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Messages - Irminsul

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Apocalypse World / Re: A calmer apocalypse?
« on: April 22, 2016, 02:07:18 PM »
the players can talk about doing insane shit in the Maelstrom all they want, but that's not actually remotely under their authority

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I was starting to roll my eyes at some of the circle jerking going on. Apocalypse World is very explicitly specific on the roles of players and MC.

Apocalypse World / Re: Changes to XP and Helping/Interfering?
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:00:17 PM »
I don’t feel that I’m nitpicking the word “healthy” here actually. Honestly I don‘t. I’m taking the entirety of what Ebok said to mind, not just that singular word. It was even so very nicely put in ALL CAPS for everyone.


And hell yeah, Manipulate is great! :D  And a far better way than Highlighting for the group to get a player to "do what they want to see the character do this session" too.


Are you actually interested in my opinion? Because obviously none of us will convince the other! Ever! We maybe/probably want different things out of a game? I want meaningful choices. Choices that will be difficult and change the situation and my character. Where I have to fret and worry over what choice to make.

Highlighting doesn’t provide meaningful choices to me (in this way). It simply asks, “do you want to follow the fiction; Or do you want to be rewarded?” Obviously there are times the two intersect if the correct stat happens to be Highlighted at the correct time. But "at times" is kinda sucky.


On Player Agency:

Sure, I will agree that I’m being loose with the player agency definition. Or am I?…

So yes, I’m mainly referring to the reward cycle, I agree with that! However, they are linked! System Matters right? By the reward cycle being the way it is the system is rewarding the player by forcing the player to use the Highlighted stats that other people chose according to their own agenda. So, no agency there. And of course that doesn’t exactly limit game-fiction choices, but it does take away game-fiction agency even if it is indirectly.

Because Highlighting is placing an incentive to roll a stat that the player had no say in with the penalty of not getting rewarded. And the fiction had no say in it either: follow the fiction and don’t get rewarded or follow the mechanics and get rewarded. That isn’t a meaningful choice to me, so I could argue that player agency was taken.

[And I was going to post more, and respond to the D&D stuff. But meh.] :p

Apocalypse World / Re: Changes to XP and Helping/Interfering?
« on: January 13, 2015, 06:55:03 PM »
Oh, I’m not angry/exasperated. More like shaking my head and saying, “yeah, uh, the point I was making was directly related to what Ebok said. And now we’re running opinion circles around each other while we explicitly ignore the ridiculous ‘THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY DYNAMIC‘ comment Ebok made”.

That one comment is the singular reason I even commented on this thread. If Ebok hadn’t said that specific inflammatory comment I would never have responded. I‘ve got better things to do than pointlessly argue opinions! Even if I do enjoy talking shop about Game Theory & Design kind of stuff. So no - I’m not angry. At the comment, sure. But me, myself, and I while I sit here typing? I’m not angry. I’m just rolling my eyes and snickering at how ridiculous it is.

But I’ll go ahead and explain why Dungeon World actually does have a healthy dynamic for rewards. In direct opposition to Eboks statements to the contrary.

DW retains player agency and I don‘t see how this is a bad thing. I choose my Alignment, I choose my Bonds, I choose to roll and even if I fail I get rewarded. So this is encouraging the player systematically for gunning for those things. I don’t see anything “unhealthy” about it. Getting players to roll dice is usually a good thing. I get rewarded fictionally if I succeed at a roll and I get rewarded mechanically if I fail at a roll. Seems win-win to me.

Not seeing anything dysfunctional about that. Sure rolling with a low stat means more potential for earning the reward, but I don’t see how that connects to “not a healthy dynamic”. And I certainly don’t see how Highlighting is superior in this regard either!

So now going back to the comment that somehow player agency/choice means that one is playing for “you” and not the group? That’s just ridiculous! C’mon man. Really? DW isn’t supporting anti-social play. Prove how it does! I dare you because you can’t! Which means it isn’t an “unhealthy dynamic” as you propose.

