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Messages - Doordox

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Apocalypse World / Re: Question about Quarantine in Play
« on: May 09, 2016, 12:32:46 AM »
My player selected that mainly as it was listed on the character sheet, neither he nor I had any real intimation what it means. However I now have a better understanding of the open your brain move, and can see it functioning in play a little more interestingly. Though we might change it to "When rolling cool in combat" or something, refine the specifics a little so the big string of rolls doesn't completely snowball every time cool or hard is rolled.

As for the 2nd ed stuff, I haven't gotten around to getting a copy yet. I will probably take  a look at it when I run out of willpower and track it down or when this upcoming campaign ends.

Apocalypse World / Re: Question about Quarantine in Play
« on: May 04, 2016, 02:31:24 PM »
That is what I was imagining. Thank you. And that's an interesting tidbit to know about 2nd ed. I'm not sold on it yet (I like the simplicity of 1st edition currently) but I'll have to wait for it to come out to be sure.

Apocalypse World / Question about Quarantine in Play
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:44:44 PM »
Hello folks!

I've begun working with my gaming group on an AW 1st edition session (play reports to come as they happen,) and while I'm confident in my storytelling abilities, there is something that both myself and one of my players is a little confused about:

They've decided to play a Quarantine, which is well and fine with me: I've always felt Quarantine was one of the coolest classes from a storytelling perspective. But then they pointed out this little chunk on their character sheet I've never quite understood.

When you emerged from stasis, the world’s psychic maelstrom rushed in on you. Roll+hard. On a 10+, you were able to receive it without succumbing to it; you have weird-1. On a 7–9, you were able to hold it off; you have weird-nil. You are unable to open your brain to the world’s psychic maelstrom; getting +1weird will give you weird=0. On a miss, it overcame you; you have weird+1, and in addition choose 1:

Whenever you act under fire, you open your brain as well (roll+weird as always).

Whenever you read a person, you open your brain as well (roll+weird as always).

The MC must always highlight your weird

My player selected the first option: When acting under fire, you open your brain as well. I'm fine with this mechanically (Two rolls are made, rolling cool with this selected simply forces the player to Open Their Brain.) but how does this work in the fiction? How have you justified this/explained this in your games (variations of the psychic maelstrom taken into account)?

Apocalypse World / Re: How Much to Prepare?
« on: March 05, 2015, 02:33:45 AM »
I've read all of your advice coming out of a smaller, two PC game. I feel that I understand the basics of the system for the most part. More study! More study is allways needed (while I feel confodent in my grasp of the system, implementing MC moves for certain things, like missing a roll, is kinda shaky) Yet, I feel a driving force as to why I get a little bogged down is the comfort level of my players. Now, some of them are actors, and most of them have played rpg's before to some extent, but most of them came from rule heavy systems like D&D. Most players assume that the MC should have all the awnsers, and because of this they shrink back from making big, interesting decisions. I had a fantastic time during this session, but I often found myself prompting the players with suggestions and even truly they'd say "Yeah, I say that," or "Yeah, that's what I do." Don't get me wrong, our session was amazing (I'm looking forward to corrupting my unsuspecting Quarantine into a champion gladiator), and yet I still feel that I'm falling flat as a MC. (Edit: to be more specific about the players, I feel they aren't pushing for where they aren't in control. Is it simply a matter of asking the right questions, throwing them off the deep end?) I agree, I need to play more AW from the other side of the table, but none of my friends are really able to take over, and finding games in my area's hard given the indie nature of the game. You all have given me a lot to mull over as I prepare for my big official full campaign.

Apocalypse World / How Much to Prepare?
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:46:14 PM »
Hi guys! Long time reader, first time writer. I have a question about prep.

So, some months ago I ran a session of AW, my first and only one. I had a Mastero'D, a Faceless, and a Savvyhead in a enclosed jungle roadway town. I assumed that I could create the world these people lived in with their help (and I was successful in this endeavor. World building is something I enjoy emmensly.) However, when it came down to actually giving the PC's shit to do.... I fell flat. I had few ideas for encounters, NPC's or even hooks to keep them interested. (It wasn't a very fun game, I have yet to play with that group since.) Now I'm looking to start up another game through roll 20, and yet I am still plagued by this. How much do I prep? Should I go in with a clearly defined world? Or should I have potential plots or enemies prepared? How do I keep the players interested, get them to *adventure*?

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