
Grenade, 4 harm, area, messy, loud, expendable
Magnum 2 harm, close, far, reload
Basic Moves
?You get all the basic moves except for Seduce or Manipulate, instead you get Cry Wolf,
in addition choose 2 more Lost Boy Moves??
Lost Boy Moves
??Cry Wolf?
When you cry for help, or call someone out, roll + Hot?
10+ Any normal person would come running to help
?7-9 Any normal person would come running to see what is going on?
Miss and if they come running its probably to shut you up??
Just A Kid?
Unless you give them reason, NPCs view you as not a threat. If a player acts to hurt you, they are Acting Under Fire.
??Sharp Teeth?
When they don’t know what you’re capable of, your harm is (ap)??Disarming?People tell you things they wouldn’t tell anyone else. When you read a person you get +1 Hx with them.
Take by Stealth
?When you try to steal from someone, or destroy something they have, roll + sharp
?10+ you get all 3?
7-9 pick 2?
-you do it?
-they don’t see you
?-you get away?on a miss
- you get caught in the act
Wolf Eyes?
Animals and have a strange attraction to you, when you want them to do something roll +Hot? 10+ hold 3?
7-9 hold 2
As long as you have a hold on them they treat you as the alpha.
?-they tell/show you a secret?
-they steal something to impress you
?-they do something dangerous for you?
-they defend you?miss
Origin (pick one)
The Lost Boys
Gain a gang and fortune, [small 2 harm 1 armor, +stealth, wants: hunger, discipline]
You were raised by an animal, take +1 Hard and +1 Sharp, and + Companion :
choose one: dog, hawk, wolf
you can sacrifice your companion to avoid taking harm. You keep the bonus.
Child of the Malestorm
+1 weird, + Augury
Special Move?
If someone risks their skin or makes a sacrifice to offer you help, and you accept, you both mark Xp ?