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Messages - Piers

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Re: Help me with the Witch's special...
« on: October 01, 2011, 03:34:57 PM »
How about something similar, but a little less permanent:

When you have sex with someone, roll +Weird: on a 10+ hold 3, on a 7+ hold 1. Either person may spend hold to use a move that the other person can use.

The temporary nature means that it will be used more often and, interestingly, it also allows you to take advantage of moves associated with NPCs.

Apocalypse World / Re: Building an Apocalypse World around Hoover Dam
« on: January 15, 2011, 03:37:11 PM »
I love the idea of a dam as a Hardhold in AW.  Every time I think of it, though, I get the image of some arsehole Hardholder who has made all the residents of the hold build their shantytown dwellings below the dam on either side of the run-off stream, with his armed guards looking down on them from above,  so that if they become troublesome he can just open the floodgates and wash them all away.

Apocalypse World / Re: Custom Move: Gone Forth
« on: November 15, 2010, 04:51:47 PM »
On a Fail, the Followers messed up when they encountered the group - they were annoying, heavy-handed, dangerous, lost the purpose of the Dream, and/or preached to the wrong fucking hombres.

Never having met them is just another version of the Followers having messed up--and it's up to the MC what sort of hard move to make...

the preapocalypse / Re: Folding Player Books
« on: July 17, 2010, 04:09:34 PM »
Hold the sheet lengthwise, long left to right, with the front cover in the bottom right corner.  Fold the left half of the sheet behind the right half.  Now fold the top half back and behind the bottom.  Now fold the left half behind the right again, leaving you with a booklet with the front cover facing you.  All the pages should be in the correct order inside.  Staple in the middle.  Tear out the "bolts" with a blunt paper knife and you should be good to go.

This is the standard folding scheme for an octavo gathering of a book.  It only works if the pages have been set up properly, but the last time I constructed the booklets it did.  (I explained how to set this up to Ben.  I'm assuming that information made it's way to Vincent somehow.)

the preapocalypse / Re: welcome to the preapocalypse
« on: June 20, 2010, 11:14:38 PM »
p. 208: an un-updated example of changing Hx at the end of the session:

Keeler, however, was completely appalled by what Marie said,
and withdrew from her abruptly. Marie didn’t even notice but
kept right on talking. Keeler’s player tells Marie’s to take -1Hx.

the preapocalypse / Re: Angel kits
« on: June 20, 2010, 11:07:47 PM »
How about:

"On a miss, they are dead and that's the end of it--unless you’re
willing and able to spend an additional 1-stock, in which case
they are still at 12:00 and will need to take a debility to survive"?

the preapocalypse / Re: welcome to the preapocalypse
« on: June 20, 2010, 10:52:17 PM »
"Life doesn't always suck, even"?

And while my pedantic hat on, just in case you care, status quos doesn't make any (Latin grammatical) sense. Technically the status quo is the whole (stable) situation beforehand. The correct plural is stati quibus, but of course no-one would have any idea what that meant, whereas it is more or less clear as it stands.

And: p. 121, 2nd para. from bottom: miss-use of ellipse. It is not the singular of ellipses--that's ellipsis.

the preapocalypse / Angel kits
« on: June 20, 2010, 10:07:30 PM »
To use an angel kit to revive someone who’s died (at 12:00, not
beyond): roll+stock spent. On a 10+, they recover to 10:00. On
a 7–9, they recover to 11:00. On a miss, they die unless you’re
willing and able to spend an additional 1-stock, in which case
they recover to 11:00.

I'm unsure about the last option.  Isn't it almost always better (32/36) better to spend 0 stock than 1 stock?

Apocalypse World / Re: Be the fuckery you want to see in the world.
« on: June 20, 2010, 11:35:46 AM »
I find it interesting that people seem to emphasize the first half of this principle ("Respond with fuckery..."), but not the second ("and intermittent rewards").  If all the players get is fuckery, it gets tired pretty quickly. 

It seems to me that they are equally important and that intermittent rewards is a sort of fuckery.  They fit together under a command to vary up your pitch--throw curve balls, breaking balls, etc--but keep the players off balance.

blood & guts / Re: Why make everyone a threat?
« on: June 15, 2010, 01:11:37 PM »
Vincent and Matt have it, but as well as the rock-hard division between Allies and Threats, I think it's also worth noting that threats aren't all the same, but rather fall into a couple of different tiers of danger and organization:

  • Threats who are part of Front--an organized and complicated danger which threatens the existence of the holding.
  • Threats on the Home Front--problematic and a danger to individuals, but not working against you in a coherent way.
  • Threats who are part of your crew or gang, with motivations that generally fit with your own--actually usually on your side, but with the potential to change their mind. (Formally, these are also listed in one of the two above categories--usually the home front.)

And of course, the moment when characters are reclassified in these groups is immensely important.  (It doesn't have to be only up the scale, either.)  In a game about loyalty and survival this set-up helps the MC--only the MC, because s/he's misdirecting as usual--to keep in mind the dangerous and unstable setting of the game (make it seem real, make their lives not boring) and not fall into the habit of forgetting that NPCs have their own motivations and interests. It's only in the context of this uncertainty that real self-sacrificing loyalty becomes meaningful.

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