« on: October 15, 2011, 09:27:23 PM »
Hi, I'm the player in the first game above. Yeah, I suppose I didn't really answer a couple of those questions, truly. But at the same time, I have no idea what this game is really supposed to be about, and therefore don't know exactly what is expected of me other than doing what is written in the book. What is the experience that the designer is trying to evoke? Also, it felt mechanical because it was a playtest. I am playing the game to test whether playing it as it is written does what it's supposed to. Are you supposed to die when you draw a bust? Are you supposed to run away when you see a ghost? Again, this boils down to having zero idea what experience I was ever meant to be having. I'd give it another shot, but based on that single go, I would say this game pretty much sucks.