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Messages - Nebelwand

Pages: [1]
Monster of the Week / Re: Question concerning "Read A Bad Situation"
« on: September 10, 2015, 04:54:58 AM »
Great! Thank you for clarifying!

Monster of the Week / Question concerning "Read A Bad Situation"
« on: September 09, 2015, 05:31:50 AM »
In "Read A Bad Situation" (page 105) it says "What’s most vulnerable to me?". I am not a native speaker and probably therefore I understand this in two different ways and I am not sure which one is the right one.
Is it "What's the most dangerous thing/being for me here?" ("What can hurt me most easily?") If yes - where is the difference compared to "What’s the biggest threat?"? These two questions would be fairly similar.
Or is it "What thing/being can I hurt most easily?"?

Monster of the Week / Re: When and how to use weapon tags
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:19:30 PM »
Thank you very much, Mike!

Monster of the Week / When and how to use weapon tags
« on: March 21, 2015, 04:52:45 AM »
I am new to this system and I was wondering when and how you use certain weapon tags.
When do you tell a player that he needs to reload? Or how does a heavy weapon influence play? Does a player with a heavy or a slow weapon simply go last in a fight? If a weapon sets things on fire - how do you deal with that? Does the fire cause harm until you put it out? How would you put it out - with "Act under pressure" or would you just let the player tell you how he puts it out? Many questions... I know!
The unreliable tag is another one I am not sure about. Do you just tell a player that this time the weapon does not work?
Maybe I have missed something but some general advice on this would be very helpful!
Thanks in advance!

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