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Messages - WhoKnowsNotMe

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Re: Some conflict about highlighting stats.
« on: July 26, 2016, 12:17:38 AM »
Very useful replies, thank you! I feel more confident in telling them to "suck it up" as it were instead of letting them game the system. I'm definitely going to explain things in a similar way to how you laid it out because I was missing the point when trying to justify that system to them. We're all friends, we should be there to have fun and experience cool roleplay moments, not to "win".

Apocalypse World / Some conflict about highlighting stats.
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:49:37 PM »
So we're on our 5th session and everything is going pretty great except for highlighting stats. 4 of my 5 players are more of the power variety and the 1 is much more in-game oriented. The 4 want to highlight the other players best stats so they can get the most XP possible and get pretty upset if the 1 marks their -1 or -2 stat basically saying that it's a waste because they'll never use that stat anyway. I kind of feel both sides especially when you've got moves like roll+hard instead of cool when acting under fire; why would you ever roll +cool then? It's just become a real problem and I don't know how to mediate the situation as an MC, please help.

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