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Messages - Glendower

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roleplaying theory, hardcore / Re: breaking old habits
« on: May 31, 2012, 04:15:18 PM »
And that's not really working for me. Yesterday we had a session where the Gunlugger and the Operator were heading out to investigate the source of "demons" fucking around with the holding. And by "investigate" of course I mean, "Blow them all up."

What are the demons?  Are they actually demons, or are they people who dress as demons? If they're people who dress up as demons, why do they dress up as demons?  And what do they want?

Apocalypse World / Re: Antagonic PCs in the first session?
« on: May 31, 2012, 04:03:22 PM »
I would suggest that you use the Hx move that concludes character creation at the outset of the game.  It gives just enough detail to create familiarity, but not so much as to be a rigid straight jacket. 

Also make sure you check out page 96, under "Say this Early and Often".  In that paragraph, it very clearly says that the players are required to play the characters as if they are real people.  Get this player to stop the inhuman monster concept and play someone a little more real. I think that saying no to a concept is a valid option, especially if it is going to result in a less than fun experience for all involved.

Thanks for all the advice! I´ll tell him to hold on his character concept until the session itself, where we´ll discuss it and see whether the other players are comfortable with it.
I have two other concerns:
-The player running his character as an inhuman character, without any serious interest other than ruining other PCs´ lives. I´m going to ask a lot of questions to that player to try to figure out his human side, needs, past, etc.
-I don´t want his relationship with the other PCs to be so predefined from the setup that after that point any kind of interaction is useless. Maybe the hocus (problematic PC) wants to spoil the brainer´s cure for that illness, but he feels some kind of affection towards him.
Something like this:
I think these sorts of things should grow from play. Rather than have the characters antagonistic from the start, start the characters from a neutral framework and then see how it goes.
Any advice regarding the above written concerns?

Apocalypse World / Re: Antagonic PCs in the first session?
« on: May 29, 2012, 10:25:19 AM »
I think these sorts of things should grow from play. Rather than have the characters antagonistic from the start, start the characters from a neutral framework and then see how it goes. 

And like the other poster said, this is a discussion that needs to happen at the table between players, to avoid miscommunication or hard feelings. Some of the players may not want to have a directly antagonistic relationship with the other player characters.

other lumpley games / Re: [Dogs] Can a woman become steward?
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:51:42 AM »
That would be an excellent question to pose to a group of Dogs, through the grumbling of people in the town that aren't happy with a female Steward.

Apocalypse World / Re: My gang isn't human. Literally.
« on: March 12, 2012, 10:36:11 AM »
You miss out on a lot of human interaction when you have a non-human gang. There's some neat role playing that can be done when a lieutenant of your gang is sleeping with another gang member's girlfriend, and the two come to blows. 

Though I suppose you could personify the rats, secret of NIMH style.

Apocalypse World / Re: Hoaders Hunger
« on: March 12, 2012, 10:33:43 AM »
Whenever the MC spends their hold, (the amount of hold is determined at the beginning of the session with a die roll) the hunger goes down down by 1. 

You are confusing the the statement "give your hoard -1 hunger" as an addition.  The negative sign means that the hunger goes down.

Apocalypse World / Re: Turn Their Move Back on Them
« on: February 23, 2012, 09:52:23 AM »
Player: While we're talking about the theft, I'm going to Read Foster.

(Dice roll a total Fail)

MC: All right.  Foster puts down her fork and stares at you hard, her face stormy.  "Don't you trust me?" What is your character really feeling?

Player: Oh shit.  I don't feel a hell of a lot of trust, that's for sure.

other lumpley games / Re: D4s in the Vineyard
« on: August 23, 2011, 10:26:56 AM »
Fallout is a great way to gain experience, especially in speaking conflicts, where the risk of injury or death is zero, and the d4s you roll afterwards are much more likely to come up with a "1".  

One of the keys to maximizing the chances of getting experience in a fallout roll is to take the blow with lots of low point dice, and having a bunch of D4 traits are a great way to achieve that particular goal.

For example: Brother Seamus is arguing with Bethany about her refusal to get married.

Brother Seamus has a 9, 5, 7, 3, and 8

Bethany has a 6, 8, 2, 3, 5.

Bethany raises with 6+5 = 11, saying "I'm a grown woman, I make my own choices, and I don't need a man in my life."

Brother Seamus pulls in a trait "I stutter around the womenfolk - 2d4" and rolls a 1 and a 2.

So Brother Seamus takes the blow with 3+1+2+5 = 11 and says "I uh... s..s..u..pp.ose.. dd..dd..on't."

Bam. 4 dice in the speaking fallout for later, which is 4d4.  The chances of getting a 1 on those dice is pretty good! Plus, it makes for a great conflict.

In our game of Apocalyptic Detroit, the Silver Gate Holding (based out of a mall) crushed one of the satellite holdings of the Grey Scrapers.  The Gunlugger Duke (a PC) personally murdered somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 people, running down a few of them on a stolen pickup truck.  Lang (another PC), the Hardholder of Silver Gate, directed his gang to gun down the rest of the rival holding after some looting.. 

All told, I think they took out 60 people, including women and children.

Duke's also took out an entire teenage gang.  This led to another 15 or so dead.  He put their heads on spikes around his holding of Guilty Mills.

As a result of Duke's murders, several gangs banded together to wipe out Guilty Mills.  Unfortunately, Duke's gang, his fortifications and defenses (plus several very good rolls) led to a complete rout.  The death toll was estimated at about 40-50 people. 

So that this point, 100 people are dead, in only a handful of days.  When we looked back on that, we began to discuss humanity as a form of scarcity.  When there aren't enough people, what happens then?

