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Messages - FlashbackJon

Pages: [1]
Dungeon World / Re: questions on beta
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:07:30 PM »
There's no specific front looming overhead, but as you ask questions and build on the answers, the threats, targets, and wards of your players will make themselves apparent!  :)

Dungeon World / Re: XP
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:06:14 PM »
It's worth noting that the system makes it so much more enticing to play to your weaknesses, too, and that makes me happy, both as a player and a DM.

Dungeon World / Re: Appendix: 100 Dungeon Descriptors
« on: July 04, 2012, 12:11:20 PM »
I was looking for something specific like the 100 knacks for NPCs or 100 impulses. Things that help spark the imagination as part of the final book.
Incidentally, the aforementioned Ultimate Toolbox has 160 "Character Backgrounds" which are not actually backgrounds but somewhere between knacks and impulses, 140 "Character Motivations", 80 "Quirks" and "Features", Superstitions and Taboos, Nightmares, Insanities, Hobbies, Phobias, Virtues, Vices...  And that's just within the first 25 pages (all character stuff, not even touching the tables for NPCs yet).

Man, I really feel like a shill now, but I can't explain how much I enjoy this book.

I would, however, be all about contributing to some manner of open source collection!

Dungeon World / Re: So... Dark Sun
« on: June 30, 2012, 10:59:45 PM »
Number Appearing's lumbering races (I forget the exact name and I'm mobile at the moment) can perfectly represent half-giants.  I also agree that you shouldn't bother making rules for their size(no mechanics, no bonuses, no penalties), but it should definitely be fictional.

Dungeon World / Re: New Monster: Flesh Beetle
« on: June 29, 2012, 11:07:52 AM »
A cloud of misquitoes?  No.  But that horde of scarabs that pops out of the ground in the Mummy?  I bet the fighter's huge hammer could squash a bunch of them, making hack & slash a viable move.  At which point, having HP and whatnot for the things makes a lot of sense.
Well, yes, you're literally killing bugs, but I think the point (which is totally exemplified in the aforementioned scene) is that your pitiful efforts are having no meaningful effect on the swarm.

Dungeon World / Re: Number Appearing playtest and suggestions
« on: June 28, 2012, 02:06:10 PM »
Two quick things:
  • Lycanthrope Lord references the non-existent "Illusion of Control" move.
  • Marauder says "destroy a symbol civilization", assuming it needs an "of" in there.

Dungeon World / Re: Dungeon World Zen
« on: June 27, 2012, 12:22:16 PM »
And honestly, examples are good, but I get a lot out of these conversational discussions of when to make moves and why.  They would just clutter the main rules chapter, for instance, but would be helpful in a separate section ("For more detail, see...") with or without examples.

Dungeon World / Re: Appendix: 100 Dungeon Descriptors
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:26:46 AM »
It's not a free resource by any means, but Alderac's Ultimate Toolbox is some 400 pages of random tables (20 items each, 4 per page) on pretty much any fantasy topic.  One of the cooler bits is the "Empty Room Description" set of tables.

I use this book ALL the TIME.  I don't want to be a schill here, it's just really good for people like me who aren't quick to pull something from the ephemera -- I'm better at taking someone's idea and running with it, so now if I need a "Paladin Order" I can just roll on the table.  (I think the huuuuuuge variety of tables in one resource is a big plus for me, too.  I can find a dwarven city name generator, and a random pickpocket contents generator, but not in the same place.)

Dungeon World / Intro Moves
« on: June 11, 2012, 12:57:53 PM »
I utterly love the example Introductory Move given for the Fighter at the end of Appendix 3.  I want to draft similar ones for the other classes, but have been ultimately drawing blanks.  Anyone used anything like that successfully before?  Any examples?   (I feel like I've seen them crop up here before, but nothing sticks out.)

Dungeon World / Re: Making moves...
« on: June 08, 2012, 02:11:53 PM »
When the players look to you for what happens next, time for a soft move (it's in the rules this way actually).
I'm fairly confident I simply misread that sentence as "whenever the players are at a loss for what to do next" not "whenever the players are looking for a resolution to a move they just made."

If the wolves are around them circling, and the players pause, just have the wolves leap (soft move) and things should move smoothly.  If the players do nothing, it's Defy Danger time!
My initial shaky feeling came because they never paused, but rather attacked each worg in succession successfully.  Based on the great feedback here, I think I was missing my half of the conversation: merely reporting on the status of the worg instead of making an actual move.

Dungeon World / Re: Making moves...
« on: June 08, 2012, 11:16:31 AM »
Even on a 10+ H&S, they're going to roll damage and look to you to see if the thing is dead. If it's not, soft move!
Okay, actually, that's pretty close to exactly what I was looking for.  I'm still trying to make them mindful that they need not fall into a turn order, and I specifically didn't want to interject (as if to say "okay it's the DM's turn now!") for that reason.

Dungeon World / Making moves...
« on: June 08, 2012, 11:03:50 AM »
This topic comes up a lot and I've read a lot of threads on it, but I'm still not quite sure about this.

I know I can make a move when players look to me to know what happens, and I know I make moves when I'm given a golden opportunity.  But what if the players know what they want to do, keep making moves, and continue to roll well?  Do I interject moves that the fiction dictates anyway?  (I was listening to the Walking Eye podcast after this week's game, and I noticed the DM there struggled with this as well.  His creatures seemed to be inactive because the players kept rolling well.)

For example, the players were essentially surrounded by worgs, and had more or less worked themselves into a natural turn order, as part of the conversation (admittedly, they are used to D&D and Shadowrun, etc), and although there were many threats looming (the worg's masters joining the fight, being grossly outnumbered and surrounded), they navigated successfully through continually rolling well.  That itself isn't the issue (because I'm a fan of the characters!) but rather than in the fiction, it seemed like all the worgs were just standing there ready to be slaughtered, because I didn't want to interrupt the flow to interject a soft move, especially when the players had done so well.

Is this merely fictional?  Should I have depicted the worgs as, for instance, attempting to snap at the players but being successfully turned away or avoided?

Dungeon World / Re: Under the Dark of the New Moon
« on: June 05, 2012, 03:50:27 PM »
I am so enamored with this that I think I'm going to run it for my players this week.  :)

Apocalypse World / Re: Images of ApW
« on: October 20, 2011, 06:46:59 PM »
I'm extremely sorry for resurrecting a 15ish-month-old thread, but I found it in a search and it's amazing.  I was going to start a thread about how I need help "barfing" and while this didn't have a lot of participation, it's been incredibly helpful and I'd love to fire it up again.

My contribution is not nearly as amazing:
  • The gate of a hold is made of reinforced traincars on a section of track, pulled back and forth with an elaborate pulley system.  (Alternatively, a toll gate run by bandits, only using entire trains.)

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