Now I have plenty of problems with DW, don’t read me wrong here. But that isn’t the point of this conversation. I’m solely talking about the reward systems (and Eboks unreasonable comment of course).

And I love some OOC and metagame action. It’s healthy and every game should have an explicit system to promote that behavior, because a bunch of problems can be avoided and everyone can be on the same page in the game-fiction. But that doesn’t mean that DW somehow discourages this or that Highlighting is superior in this regard. Nor does it mean that DW is playing for “you and not the group” as Ebok put it so very incorrectly.

And it isn’t “irrelevant” to say that playing one’s character is directly influenced by the system of Highlighted stats because AW is a reward-based game. Nor is it “irrelevant” to say that Highlighting then makes for some unhealthy dynamics. Nor is it “irrelevant” to say that ignoring a Highlighted stat is making the player choose a fictional agenda over a mechanical one. And that sucks.

Some systems actually encourage the fiction and the mechanics to be combined in a systematized way. Highlighting doesn’t do this. As I’ve demonstrated again and again. Highlighting is purely mechanical force not reinforced by the fiction.

[Warning: Tangent Ahead] Highlighting is analogous to telling the player playing Batman that they want to see him pick up the gun and shoot somebody and if he doesn’t he isn’t going to get any xp reward. That sucks and is total stick with no real carrot. I mean seeing the choice of what Batman does is great and a moment I live for when I RP! Character defining awesome! But I have a problem with the social-force involved here. The choice is actually: do it and get xp or don’t and retain control of what you want out of the fiction, but don’t get any xp. Highlighting isn‘t - let‘s see what interesting choice the player decides to make. It is all about trying to force a player to play their character how you want to see them play their character. [End Tangent]

For example: Manipulate is such a perfect Move. Either you go along with what the manipulating player wants you to do in the fiction and get rewarded. Or you go against the fiction and have to deal with the mechanical difficulties of Acting Under Fire. This is a great dynamic that actually supports player agenda/choice while simultaneously tying the fiction to mechanics. Nom-nom yummy!


Man, that Seventh Sea comment brought me back to my early college days. And Backgrounds were one of the reasons that it was an eye-opening game for me too.

But that’s actually my point. Backgrounds are healthy because they don’t remove player agency. While on the other hand Highlighting does.

Anyway. Again Highlighting doesn’t say anything about my character. It doesn‘t follow any fictional choices like Backgrounds do. As your example showed. Highlighting only says that somebody else wanted to encourage me to play my character in a specific way. Without my consent no less.

Can I choose to ignore the Highlighted stat? Yeah. Will I get any rewards that session? No! Does that mean that the system is failing me? Yes.

[I deleted a bunch of my post, because: yeah, too long already].

Apocalypse World / Re: Changes to XP and Helping/Interfering?
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:47:17 AM »
Hrm. Internet conversations are almost always pointless and I‘m getting that niggling feeling here. And I’d have to write a several thousand word essay to get my points across since I can’t mind-meld with you. Because you all make valid points, yet manage to utterly miss what I’m saying.

First and most importantly: yes hacking it will change the feel. And to be honest I think that’s a good thing. Play it the way it’s meant to be played first and then form your own opinion and hack if needed.

Also: I was responding to the Ebok’s complete confidence that AW Highlighting system is the perfectest system evar and it couldn’t possibly be more perfecter and that it somehow is obviously superior to any other Powered by the Apocalypse system for experience. And again, I can’t disagree more firmly! I really can’t! Every fiber of my being screams it. And there are plenty of hacks that do a FAR-FAR-FAR superior job than AW does. Urban Shadows is my current example of greatness in an AW-hack.

++ Warning: very rambly and unimportant part because opinions are like bung-holes ++

Seriously. Opinions man. What's the point in this convo?

