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Messages - Shirsh

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Angel healing themselves?
« on: April 07, 2020, 04:44:30 AM »
Hi, I have a stupid question. Sorry for broken English in advance. How do you handle Angel healing themselves usually?
Especially in 1st edition where MC chooses "complication" option even at 10+
How far on a "harm clock" is usually allowed to operate on themselves if allowed at all?

Also, it said "use 0-3 stock", is it allowed to use Angel's kit with 0 stocks available or it should contain some in order to be used at all?

What's the usual consensus about those things?

I guess everything depends on group and MC but maybe there some good practice you can share, based on your experience?

For my first AW game (that being postponed again and again by coronavirus) I want to play an Angel from chopper's gang: a biker who knows how to treat wounds (and who learned how to do it by getting hurt a lot), a bit weird and short-tempered, who wouldn't mind to stir everything up, so I guess he will get hurt.

Before that we had a DW and Urban Shadows campaigns - it sort of experiment, to play a continuous story through epochs (same geographical place, factions and threats who descends from characters from the past etc; the way our apocalypse will be will be heavily infuenced by how US campaign ended and what decisions we made there). One of reasons why I chose Angel because my pals tends to play it rather safe, so I want to encourage them to play more risky by providing some medical help, but I want to investigate that matter a bit.

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