Dungeon World / Re: Google Docs character sheets
« on: March 14, 2013, 01:21:53 AM »Code: [Select]
=if(B13="","[ ]",if(B13<1,"Too Low",if(B13<4,"[ -3 ]",if(B13<6,"[ -2 ]",if(B13<9,"[ -1 ]",if(B13<13,"[ +0 ]",if(B13<16,"[ +1 ]",if(B13<18,"[ +2 ]",if(B13=18,"[ +3 ]","Too High")))))))))
That'll do it. I'd put money on there being a much cleaner method than nested if statements... but I have no idea what that method is :)It'll show blank when there's no stat in the cell, "Too High" for numbers over 18 and "Too Low" for numbers lower than 1. Otherwise it follows this table:
Score | Modifier |
1-3 | -3 |
4-5 | -2 |
6-8 | -1 |
9-12 | 0 |
13-15 | +1 |
16-17 | +2 |
18 | +3 |