brainstorming & development / Tales of New Gaia, a PBtA Hack in progress
« on: August 04, 2015, 05:42:14 PM »
Hey folks. I'm currently fleshing out the setting and backstory for a PBtA Hack, with the hopes of self-publishing it at some point.
It's called Tales of New Gaia, although the title may change. The basic idea of the game is that the characters are marooned on New Gaia, the only semi-habitable planet discovered by mankind. A series of unfortunate events back on Earth (still to be written, or maybe left up to the players) has left the relatively small population of New Gaia stranded with no way to get back to Earth.
The characters will be second or third generation pioneers and homesteaders who have come to New Gaia to start a new life. There are settlements that are maybe 50 to 100 years old at this point, some infrastructure, but mostly untamed wilderness. It would be much like the American frontier during the 19th century, except in a sci-fi setting.
Since there is no apocalyptic event, hence no Weird, I'm trying to figure out what might be a good replacement to add some mystery to the setting. I'm not keen on adding intelligent indigenous species to the mix. Maybe some sort of mutation caused by an unknown factor in New Gaia's environment.
Anyway, I'm really in the "writing down random notes" phase of this. I keep wanting to diving into making playbooks, but I feel like establishing the setting, even if it's not super detailed, should be my focus now.
I'll try and update with regularity. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
It's called Tales of New Gaia, although the title may change. The basic idea of the game is that the characters are marooned on New Gaia, the only semi-habitable planet discovered by mankind. A series of unfortunate events back on Earth (still to be written, or maybe left up to the players) has left the relatively small population of New Gaia stranded with no way to get back to Earth.
The characters will be second or third generation pioneers and homesteaders who have come to New Gaia to start a new life. There are settlements that are maybe 50 to 100 years old at this point, some infrastructure, but mostly untamed wilderness. It would be much like the American frontier during the 19th century, except in a sci-fi setting.
Since there is no apocalyptic event, hence no Weird, I'm trying to figure out what might be a good replacement to add some mystery to the setting. I'm not keen on adding intelligent indigenous species to the mix. Maybe some sort of mutation caused by an unknown factor in New Gaia's environment.
Anyway, I'm really in the "writing down random notes" phase of this. I keep wanting to diving into making playbooks, but I feel like establishing the setting, even if it's not super detailed, should be my focus now.
I'll try and update with regularity. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks!