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Messages - Shjade

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Re: Playbook focus: The Operator
« on: April 25, 2014, 02:49:05 AM »

(Cowboy Bebop is another Operator crew, though none of its members are actually Operators.)

Another Operator crew is the crew in the Black lagoon with Revy as the Gunlugger, Benny as the Savvyhead, Dutch as the possible Operator. Though what Rock is I'm not sure. Possible an Quarantine, sort of.

Honestly just registered out of a compulsive need to help categorize some things, if only to then assist in my own improved understanding of how these things work (just getting started in AW - my apologies for dredging things up a bit, by the way; only just discovered all these immensely helpful playbook focus threads).

Cowboy Bebop doesn't have an Operator. What it has is a number of other playbooks (could argue for Battlebabe, Gunlugger, Driver, Skinner - they're a pretty mixed bag) who happen to have improved into taking gigs and Moonlighting.

Second, regarding Black Lagoon and Rock's uncertain place, as odd as it might sound, I think he'd be the Battlebabe. Think about it: he pulls off the most ridiculous stunts "under fire," keeps a cool head when he has to talk Revy down from her rampages, has no "hard" talent whatsoever...he's the cool head in the group above all else. When everything else has hit the fan, Rock's the one who, somehow, comes up with the plan to save the day. Even if that plan requires everyone else's efforts to pull off.

Oh, one more: earlier someone mentioned Mal, Badger and Niska could all be considered Operators. To a certain degree, yes, perhaps...but in the case of Niska in particular, I think Hardholder would be more appropriate. This isn't a man in need of connections to make his way; this is a guy with an almost literal fortress from which he commands his forces to do his bidding. Operators (like Mal, let's say) work for him.

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