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Messages - Talek

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Re: Announcement: The End of Limited Edition Playbooks
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:47:40 AM »
Just bought this. Great stuff!

Apocalypse World / Re: Spreading Out World/Char Gen
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:47:04 AM »
Vincent - Thanks, that makes me feel a little more confident in what I'm doing.

Munin - Of course, that's all true. The problem was that the world building kept us from getting into the game quickly and also built up expectations. I ended up with a 5 page setting document! What can I say, I have excellent players.

Apocalypse World / Spreading Out World/Char Gen
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:40:00 AM »
One issue I've had running AW is that you have a pretty big lump of generating ideas when you first start. People grab playbooks and then dream up setting ideas to go with it. It generates a lot of positive energy and takes up a lot of the first session, then you play for an hour or two and go home. When you meet next week you feel like you have to use all of that cool stuff you came up with and so there's a little less creative energy. Ideally people are riffing new plot lines fast enough to keep things going. But still I can't help but feel it might be worthwhile to try to spread things out a bit.

The best idea I could come up with is to start out generating half the character - stats and essential moves, then build a little setting, then start in media res. At the beginning of the next session go back and develop things more and pick out the other moves.

Any ideas? Am I totally on the wrong track?

Dungeon World / Find Traps
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:10:53 PM »
All -

Been playing AW for a while and switching over now that the preview is out. I was thinking about what kind of game I wanted to run and randomly picked up on the Thief's Trap Expert ability.

It did occur to me that the point might be that you only put traps there if the player uses the ability, but it seems like managing expectations would be delicate. (or maybe not?)

Basically, I rarely use traps, so the Thief usually won't think to roll - or if he does, he'll be disappointed when there's nothing there. That said, if a player picks a Thief he's possibly telling me that he wants to see Traps, so I feel I should put some in.

The alternative I came up with is as follows:

When the DM tells you there's a trap, roll +Dex

On a 10+, there's a trap. Tell the DM how you heroically disarm it.
On a 7-9, there's a trap. Choose 1 -
    -You can disarm it, but its inconvenient. The DM will tell you why.
    -You can disarm it, but its dangerous. The DM will tell you why.
    -The trap went off! You and your companions got out of the way in the nick of time, but its put you in a tight spot, the DM will tell you why. (Maybe it blocked a door or made a lot of noise?)
On a miss, the trap goes off, you'll probably take some damage.

(who describes the trap? I assume you would generally ask the player, but there might be times when you felt it would be better to do it yourself so I left it vague.)

Any thoughts appreciated.

Thanks guys!


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