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Messages - Pristine

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Apocalypse World / Re: What does Hx reset mean in the fiction?
« on: October 01, 2015, 01:32:05 AM »
Yes, sorry for the off topic. Your answers were efficient and concise. Thank you all for the help.

Apocalypse World / Re: What does Hx reset mean in the fiction?
« on: September 30, 2015, 03:50:46 PM »
I'm a 100% lurker on Gente Che Gioca, so I know you of fame. To say it all, you people helped me discover this wonder. I'm so in love with the powered by the apocalypse, that I'm working on my own hack (trying to pitch it as a commercial game, published by Narrattiva. I bet it's a long road).
I posted this question because my biggest design concern was about choosing between the hx system and the strings system (in Monsterhearts). The strings system seemed more appropriate to the genre I was fiddling with (teenage piloting giant robots), since people screw over others all the time and veto things and relations are tools, but I also wanted some consistency in helping and inteferencing (being able to do it at will). But the reset system bugged me. So thanks for the help.
Would you mind helping me with the desing? The hack is about 60% completed already (but sorry for you, my english helpers, it's in italian for now). 

Apocalypse World / Re: What does Hx reset mean in the fiction?
« on: September 30, 2015, 03:28:23 PM »
We, in Italy, usually use the Hx reset custom move you can find at this link:

When someone else resets their Hx with you, choose 1:
* Tell them a secret about yourself.
* Tell them about some habit you have, annoying, endearing, or otherwise.
* Tell them how you are vulnerable.
* Tell them what you really think about something they care about.

The reason why this move is so common among Italian players is Narrattiva, the Italian Apocalypse World publisher, added it to the Italian rulebook as an example of custom move.

And I, too, find it very good. I saw something similar applied with Trust (Hx stat) in tremulus, but it slipped my notice, as this slipped. I'm italian too, y'know, but I bought the english version. Once I saw the good work done with the italian version, I realized the error of my ways :D

If you really want an IC way of expressing the idea, try this one on for size:

No one is ever actually closer to someone else, its all a matter of degrees. You can push someone away just as fast as you can pull someone in. You can pull them in close to stab them in the heart, or to bear yours and weep on their shoulder. Hx doesnt represent KNOWLEDGE at all. It represents the characters fickle focus of attention.

Hx is the building of experiences. When they manifest as a moment of your affected history (hit 3), mark an experience circle. This resets the Hx "clock" it has no bearing on the closeness between you and they, but those experiences have culminated in something, and that something is a peak. Afterwards your attention moves on to other things, and it takes awhile to refocus back on that person.

This is really good stuff. A very fitting IC way of expressing this. This kind-of solves my concers.

Apocalypse World / What does Hx reset mean in the fiction?
« on: September 29, 2015, 12:53:28 PM »
Could please someone explain me what means Hx reset in the fiction?
I understand it from a mechanical standpoint.
But on a such fiction-centered game like AW, I don't get how it works in the fiction.
Your Hx with someone is +3. Then it gets +1, going to +4, you reset it to +1 and mark experience.
So, you know this guy so well, that you are now experienced with the world and suddenly you don't know him as well as before?

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