Here is the TL;DR version: I WANT FICTIONAL REASONS FOR CHALLENGING MY CHARACTER’S PERCEPTIONS, PORTRAYAL, AND CHANGING THEIR VIEWS ON LIFE! I love that shit! Play to find out and a system that encourages that in the fiction - because System Matters. Highlighting has nothing to do with the fiction, so it fails. It has to do with some weird group-social-pressure enforced by mechanics to try and force the player into portraying their character in a particular way - to grab for experience points. And in my experience Highlighting leads to exactly the opposite of fiction-mechanic fueled choices! In short, I find Highlighting to be a dysfunctional system separate from the fiction.

How is stat Highlighting somehow encouraging my character to surprise me? The group is surprising me maybe by forcing their shitty agenda down my throat. And it is certainly destroying any chance for the fiction to surprise my choices. Some Moves change the fiction and surprise me certainly. Not stat Highlighting ever though.

Second, I’m happy to talk about my baggage, but this will take thousands of words and ultimately be pointless. I should probably say I like Powered by the Apocalypse games. They are my equal favorite games to Burning Wheel! My Actual Play examples were simply to highlight how stat-Highlighting sucks. Harhar. And yes, maybe you haven’t experienced this. Or maybe you just weren’t cognizant that it was occurring? I don’t know I wasn’t there.

And now the rambly-ramblonic-rambles. Seriously this is rambly!...

Yes I’ve had some shitty groups. Plural on the groups there. But some good groups too! And I’ve found a lot of people (emphasis on a lot of people!) play at a very superficial level - they do awesome voices and gesticulate and entertain the table and jump around and all that, but portraying an actual person? That deep down emotional level shit - yeah, good luck - they‘d have a better chance of ripping their way out of a wet paper bag. This is surprisingly common I‘ve found! Surprisingly!

To point out my hypocrisy here: yes I did the same shallow shit with my Chopper by humping everything he could hump, dick in hand. But my point remains: and you haven’t, and I’d ague that you can’t disprove, that a system that uses stat Highlighting will produce any other outcome. Simply put: I followed the reward system. Therefore that is what the game - the system - wants me to do! I did what the game said to do. And there is no way you can argue against that. None. LOL!

Highlighting only encourages this bad behavior! So yes, I hate stat Highlighting. I don’t find that it does what you all seem to think it does. At all. After years of playing this game. The fiction - in AW’s case -  does what you are trying to say stat Highlighting does.

Which brings me to: it looks like you both think I’m some newb. I’ve been playing AW since the day it came out, I‘m very familiar with it and most of the hacks too. The whole "are you playing to find out what happens" question is very telling. Of course I am! And Highlighting stats has always been a peeve of mine. Along with Go Aggro (my most hated Move) - I’ve stated this publicly many times.

So yes, I get where you think I’m coming from, and I get where you're coming from. And it’s a nice ideal - but it’s just not true. And while you said BW is irrelevant to the discussion I disagree, comparisons are always used in every debate ever debated. Learn to deal with it! That said: Burning Wheel has a FAR superior system in regards to challenging the character’s perceptions and getting a character to change. I can’t emphasize enough that I think BW is way better at doing what you seem to think Highlighting does. And I love it when my character grows and changes in unexpected ways! LOVE. IT. But…

Highlighting stats doesn’t do that. The fiction would do that! Simply put: Highlighting only encourages certain stat-Moves to be used. That‘s it. That‘s all it does. Honestly! My character humping every NPC’s leg doesn’t say anything about my character other than my Hot stat is Highlighted and I‘m getting rewarded for it with experience points. And that that is what the group wanted to see. And they got it. Again System Matters.

Or if you prefer: it says that my character - that I explicitly stated has no interest in socially manipulating people - suddenly is trying to manipulate people and trying to stick his dick in them. Ripping him out of the established fiction. There is no fictional reason for choosing Highlights. Just some weird social-pressure that the group thought it would be awesome to see my character fuck-toy everyone. Again, I think it is fairly dysfunctional. And I’m just doing it because a Highlight mechanic told me I’m supposed to and I’m getting rewarded for it! So I stuck my character‘s dick in everything.

