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Messages - thorax

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Oh, that's awesome! I'd love to see yours if you want to share them. Would be neat to cross-pollinate some of these homebrew tools. :)

Dungeon World / Got an online game? Try these New Character Sheets
« on: July 22, 2012, 11:41:53 AM »
Hey there--

I would love some feedback on these. I put together some class character sheets using Google Docs spreadsheets for use with online Dungeon World games.

Have your players each pick their class and then Save a Copy of that spreadsheet and share it with the GM to collaborate (or the GM can copy, tweak, and share to the players). Rename it accordingly for your game.

Now the GM can see (live) all the character spreadsheets for each player, as well as their spellsheet while you play on a virtual tabletop like roll20 or similar.

I've tried to create the spreadsheets based on the latest github copy I had. They aren't perfect for each class, but I spent hours trying to provide as much help as possible for character creation.

The PC/GM shouldn't be shy to create new rows or adjust their copy of the sheet to meet their needs. It's more like a guideline that anything else to replace paper/pencil.

Thoughts? Anything I messed-up?

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