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Messages - Darro

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Apocalypse World / Re: The Quiet Year as initial world-build
« on: April 16, 2015, 05:33:50 PM »
I kind of thought it would be in that place where the apocalypse has occurred, things are unsettling, but they haven't totally gone to pot.  I'm going to start a campaign doing this here pretty soon and I think that is what I will present. 

One question I would like feedback on is if I should have the world-building session first, or should I have them pick characters first?  Would them having their archetypes chosen detrimentally influence the process or would it make the social aspect of TQY more interesting.  I also wonder if it would more naturally create relationships/conflict between PCs by working together or sabotaging each others plans...

Apocalypse World / Re: The Quiet Year as initial world-build
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:33:35 PM »
It's kind of interesting because my game of TQY was at a convention, so going in, I really had no idea what the end game would be.  In the back of my mind I was thinking, " the end of our year, the year of peace will be over.  Then the shit will hit the fan, so we have to be ready," whereas everyone else was thinking about how to build and maintain a functional community. 

At one point, there was a 2nd group that we were sharing our abundance of pineapples with.  I know there isn't a ticker that says, you have 5000 pineapples, but I thought it was unfair for us to freely give pineapples to these people that were not giving us anything in return.  No one else really cared because we had infinite pineapples.  However, if those people knew that at the end of the session we would have to deal with the "others" exploiting our pineapple wealth, I think they maybe would've acted differently.  I'm hoping that people will think with a imminent pre-apocalyptic mindset....Like the guy that builds an underground vault that is filled with food-stores and a gun cache, and not the boy scout that self-sacrificially helps the elderly and dies in the first 20 minutes of the apocalypse. 

Apocalypse World / The Quiet Year as initial world-build
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:18:25 PM »
So I recently played a game called The Quiet Year, and initially thought that it could be a great starter for AW.  In a sentence, the game is a post-apocalyptic map building game that creates an area, some characters that inhabit it and conflict within.   I think this game could create an awesome shell that the MC and players can create together.

I've played AW quite a bit, but The Quiet Year only once.  Does anyone have more experience with it, and have any thoughts?  I feel like this could be a really beneficial tool to the initial fleshing out of your game.  If you want to check it out:

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