This next part is so off topic I’m not sure why I’m even responding to it. Seriously? You’re going to argue what a character would do? Isn’t that what we play to find out? And no: stat-Highlighting doesn’t do that - as I’ve stated, and will state, again and again and again. The fiction does that. Highlighting actively works against this ideal.

All I can say about the pacifist is that I completely disagree. My character wasn’t some paladin. He manipulated everyone to his own ends, got people to fight for him or to back down, rallied people to his banner. I mean pretty epic stuff. But he refused to cross that line, so being Hard doesn’t fit into that. And having somebody say that they want to see my character lose his shit and start shooting stuff or whatever? Make me make my character do it within the fiction. Challenge my Beliefs (to use a BW term) and Ideals. I don’t need this stat Highlighting shit to try to encourage that behavior. And it doesn‘t, it can’t.

Force my character’s hand in the fiction! Don’t force my player hand systematically! Make my character make a choice in the fiction. And you know what? I’d have not budged. And that says something about the character! More than Highlighting a stat ever will that‘s for sure! All that said was, "you don't get xp this session" or as I've stated, "destroy the fiction to get rewarded". Yuck!

AW’s system just encourages people to roll their Highlighted stat. That doesn’t say anything about the character at all. It only says that the player has picked up on the reward system. A system that actively encourages shallow character behavior! As I’ve demonstrated. Again and again.

And somewhat ironically you actually contradicted yourself Ebok. Several times. Pink Ponies = Stat Highlighting. It is something forced on the player, like the Pink Ponies.
I'd also disagree about agency in comparing DW to AW. Things like Alignment and Bonds have everything to do with player agency and choice. Highlighting does not.

P.S. I hate D&D and I haven't touched the game in a decade. Because I want to "play to find out what happens" for exactly the same reasons you gave Munin. It was just an example. Do you need another game-example you can nit-pick? :p

Yeah, this conversation is probably done. Put a fork in it. :)

Apocalypse World / Re: Changes to XP and Helping/Interfering?
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:01:36 PM »
You are missing the point. Of course it is my choice. But the point of a reward based system is to reward certain behaviors. In this case: using the highlighted stats. "Just incentives" doesn't make any kind of sense. Incentives are how the game wants to be played.

So sure of course one can use the non-highlighted stats. Not really sure why you brought that up. Because then one might as well say they can play a farmer in D&D too - who needs to adventure - I mean there's nothing stopping you! Except that whole experience point thing. Yeah, that could be an issue... :-\

Sure Highlighting rewards what others want to see. Okay. What about what I want to see? What about character fidelity? Do we not care?

I'm playing a character that is an extreme pacifist. My character doesn't fight. The entire concept of this character is based around getting what he wants without resorting to violence. But the group decides they want to highlight Hard because they want to see this pacifist throw down. So now in order for me to get my reward I have to use Hard. So you are saying I can't play Gandhi? Because I gotta say, using Hard would completely nullify the whole point of playing that type of character.

Would [fictional character] Gandhi be more "three dimensional" if another player had chosen to see what "your character is like when he's taking shit from no one" and Highlight Hard? Erm. NO! In fact I can easily argue the opposite. Why are your characters so willing to go against everything they stand for?

EDIT: I should probably say this has also happened to me. I was playing a pacifist Skinner.

If the group said, "I want to see Gandalf be sexy" would that be cool? (I can continue to give examples of characters that wouldn't do certain things and in fact would break that character's fidelity if you want!)

To use an off-system example it would be like other players writing my Burning Wheel character's Beliefs. Huh? Don't I get to choose how I want to have fun? How I want to be rewarded? Hell, how my character acts?

Or we could just say that the group has decided to screw me and say "you don't get xp this session". That's fun. Yay?

Looking at it another way, it is essentially like the players being able to tell me what my character's goals are! Yay?

Stat Highlighting is... how was it put? Ah, yes: "not a healthy dynamic".