The MC has begun describing the blasted city as eerily empty of human life. The consequences of these mass murders are starting to take their toll.  It's been really intense stuff. 

Apocalypse World / Re: Questions about Hx useage
« on: April 12, 2011, 11:31:30 AM »
1) I had assumed that if two characters were in the same charged situation, they couldn't Read a Sitch separately, so one had to help the other. Is this right?

Two characters can read the same charged situation separately.  Their questions can get different answers, based on their playbook, moves, and relationships they have with the situation in question. If the characters want to do their moves separate, then they are able to do so.

If the one character wants to help one another character read a charged situation, they can, but they do have to explain how they are helping.  Unfortunately, the helping character does not get to ask the questions, and does not get the +1 forward when acting on the information.

The helping option is a good one to those characters that have high Hx but low Sharp.  Alternatively, those with low Hx and high Sharp are more likely to read charged situations separately.

Apocalypse World / Re: share your apoc world stories
« on: February 13, 2011, 01:43:15 AM »
Dr. Sundown, the Brainer mentioned above, has been an interesting character for me to play. Deep Brain Scan and Puppet strings have been incredibly effective and very chilling. With my first advance I took Oftener Right, because that move is just fantastic when interacting with the other two players.  Aren't Dr. Sundown's advice and suggestions just so... reasonable? 

Dressed in surgical scrubs, complete with mask, he runs the local clinic with his adopted family.  He was originally purchased as an infant with the intent of harvesting him for parts, but he's convinced his Foster Father otherwise.

Dr. Sundown loves everyone.  He wants to get to know people, learn about them, plumb their depths and uncover their deepest, dirtiest secrets, so that he can cure them.  He wants nothing more than to treat the minds of all around him until they are shiny happy people holding hands. And in doing so, Dr. Sundown just knows they'll love him back. They won't have a choice.

Apocalypse World / Re: Apocalypse Malaise
« on: November 09, 2010, 08:44:48 AM »
Anyone else feel this way, with AW specifically?

With Apocalypse World, I very specifically never feel this way. It's the only reason that I've been able to run 10+ sessions with a smile on my face.  I've absolutely felt this agony in other games, D&D is a big culprit, but even Burning Wheel and Dresden Files tends to give me this sense of "Man, that prep is a lot of work" sort of feeling.
This is because my prep with Apocalypse World is the occasional letter from the MC, and every couple of sessions or so I clean up my relationship map, or reprint  my threats and fronts.

Maybe you could explain what you are doing in that hour of prep?  

And maybe you should talk about how your actual game sessions go. What makes you think that you are responsible for bringing the fun?  Nothing in the MC section says that.  There is some expectations to make sure the player character's lives are not boring, but the MC moves and the threat moves allow you to challenge that on the fly.  

Fun in this game seems to be designed to act as a group effort.  The MC does his moves, and the player characters respond.  The Characters act, and the MC responds.  There's a push-pull that must happen for the game to achieve fun, and part of that process involves player involvement, and is out of the MC's hands.

Again, I have no idea how your game sessions are going, but maybe you might want to talk about what you think the responsibilities of the players is supposed to be.  And compare that to what they're actually doing at the table.  

That might get to the heart of this odd pressure to perform.  I say it's odd because I've never felt that way when playing Apocalypse World, and it's one of the only games for me where this pressure is not present.

Apocalypse World / Re: Just Outside the City: The Anti-Squid-eater Progrom
« on: November 02, 2010, 12:05:33 AM »
During the games, I really try to avoid this kind of meta-level talk. I find that the game mechanics don't let you do any kind of pre-planning, or at least they fight you like hell if you start openly talking about the meta level or planning the character's narrative arc.

I often get a little evasive when some of the players in my game start spouting long term plans.  I usually just tell them "Awesome, those are great plans. So what are you doing right now?" and then continue to play my Fronts and Threats, making moves and misdirecting, keeping with the principles of the game. They are welcome to make plans, I just can't really talk to them about whether these plans will come to fruition.  To be honest, I don't know.  And that's exciting.

Judd, do you find that when you MC Apocalypse World, the story direction of the game is often a complete mystery until the session is done?  I'm finding this in my own sessions (to my JOY, by the way) and wanted to check on your experiences as MC. 


I don't mention fronts or arcs or narrative.

Apocalypse World / Re: AP: Gamma Road
« on: October 14, 2010, 01:13:41 PM »
I've been working on getting my recorded sessions out of editing hell and into the world. In order to get all of the actual play sessions out, I've been taking to removing mainly longer gaps and cleaning up the audio quality. 

At any rate, here's the next installment! You have a few choices for audio at this site.

Apocalypse World / Re: Acting Under Fire as a part of other moves
« on: October 14, 2010, 08:46:19 AM »

When someone uses specialty gear they aren’t accustomed to
— a non-angel using an angel kit, a non-brainer using brainer
gear — it’s reasonable to say that it counts as acting under fire.

So Navarre the Gunlugger pulls out an Angel's Kit to patch a big gunshot wound.  He looks at the pill bottles.  He wonders at all the different brands of pill names. What's "viagra"?  Will that help with the pain, maybe?  

Before he rolls +stock, he's gotta make an "act under fire" roll to ensure that he stumbles through using the kit without having someone awful happen.  On a weak hit or a miss, the MC is now allowed to make some sort of move against the player.  

Remember a weak hit is still a hit, so they may be able to make the +stock roll but there's some kind of move coming their way. For a weak hit, it should be complicating but not a total fuckup. Maybe his (NPC) buddy Parcher misunderstand's Navarre's RAMPANT erection from the Viagra he popped by accident, and confesses repressed sexual attraction for him (using the "put them in a spot" move).  

(EDIT: Whoops, crossposted!  Sorry Vincent)

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