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Messages - Greven

Pages: [1]
Dungeon World / Re: Zombie apocalypse and horror Dungeon World hacks
« on: June 25, 2013, 02:35:45 PM »
Oh! Also, the Heroes of Horror supplement for D&D 3.5 is an amazing resource for giving a horror touch to fantasy role playing. Much of the content is system neutral and should give tons of great content for a DW game.

Dungeon World / Re: Zombie apocalypse and horror Dungeon World hacks
« on: June 24, 2013, 10:09:28 PM »
Check out Zombie Murder Mystery from

Not a DW hack, but it is a super fun "Rules Light" Survival Horror RPG. If you don't enjoy ZMM strait up, you might find useful ways to adapt DW to better fit the Survival horror genre.

I wrote a set of "Advanced Rules" for ZMM some time back and submitted it under creative commons. It recast the medieval fantasy tropes of ZMM basic into a more Lovecraftian setting set in 1930's Pulp Strange fiction. (Love me some H.P. Lovecraft).

Here is a link to my Advanced Rules for free:

I hope you enjoy ZMM if you decide to look into it. Or get some ideas for hacking DW to fit the genre you are looking for. Report back here on any ZMM adventures you have, or ways you combine DW and ZMM. I've been looking for a way to do it myself.


Dungeon World / Re: Two Q's: Clumsy armor / Bard singing
« on: June 19, 2013, 10:25:57 AM »
We make the bard tell a groan worthy joke every time he tries to heal. Laughter is the best medicine. Not allowed to retell jokes. It's hilarious and awesome.

Dungeon World / Dungeon World Player and GM Screen
« on: June 08, 2013, 11:24:44 PM »
Hello All,

I have been working on making a GM/Player Screen for my Dungeon World Games. I have made it for maximum utility for myself at the table but I hope you all will find it useful as well.

It combines material from the Dungeon World Core Book, elements from Mike Shea's excellent "Lazy DM Cheat Sheet" (, and some touches of my own.

It is designed to quickly generate Monster mechanics and treasure at the table, make the world fantastic and detailed, and aid in improvisation at the table.

Three panel, landscape design.

Follow this link for pdfs as well as editable docx files for your own hacks.



1. A "Tough Guy" Character is strapped to an alter. Cultists stand over him raising a dagger to complete their dark ritual. The rest of the party kicks open the door to the dark shrine on the other side of the room just as the knife comes down!

2. A moment ago the party had been fighting Orc brigands on the King's Road. The wizard had botched a spell... badly. The party now finds themselves looking across the grey fire wastelands of hell. Devils under wing approach en mass.

3. The party had been sailing for several weeks. The captain had been concerned about a massive thunder storm looming in their route. As they approach the storm surges, nearly sinking the ship. Out of the darkened sky emerges a great flying ship, powered by lightning elementals. It opens fire on the party and their already damaged vessel. (Think opening of the 2009 Star Trek).

4. The party, soaked in blood, enters the massive chamber. They have defeated the dragon and now look upon his hoard. (characters set their Hit Points, gear, moves, etc. to reflect a fight with a dragon.) As they approach their prize they hear the sounds of the hoards much older guardians begin to move towards them.

5. The thief is bound to a chair, ropes at her feet and chest, manacles on her wrists. She has offended the guild for the last time and now they are going to put the hurt on her. Unfortunately for the guild, she's the only one who knows who she sold it to (What was it?). Luckily for the thief the guild's search missed her favorite tool (a lock pick or a dagger; pick one), and her friends have finally tracked the ruffians to their secret entrance in the darkened alley.

6. On their way deep into the woods, the ranger or druid comes across strange tracks (Spout Lore, What manner of beast could have left these? The player tells the party). If they follow the tracks they find it in its lair. If not it ambushes them. Unfortunately it is much worse than the tracks indicated. The beast has been driven mad by a dark influence, and its body has been turned to corruption and putrescence. (Start of Princess Mononoke)

7. With a mighty kick the "tough guy" breaks open the lid of the upright stone coffin he had been sealed in. He hears the sounds of his companions scratching and shouting to get out of other stone coffins near by. He also hears the sound of shambling undead coming to investigate the sound of stone breaking in the darkened mausoleum. The party's gear lies in a heap near by, but... "Oh Hells NO! Why does that zombie have MY sword!"

8. The party rides back carrying the treasures of another successful adventure. As they clear the last hill they see the town below in flames, burning to the ground. A party of marauders can be seen riding out of town on the far side into the mountains. They were looking for something (What? Ask the players). The players have it in their recently recovered treasure trove (Do they know they have it? Probably not). Unfortunately the only person who know how to use it was just taken hostage and the parties home and village continues to be sacked!

9. That was easy! The traps were predicable and easy to spot. Now that the party has removed the sacred Icon to complete the ritual, (to do what? For whom? Ask the players) the real danger hits. The hidden booby traps spring to life as the party makes their desperate escape. Outside the find that their long time rival (who is this ass hole and how is he always one step ahead?) has allied with the natives and with over whelming force takes the Icon from the party. Damn, not again! (The Raiders of the Lost Ark opening)

10. Months tracking this murderer and finally the party has caught him in the act! They see the lifeless body of his most recent victim lying in a slick pool of blood at his feet. The party engages combat. They fight tooth and nail. Moments before the City Guard burst through the door the villain snaps his fingers and disappears completely in a mist of vapor which silently passes out the window. The guards stare down the party as they stand soaked in blood over the lifeless body of yet another murder victim. "But we're innocent! The real murderer was just here!"

In Medias Res...

No one wants to start their Dungeon World Adventure with the party lazily sipping brew while they wait passively for adventure to strike. NO! Dungeon World requires the Party to be thrown into the action immediately. However, it is some times difficult as a Game Master to come up with original and interesting starts for your game when you only have half an hour of character/world building to go on.

Here the community will list 101 (+Int) cool, dynamic, exciting, and dangerous "First Scenes" to fill your brain with, to steal, adapt, or spark your imagination. They will help set the stage for adventure early, and get your first session off to a flying start!

-Greven Lorekeeper of Marikest

P.S. Roll+Wis to keep the numbering accurate. 10+, Gain 1 Forum Point, 7-9, Edit to fix that shit., 6 or less, Take 10 Forum damage.

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