EDIT: I didn't want to tear you post apart point-by-point, but I do want to call this out specifically:

If getting experience is more important to you than being true to your character, well, I think that says more about your own personal play style than it does about the game's intrinsic mechanics.

Again I couldn't disagree more. It says everything about the mechanics of the game. Because System Matters. And the system is saying: "Highlighting is how you get rewarded".

Apocalypse World / Re: Changes to XP and Helping/Interfering?
« on: January 12, 2015, 04:41:04 PM »
I agree that hacking the system will make for a different experience. However...

THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY DYNAMIC. It works for some playergroups, but I've yet to see it work as smoothly as Highlighting behavior.

Huh. I pretty much couldn't disagree more. I've found that highlighting makes for weird behavior. I'd even say it "IS NOT A HEALTHY DYNAMIC".

For example, and this is just one example, there are many. My group decided to highlight my Chopper's Hot stat. His worst stat because I as a player wasn't interested in being Hot. Not at all (and no this isn't about it being his worst stat I get xp regardless of success so who cares in-game about that I'm talking about as a player. M'kay?).

So the whole session my character was acting in a completely different way to his character. Character fidelity: gone! Why? Simple: I was gunning for experience.

That is another point: the group chooses FOR YOU. You don't get a say in it. Here have a link. Player control is gone baby gone.

So my character went around seducing everyone (I would have seduced a lamp if it would've gotten me xp) and manipulating everyone. And even though we spent a couple session with him being Hard, he didn't get into a single fight because Hard wasn't highlighted.

So it was sexy Chopper time. And COMPLETELY out of character because - as you said - the players should be going after the experience. And that's what I did.

brainstorming & development / Re: "grey" Jedi hack
« on: November 01, 2014, 05:16:04 PM »
First I like a lot of what you are saying! And I might have more to say once I digest more of it. Or at least some more pats on the back.  :)

Have you seen any of the AW hacks for Star Wars by chance? Some are pretty darn good IMO.

...the temptations of the Dark Side, I can't help but find it distasteful to write the rules in any way that basically says "now roll for whether your character succumbs to the temptation".

One of the hacks said something along the lines of: "when the character does a Dark Side thing [rules stuff] then they gain a Dark Side Point which the MC/GM can use to Manipulate the character as though a 10+ was rolled. Pretty cool I thought.

So the MC can make the player do something bad, like kill a bunch of Jedi Younglings or Sand People or whathaveyou. Or the Player can decide, "heck no! I'm not gonna do that!". But then they'd be Acting Under Fire for the foreseeable future.

There wasn't really any rules of losing control of the character. Just the ever increasing ability for the MC to Manipulate the Player Character to do "Bad Stuff".

EDIT: you posted again while I was typing this, so I haven't read what you just posted.

AW:Dark Age / Re: Bloodless Xristos
« on: March 25, 2014, 01:30:45 AM »
So plausiblefabulist and I already hashed this out via email.

But since you, Antinomian Tendencies replied I'll take another stab at it.

I'm not talking about excluding ANYONE. I'm talking about not putting ANY real-world religion in AT ALL. Which means by that definition it would actually be IMPOSSIBLE to EXLUDE a real-world religion.

Because really, by your definition the game should include EVERY religion present during the early Middle Ages. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And there are a bunch YOU are excluding too then.

Do I get to be all huffy that MY religion would be ignored??????

AW:Dark Age / Re: Bloodless Xristos
« on: March 12, 2014, 05:44:57 PM »
Don't worry. If "Bloodless Xristos" is ambiguous enough for you, everything I write will be.


I feel I should add that the simple sentence at the end of the paragraphs on Bloodless Xristos makes it ambiguous:

"it is a matter of interpretation and opinion".

Pretty much sums it up. It is up to interpretation and opinion.

If that sentence were to be lost in editing I'd say the game should make it clear it is a dark ages analog and is not meant to be played as an an analog of A Song of Ice and Fire. Which is totally fine, and as I've said before I'd still totally play the heck out of it. I love me some historical fiction RPG action (more than playing in pre-made fantasy worlds).

