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Messages - C. Edwards

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Re: AW-style Pictures
« on: August 19, 2012, 12:04:06 AM »
Vincent goes over the basic process he used to create the AW images in the replies to his post here:

Source Code / Re: Source Code
« on: August 17, 2010, 04:23:38 PM »
Regarding PC connection to the city, it often seems in noir-ish stories that there's a sort of back-and-forth parasitic relationship going on. Like, if a PC manages to get away from the city, for good, it has the feel of an escape. So I think there are ties there, they're just not particularly healthy ones. Once a PC reaches, or is pushed to, some critical point they can reach escape velocity and get out. Or die trying.

Anyway,  a lot of those dynamics show up in various ways. Like, "I gotta make one more big score and I'm outta here", or "I'm in too deep and so-and-so will never let me leave", and maybe "I screwed up before, and staying here is the cross I'm going to make myself carry (at least until I redeem myself)". Not that the protagonists necessarily want to get out of the city, but it seems like there is always this sort of co-dependence going on.

Don't know if you care to account for that sort of thing, or plan on it happening organically during play, but I thought it worth mentioning.

edited to add: Maybe getting out of the City can be one of those Ungiven Future advances, equivalent to retirement.

That's pretty neat, Shreyas.

Are these advanced character types then persistant, or does the character revert back to an ordinary person after the situation changes significantly or an advanced character move is used?

Dungeon World / Re: Spellcasting Update
« on: July 11, 2010, 08:36:32 PM »
The saving throws are basically specific Suffer Harm moves, yeah? I think they would bring a lot more to the game if you gave each save category a few custom move results. As it is now, the only difference is which stat you roll against, which is sort of "eh".

Unless you're fine with a lot of spells losing potency, removing saves all together may not be a good thing.

Dungeon World / Re: Where's this Hack Going?
« on: July 11, 2010, 03:43:44 PM »
Beyond the connection to AW, does it even make sense to have "Apocalypse" in the title? If you plan on adding in some apocalyptic setting stuff then I totally see it. If not, then I think it will just be misleading. Unless you're looking to incorporate the whole "points of light" thing, and spin it as being post-apoc?

blood & guts / Re: the battlebabe
« on: July 09, 2010, 03:41:05 PM »
I can't help but think of Milla Jovovich. If she faced more human opponents than viral zombies I think her Hot would come into play more often. Anyway, she's my front runner for prototypical Battlebabe.

I think this helps clarify why I completely lose interest in a character I'm playing if anyone else (usually the GM) plays him if I miss a session. I get brought up to speed on what has happened during my absence and I'm generally like "Wtf? I don't know this guy." And then I completely move on from that character emotionally.

brainstorming & development / Re: Maw of the Corpse Star
« on: July 05, 2010, 07:06:38 PM »
This really puts me in mind of the Viriconium books by M. John Harrison. Good stuff.

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