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Messages - LD

Pages: [1]
Dungeon World / Re: Google Docs character sheets
« on: March 14, 2013, 01:21:53 AM »
Code: [Select]
=if(B13="","[  ]",if(B13<1,"Too Low",if(B13<4,"[ -3 ]",if(B13<6,"[ -2 ]",if(B13<9,"[ -1 ]",if(B13<13,"[ +0 ]",if(B13<16,"[ +1 ]",if(B13<18,"[ +2 ]",if(B13=18,"[ +3 ]","Too High")))))))))That'll do it. I'd put money on there being a much cleaner method than nested if statements... but I have no idea what that method is :)

It'll show blank when there's no stat in the cell, "Too High" for numbers over 18 and "Too Low" for numbers lower than 1. Otherwise it follows this table:

Dungeon World / Re: Google Docs character sheets
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:13:20 AM »
The only thing I can think of is having the STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA bonuses calculated through a formula.

Dungeon World / Re: Google Docs character sheets
« on: March 12, 2013, 03:31:27 PM »
That's a heck of a lot cooler looking than the sheets I hacked together. Nice one.

Dungeon World / Re: Barbarian Playbook
« on: February 24, 2013, 07:40:53 PM »
The post says it's not complete, but there's a Barbarian playbook posted on the Kickstarter page (clicky).

I don't think there's a newer version of it out yet, but I could be wrong.

Dungeon World / Re: WTF? Balance: Cleric vs Wizard
« on: February 20, 2013, 05:43:51 PM »
Divine Guidance lets the Cleric pray to his deity to learn a bit of useful information or gain some other minor benefit, limited to his Deity's domain. If the Cleric worships the god of What Lies Beneath, he isn't going to have any luck petitioning him to learn about Healing and Restoration.

Ritual lets the Wizard do whatever the heck she wants, so long as she's willing to pay the price and find a place of power first. There's no other limitations at all.
  • Want to turn something purple?
  • Want to write a spell that lets you breathe underwater?
  • Want to transfer enchantments from one item to another?
  • Want to create a magically animated golem companion to beat things up for you?
  • Want to cast an unstoppable, undetectable, uncounterable Doomsday Spell which instantly destroys the entire multiverse?
Ritual can do all of that. And more. The sheer strength of a Wizard with a place of power at her disposal is terrifying. Calling it a game changer doesn't come close to doing it justice.

Dungeon World / Re: Healing and the need for it
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:11:59 PM »
And even if your party does decide they want (or need) some healing, it doesn't necessarily have to be through a Cleric. The Bard and the Paladin can heal from level 1, while the Druid, Ranger and Wizard can gain access to healing through advanced moves. If you then add things like bandages, healing potions and setting up camp, any party should be able to stay standing.

Dungeon World / Re: Several cure spells in a row
« on: February 08, 2013, 09:37:49 AM »
I'm confused. Why is the Cleric healing people even a thing that needs to be dealt with?

Would you have said anything if the Cleric was casting Sanctify or Magic Weapon on everyone's rations or swords? Or if they were healing people during the fight? Would you step in if the Paladin got consecutive 10+ rolls on I Am The Law? Or if the Druid used Shapeshifter twice in a row? Or if the Bard fired off a pair of arrows with Volley? Would you have stepped in if someone drank two healing potions after a fight?

You shouldn't ever be trying to work against the players, even though you're the one putting their characters in danger and controlling the monsters. You're supposed to be working with the players to tell an awesome story. Your job as the GM is to make the players feel awesome because their characters are doing awesome things.

If you think the party is getting off too lightly because of the Cleric's healing, you shouldn't be glaring at the Cleric player for having the nerve to heal people after a fight. That just makes him feel bad for doing awesome Cleric things. Instead, try thinking about consequences other than damage which the party will need to deal with after a fight. Maybe that last goblin blade was coated with a poison that leaves the Thief feeling Weak or Shaky? Maybe that wolf's claws and teeth were full of disease and now the Ranger is feeling Sick? That grizzled old warlock spat out a curse with his dying breath and pointed at the Wizard, what did it do? No amount of Cure Light Wounds spells are going to repair the Fighter's shield after it gets cracked in two by an ogre's mighty warhammer.

Dungeon World / Re: Shapeshifting animist is a poor substitute for Druid
« on: January 31, 2013, 06:19:40 AM »
I like Lucacc's idea of taking on aspects of animals rather than shapeshifting, though it feels like a new class rather than a druid. A shaman maybe. Either way it's a cool idea that reminded me of the amazing BraveStarr. That alone is worth some points.

BraveStarrrrrrr! Eyes of the hawk! Ears of the wolf!
BraveStarrrrrrr! Strength of the bear! Speed of the puma!

Dungeon World / Re: Some Help with Druids
« on: January 22, 2013, 12:16:08 PM »
Remember, the druid doesn't just get the strengths of the animal they turn into. They get all the weaknesses too. Look for vulnerabilities that the druid's enemies can exploit.

He's turning into a giant worm? OK, cool. Show him a downside. Are there are side effects caused by the worm's insatiable appetite? Is turning into such a huge creature physically draining? Does it's absolutely massive size make it impossible to dodge attacks? Does it's soft body mean it takes extra damage? Is there a group of people in the world dedicated to hunting down and exterminating giant worms? If so, do they notice that there's a man wandering the wastelands who can turn into one of them at will?

Dungeon World / Re: Cure Light Wounds: A Problem
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:42:37 AM »
Yes, that's how Lay on Hands works. On a 10+ you heal the target, on a 7-9 you heal the target but the damage is transferred to you.

Dungeon World / Re: You are a forgotten god...
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:06:11 AM »
If I'm a totally forgotten god, well, I'm clearly going to need new followers. Can't be a god without followers.

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