But that should be made clear that that is what the game actually is.

AW:Dark Age / Re: Bloodless Xristos
« on: March 12, 2014, 05:08:17 PM »
Don't worry. If "Bloodless Xristos" is ambiguous enough for you, everything I write will be.


Cool. So far, without an additions, it is ambiguous enough. Not that I wouldn't play AW: DA if you just flat-out stated it is the dark ages, because I would.


And just because I thought of a couple examples that amused me about the differences, as I see them, with analog vs. ambiguous:

A dragon is an analog of a lizard. Sure it flies and breathes fire. But ultimately it looks like a lizard. Scales, head, legs, etc.. But with a few fictional additions.

A platypus is an ambiguous animal. What is it?!? A duck because it lays eggs and has a bill? A beaver because its a mammal and has the fur and the tail? And then add in the poisonous spur. It seems ambiguous to me rather than analogous of a specific animal.

AW:Dark Age / Re: I miss Going Aggro and Manipulate
« on: March 12, 2014, 04:54:11 PM »
@Irminsul: thanks for helping me parse this out.

Super happy to help!

And I'm glad I got to talk about my experiences with Go Aggro and Manipulate in AW versus what I hope happens in AW: DA.

AW:Dark Age / Re: Bloodless Xristos
« on: March 12, 2014, 04:38:22 PM »
I think I’ve said what I wanted to say: oh please Vincent keep the religions ambiguous! But it looks like I’m not going to get that.

Firstly because the group being able to choose whether one’s game is 100% the real-world Judeo-Christian religion, or whether it is something more resembling A Song of Ice and Fire, or something in between, I think, is a good thing. If nothing else it opens up various play options.

Second because of what we accidentally/unintentionally demonstrated just now. And which proved to be one of the, if not the most, uncomfortable experience of my entire life.

Unless the game is 100% about taking on real-world religions through the fictional medium of a game (like, say, Dogs in the Vineyard), and wants to explicitly tackle those issues. Because even printing in the book things like Pintoos Piloot or the messiah Gesuus, makes the game about that. In a real-world way. Even if it wasn’t supposed to be about that.

The game can’t just do more than ambiguously reference it, not even an analog of real-world religions, in my opinion (ambiguous is fine). Why? Because of what I already said, but also because religion (and politics) are very easy to take incorrectly and/or misunderstand people in ways that are entirely unhealthy. Hot-button sensitive topic. And because they are such emotionally charged issues they can’t help but be thrust to the forefront of the issues. Even in a fictional game. Even if the game wasn’t originally supposed to be about religion, it will be about religion.

I feel like the group can make the game about tackling issues of religion. I’ve done the same in games, in a safe environment. But I don’t think that this game is about that. And putting analogs of real-world religions makes it about tackling those issues. Even if it would be unintentional. As we just demonstrated.

So to use your words: cool, funhouse-mirror, reimagined fictional analog [of real-world religions] is fine as long as “analog” is replaced with ambiguous. Obviously my opinion. Because the difference as I see it is one of “analog = basically the same with a few differences like adding in fictional names of real-world religious things” versus “ambiguous = can be taken one way, but also could be taken another way“.

EDIT: and I would say that any references to A Song of Ice and Fire or any other fictional world should be removed. Just say it is the Dark Ages with different analogous names for real-world things if that is what it is! (That might come off like I'm mad. I'm not. At all. I just think it is a bad thing to mislead people by saying "hey you can play a game analogous to A Song of Ice and Fire or something more closesly analogous to the real-world" and then not deliver both of those options).

AW:Dark Age / Re: Bloodless Xristos
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:57:05 PM »
Oh, my. No, no, no. Bad me.

Yes, I was making a reference to your fame and that potentially influencing Baker’s decisions.

And I was in no way making anti-Semitist rhetoric. That one specific thing would not specifically ruin the game for me. At all. I’m dumb. I should have known better than to even use the “J” word. And I never ever will again. My bad. I’m an idiot. Not at all what I meant. At all. And now I feel like a complete jackass. Even though that isn’t what I meant at all, it was just one example amongst a thousand I could have chosen, but really should not have, and I can see it was taken poorly now. And I should have seen that coming. And that makes me feel shitty.

I should have said, “I don’t want to see Pintoos Piloot or the messiah Gesuus or any other obvious reference to Christianity spelled out in the game book. I‘d like it to stay ambiguous so the players of any individual game can decide how much real-world Judaism they want to add in themselves. Or if they want to go A Song of Ice and Fire with it instead they should be able to. So if that means 100% in their game if Christian-based that‘s cool. I‘m sure I‘m going to play at least a few times using the real dark ages myself. But I wouldn‘t want to be limited to only playing the game that way and miss out on playing a mostly fantasy religion as seen in A Song of Ice and Fire”.

I really hope that clears it up. Because I feel really shitty right now for being misunderstood in the way I was.

AW:Dark Age / Re: I miss Going Aggro and Manipulate
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:25:35 AM »
Maybe I should add why I don't/didn't like Go Aggo as an MC? It felt like I was just making a judgement call anyway. Okay, so I can choose take damage or back down. Couldn't I have done that anyway? That's all covered by the fiction.

The first time I MC'ed back in early 2011 I had a player that went aggro on a 7-9 and I had the NPC "back up with hands up" and the players said, "WTF?!? I just shoot him then". And it was at that moment that I questioned what the move was really good for.

And Manipulate sometimes felt artificial. Like just going up and cold-reading somebody and just knowing innately how to manipulate them or just being so charismatic that they just blindly follow whatever you wanted them to do regardless of how ridiculous it is (which would be a good custom or playbook move).

I felt like the player should have to have some leverage already in order to manipulate them. Which meant they had to talk to them and Read them or just already know what it is that can get them to do what you want them to do. But then I wondered what Manipulate was for because if they have leverage they don't really need to manipulate them, because a player can always choose to "not keep their promise". So really all I needed was a move that let the player find out what they needed to find out and the manipulation takes care of itself. And I went in circles.

That's what the real crux of this question is: can you escalate your demand after a refusal? If so, is it just the same Move again?

I think that the player in this scenario jumped the gun and now he has to deal with real consequences, maybe he should've Drawn him Out first or reinforced his position first. But also I think that +1 is awesome for now Drawing him Out at the point of your sword and getting the lord to say what it is he actually wants from you.

Like what Aaron Friesen said. You now know where the lord stands, he doesn't respect the sworn oath he made. Do something about it! (By Drawing him Out). Or get other lords to back you because they don't like that the lord is backing out of an oath (there's an adventure). Now that the situation has changed and you have some other lords backing your claim, I could see rolling for Claiming Your Right again. Or the MC can just decide that the lord isn't going to mouth off now, so he joins with you, but will probably backstab you the first chance he gets. And that's hot.

To tie it back in with what I said above: I actually prefer the way the moves work together now and they feel like they hold water now and flow from the fiction better.

I also think the problem is that Claim Your Right makes it sound like you can just claim whatever you want and on a successful roll you get it (like Manipulate does in AW). That would suck and make me cry.

AW:Dark Age / Re: I miss Going Aggro and Manipulate
« on: March 11, 2014, 11:18:23 PM »
But I don't think it covers "well now I pull out a sword, last chance, buddy." There's something else going on there.

I'm not entirely convinced that needs to be a move I guess. I wasn't sold on Going Aggro myself, I prefered Manipulate with the leverage of violence. But I could be convinced.

If you have the leverage he should fold, because you used the Draw Someone Out move. If you don't have that assurance and you escalate the situation to violence I think it's your choice on whether you kill him or the MC's on whether he backs down if the face of bared steel. But to me that is how manipulation feels like it should work anyway.

It's possible that "how could my character get the lord to swear fealty / join my cause" could be, by the MC's choice, "threatening him with death, but he will hate you for it" as the answer.

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